Tuesday, April 28, 2020

New Health Alert For Coronavirus For Children

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a new twist in the biological weapon of Coronavirus Wuhan,  which has developed in the United Kingdom and centers around children, showing up in hospital, with severe intestinal problems and enlarged hearts.
The clinical names are Kawasaki Syndrome or Toxic Shock Syndrome, in which the body exhibits severe inflammation, but his one has British medical experts stymied as some of the children are not testing positive for Coronavirus, so the authorities have not any idea what this pathogen is.

“It has been reported that, over the last three weeks, there has been an apparent rise in the number of children of all ages presenting with a multi-system inflammatory state requiring intensive care across London and also in other regions of the UK,” the NHS said in a letter Sunday to doctors, according to a report from the Health Service Journal.

The best way to understand this medical mystery is to understand that the body inflames in order to protect itself. In this case, something is attacking the heart muscle and something is in the intestines, which the body is attempting to flush out as diarrhea.
With Staph infections, there is a toxin produced by the bacteria, which causes the poisoning.

Staphylococcal enteritis
Staphylococcal enteritis is an inflammation that is usually caused by eating or drinking substances contaminated with staph enterotoxin. The toxin, not the bacterium, settles in the small intestine and causes inflammation and swelling. This in turn can cause abdominal pain, cramping, dehydration, diarrhea and fever.More at Wikipedia

The poisoning of the body, develops toxic shock syndrome, which manifests in fevers, rashes, skin pealing and other attempts by the body to shield itself from the poison.

The Lame Cherry brings this back to source. This Coronavirus is a biological weapon and was meant to be spread in lethal strains by oral ingestion. The severe cases this blog maintains are from people inadvertantly ingesting the viral entity from infected people wiping shit on their hands, not washing, or rectal draining on seats, thereby other people touch this, and eat the contaminated shit of the infected.

Human shit is on everything in public. It is disgusting, and McDonalds is a case in point of what this blog is driving at.

I just inquired on this, so this is a Lame Cherry exclusive, and what inquiry pointed to, is in the intestine, the biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan, does not attach itself to bacteria, but is designed to have good bacteria attach itself to the virus. It weaponizes healthy bacteria. This is what is causing the problem in these mutant or super bacteria.

This is a link on the inner workings of bacteria in your intestines. Note the part of pairing with virus and fungi. Coronavirus takes healthy pairings in your system and makes them toxic in other people.

The reality of this is,  this bioweapon does not change, it is the unique microbiota of each human family unit, which attaches to the virus, and it becomes death to everyone else, like a blood transfusion with the wrong antigens, but in this case it is gut organisms.

Your body is loaded with trillions of bacteria. Paired with other tiny organisms like viruses and fungi, they make what’s known as the microbiota, or the microbiome. The mix of bacteria in your body is unique to you. It’s determined partly by your mother’s microbiota and partly by your diet and lifestyle. Between 300 to 500 different kinds containing nearly 2 million genes live in your gut.

This is what inquiry points to. I know I am not going to get my million dollar Nobel Prize for solving this by God's Grace and I have no idea if the trolls will ever figure this out in the complexity of this bioweapon.

The lesson is, do not eat shit.

It is though another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
