Monday, April 27, 2020

It Never Rains In Southern Coronafornia

After appearing to level off for a time, the number of COVID-19 cases reported in Los Angeles County rose at a rapid clip over the past week

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This past weekend I posted for the archives a story on Herd Immunity, in which I take Victor David Hanson to task, and assured everyone that California's time is coming, after it negated the Chinese strain of Coronavirus.

This weekend, California began the upswing in the Kobe Bryant ghettos of LA County.

Overall, black people continue to be among the highest COVID-19 fatalities in L.A. County, with 13 deaths per 100,000 people, compared with 9.5 for Latinos, 7.5 for Asians and 5.5 for whites, public health officials said.
Officials also revealed that those who live in lower-income communities in L.A. County are three times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those in wealthier communities. Neighborhoods where 30% to 100% of the residents live in poverty have seen about 16.5 deaths per 100,000 people, compared with 5.3 deaths per 100,000 in communities where less than 10% of residents live in poverty, they said.

I desired to explain all of this, as the deliberate spread of this virus, has gone in America from Chinese, Italians, Blacks, and is progressing with the Mexicans. California and other states, especially Texas, whose numbers are low, have not yet been infected with the Mexican strain, as South Dakota and Nebraska are reeling over. Project the low population numbers of South Dakota and Nebraska onto the mass populations of California and Texas, having Spanish and Indian mongrel lines, and that is when this epidemic in America will finally mirror New York and the great rending in China.

The way I am reading this thinking virus is, there is the Mirror lethal strain. There is the inoculate strain. There are the deadly Italian, Negroid, Persian and emerging Latin strain. Each affect their sub genus with deadly results.
This is important to understand, in California had the inoculate. With the Negroid and Mexicanoid strains emerging in LA County, that indicates the inoculate strain DOES NOT PROTECT from these designer Coronavirus strains meant for these groups.

Governor Kirsti Noem of South Dakota has had Mexicans dropping dead, but has produced a recovery for them using Chloroquine. When push comes to shove though, there is not going to be enough Chloroquine for saving Blacks or Mexicans, a choice will have to be made in saving American Afroids or foreign Mexicans. The curve on the Blacks is peaking sooner, but the plateau will kill Negroids long after the peak, and the Mexicans have not begun to peak yet.

These dirty Mexicans have brought along with unwashed Blacks the virus into nursing homes, affecting all human species. There will continue to be a White death rate, but the numbers are moving from the Italian and White communities, and into the Afroid and Mexicanoid groups.

Nursing homes alone account for 40% of coronavirus deaths in the county, and there have been new efforts to increase testing and health regulations at the facilities.

These ethnics are still going to be shitting on  their hands, and spreading it on carts, doors and food, which will infect the unfortunate White, but this is shifting and what happened in Sioux Falls South Dakota is moving south and west. Figure the time line as this released virus in a Mexican began 2 weeks before Easter. On Easter the Mexicans of South Dakota had moved to Nebraska, and now Nebraska is surging. This depended on when another release takes place or Pepe migrates his way like rats to new sanctuary. I have not inquired past the original, but the dynamics of this are certain and are following projections.
The epidemic has not yet begun in the United States, as the Coronacaust Deniers have employed trolls to demand their states open. Opening States means thee infected Mexicans will be coming in.

I will have to if I have time, inquire on this, but for these Mexican vermin in America, it is still February in Seattle in this is just starting.

COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire in Mexican cities along the United States border, yet transit between the countries has increased dramatically, flouting State Department travel restrictions issued to keep the virus from spreading. A few weeks ago Judicial Watch reported that southern border crossings are hotbeds of traffic that are jeopardizing the health of federal agents charged with screening the influx and potentially spreading the virus to American communities. The problem is only getting worse, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources, who say traffic is so bad that wait times in some crossings can take up to six hours. That is because thousands in border states, especially Arizona, are taking daily jaunts to Mexico to have lunch or dinner, shop, visit family and get haircuts in the middle of the pandemic. Many return to the U.S. the same day, creating a gridlock that must be screened by CBP officers.
In the Mexican city of Sonora, near the southwest Arizona town of San Luis, COVID-19 is so rampant that an overwhelmed hospital was shut down not far from the jam-packed San Luis border crossing. Mexican media reports that a nurse died at the facility, Hospital de San Luis Rio Colorado, and more than 30 doctors and nurses are sick with the virus.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

