Monday, April 27, 2020

My Bologna has a first name - C O R O N A

In 1962 Oscar Meyer took care of Americans with jobs
and put out colouring books for what Mexicans really are.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well are not the Mexican plague spreaders not just the gift which keeps on giving from the Chicom PLA.

Yes thee hottest plague spot in America, the liberal Obama faggot KELO stronhold of Sioux Falls SD, of Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities profits has passed a milestone which just absolutely delights the Lame Cherry.

Why the delight?

Remember this began 2 weeks before Easter, when a Mexican import, to a Chicom hog slaughter plant brought in Coronavirus, and by the first incubation he had infected 150 beaners. As of two weeks the one beaner has killed 5 more people, hospitalized hundreds, is infecting 200 a day, and the cherry number is 1000 cases operating in one liberal metro on a revolving door.

Mexicans are running up a hospital hotel bill of 96,000 dollars a day, and 2.8 million dollars a month for Sioux Falls, and that money is coming out of your federal and insurance tax dollars for your care.

Kristi Noem's Chloroquine is producing recoveries, but these goddamn Mexicans get infected easier than getting a wet back.

The real prize in this are these headlines:

These goddamn equal opportunity corporates and PRESS 1 for SPANISH, have been hiring these dirty Mexicans in human jobs, and guess what happened? Pepe came home covered in pig blood, stuck his sperm in Conchita with infected Coronavirus, and Conchita went to the White people employment areas, too a shit in the company restroom, did not use toilet paper as why use ass wipe when you got Corona Diarrhea, didn't wash her hands, but instead wipe shit streaks all over the doors, the coffee machines, the vending machines and the computers, and transferred the Mexican Coronavirus to the White People.

I just love this as you were warned about keeping these foreign pets around, and now the Beaner Blitz is running the Mexican Shit Snacks to the Caucasoids.

Coronavirus in Sioux Falls: Win Chill employees test positive for COVID-19

I hope all these goddamn corporations who replaced American with foreigners go bankrupt. I hope they get Corona. I hope their nuts rot off, and I hope their wives all get boned by Coons as these suits sit in wheelchairs coofing the last of their lungs out.

Where are the calls in this from those on the Right demanding that not just China, but Mexico, and every goddamn treacherous corporation and business, be made to pay restitution for the testing, the hospitalization, the lockdowns and all of us having to pay to cremates these diseased goddamn plague carrying vermin.
This is costing America 6 trillion dollars for having these foreign pets, and these corporations made money hand over ass, getting rid of Americans and bringing in this foreign trash. I want Disney sued. I want John McCain's corpse sued. I want the butcher plants sued for causing this epidemic in the United States and I want Birther Hussein Obama sued, his shemale wife and adopted daughters put to work paying off their share of this 6 trillion dollar fiasco.

I hope Sioux Falls South Dakota becomes a ghost town. I hope they line the fences with the skulls of the dead. I hope Donald Trump nukes the area just to burn out the shit spread virus which is now flowing into the Big Sioux, which flows into the Missouri, which flows into the Mississippi and all those people downstream get a good shower of Coronavirus and a big gulp of Wuhan from their tap.

You wanted these goddamn foreign pets for the Genocide of Americans, and now the tables have turned by God's Grace. May God use this pandemic to restore his Protestants to power in a Christ centered America.

Hire some more of them goddamn foreigners to coof on your Grandma, hire some more to coof on your take out, hire the goddamn things to sit their infected asses in the job service chair which you will be sitting in next.

May the Sioux Falls lesson be brought home and crawdad that old devil up the ass for this Faustian sale of thee American Soul.

The glam of this is, no one has to do a damn thing, as that would only get Americans in trouble. The Chicoms and the Mexicans are going it all, along with the American inner circle. It is eating their slave state alive and all that needs to be done is to sit back, pop a beer and just enjoy every delicious moment in this as the tables have turned.

Sioux Falls is coming to your communities. If you have these dirty foreigners, they will infect each other and bring that infection to the white collar Whites, as what happens in Sioux Falls is not staying in Sioux Falls.

Nuff Said
