Thursday, April 30, 2020

I will pass on the Fuck offer

...and now for something completely different.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Every time I get my hopes up, like every Asian and Caucasian, as our secret desire is to have a sexual experience with a Negress, something like this happens.

Rutgers prof: 'Fuck each and every Trump supporter'

Like all of you, we have these Chris Matthews leg tingles, as we just know that that a Rutger Professor, all Blackoid, is just wearing glasses, a pin stripe suit, standing at the chalkboard lecturing, and wanting us to stay after class for being naughty for some discipline, and then we get to see who is offering sex...............

...............and it all comes crashing to Michelle Obama, two state sized ugly, with Whoopie Goldberg nightmares, of repulsive.

I mean didn't Rutgers watch Star Trek?  Didn't the Dean get wood over Uhurah that would turn a fag into a pussy pounding maniac like all men were turned into, over that sexy Negress.

Nichelle Nichols is just gorgeous sexy, all in a brilliant, thoughtful, womanly package. Who has not dreamed of having her beam me up to her Scottie?

Then there is like Prince, you know the greatest rock star ever. You know if Kayne West could play guitar he would be Prince, but Prince when he needed hotness, he tapped Apollonia Kotero. That woman caused more blue balls than championship wrestling smackdowns.

.....and how about Jennifer Beals. Lord God that woman is the answer to a virgin boys prayer. She is like Eddie Money's song in Shakin' in she could snap her fingers and make you cum.

........and Renee Tennison. WOW, and she came in a twin package out of Idaho. Absolute perfection in is she is not the Professor who could teach us to have our wet dreams come true.

Instead of all that gorgeous, we get a thing not like Stacy Dash.

Just once I would like to order a Russian bride and not have her weigh 369 pounds as she has 250 pound boyfriend who came along who is part of the Russian mafia. Just once I would like to be the one who gets the IRS refund of 12 billion dollars, instead of the 1200 dollar check, 500 bucks short of TL being a dependent.
Just once I would like a hot Black chic to be offering it up, and some commie college had hired a hot Black chic, instead of something that.......... I mean DAMN IT ALL TO HELL, talk about false advertising in her name is Brittney Cooper. Geez Louise a name like that.....she should look like Bradley Cooper at least with 40 DD chest.

Brittney Cooper. I don't remember any slave owners named Cooper with plantations, and I sure as hell do not know any White man that damned ugly to throw quadroons like that. I mean who were these "White Men" that fathered things like Michelle Robinson, Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King.......... I mean you could look like Hulk Hogan, hump an orangutan, and that would still turn out looking like Tina Louise from Gilligan's Island, so how can you have slave owners, banging some Ivory Coast Negroids and they turn out like Brittney Cooper?
How about Amarosa, now that is one gorgeous powerful woman. I can think of lots of hot Afroids females out there, so where did all these two state ugly people come from? Not like Plantation Pete stood around and banged the Negress who looked so ugly cotton plants wilted when she came around.

Rutgers has obviously poor standards and the worst of it is, that this Brittney Cooper neglects that it was Obama who turned the Black and Mexican dope trade over to MS 13, it was Obama who left Blacks to murder each other and to rot in prison in the millions for Wall Street dope laundering and it was Obama who created the Black Genocide by replacing Blacks with Mexicans.

None of that matters though, as this is about turning down the offer for sex with Brittney Cooper.
As Campus Reform previously reported, Cooper said Christian conservatives worship an "asshole" God with “nothing holy, loving, righteous, inclusive, liberatory theologically sound about him.” She also said that Trump's policies are responsible for black female obesity.  

It simply is impossible to be aroused, when one is holding back retching, which feels like one has eaten the rotten blubber of the Baleen whale, covered with bad clam sauce that a rat fell into, and a Mexican coofed Coronavirus all over.

 Le sigh

No thank you for the offer to copulate with you Brittney, but you have an ugly that hurts the soul. It is of benefit to you though, as of yet Coronavirus has shown it has limits in it will not infect Afroids who are so ugly they have a warning label from the Surgeon General.

Nuff Said.
