Friday, May 1, 2020

Corona Side Effects

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As was covered here, to deal with Coronavirus, in not getting it, I posted a Harvard Study in taking selenium, as it had worked for Ebola in studies.

In publishing this, I also when people started dying of heart attacks, and it was known that zinc helped with Chloroquine, I added Magnesium oxide, zinc, potassium, B 12, selenium, pterostilbene, along with my Vitamin D.

It was reported back to me, that a male who had "getting up to pee in the night" or feeling like they had to go like a race horse at times, noted that after a few weeks of this, they no longer had that feeling.
It amazed them that they would get up, and go a great deal, and not feel like they really had to go.

I am passing this along as many men have prostrate problems or inflammation, and it appears in this anecdote that something in this mineral combination is helping with this problem that older males have in numbers.

I am just passing this along, but there was one positive side effect of the Coronavirus.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
