Friday, April 24, 2020

Just whose Corona Money is it?

Coof Coof Mitch Baby

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the recent small business assistance which the US Senate passed in a second multi billion dollar wave, I was most interested in something the Coofer, Mitch McConnell said after the bill was passed unanimously.

McConnell drawled on as he does and said,"We just can't keep giving money away and we need to get America working again".

I'm sure this just made George Noory's nutsack swell in anticipation, but there was something more interesting in this statement which offended the Lame Cherry.

Yearly we read of the plunder of Congress for their Conglomerate Cronies, who spend a trillion on defense, a trillion on welfare and a trillion on just stealing money for things we are told we are not supposed to ask about. These entitlements are all kosher like foreign aid which runs out of America like shit out of Mexican feeding a barrel of peppers.

For the first time, in as long as I can remember, Americans actually got something out of the government. 1200 dollar checks, and I'm still wondering where in the hell is mine, but Americans got something when they were in trouble.
That is novel in this country as Americans never get jack or shit, while the powerful get trillions.

See what most of you have forgotten is this is YOUR MONEY. The government should not be confiscating it at these rates, if there is not a use, or if someone is stealing it. Speaking of stealing it, there is at least 21 trillion dollars missing from the Treasury. It is not missing, it was stolen and it is sitting in the powerful peoples bank accounts.

So when Mitch McConnell says the government can not afford to give Americans their own money back. When Mitch McConnell forgets this is the very people's money in the first place, Mitch McConnell and these conglomerate cronies need to be reminded that this is the public's money and to the very last cent they deserve every dollar back, and if Mitch McConnell does not think that there is any money for Americans..........there is 21 trillion dollars to start with.

There is more than that, that the British finally swindled back from America for World War II, lend lease, which the United States spends on defending socialist Europeans.......that money must come back to Americans too.

As far as China, yes all they looted from America, the technology they stole, must return to Americans too.

The point in this is, is this is YOUR MONEY. Mitch McConnell and Charles Schumer are doing no one any favors when this money returns to Americans, as it was confiscated from Americans.

So Coofer McConnell and all these types even on the left, better understand that Americans can afford 150 trillion dollars as that is what is floating around out there in the 1% bank accounts. It is time that money comes home to American's personal bank accounts TAX FREE as it is their money to begin with.

That statement above is the last thing the cartel ever wants published. It is the reality though, and if Americans began demanding their money back, things would get very interesting in this world.

As this is the season of Coronavirus, that is our money, and I want it all back for every American. I want Mitch McConnell reminded of that, along with his conglomerate owners. The only reason they are giving you back a little bit of money, is to try and bribe you, so you do not start a revolution. That is how close to the edge all of this is.

Remember it is all your money, and there is a whole lot more that should be coming to you, as you already worked for it, bled for it and died for it, as you paid taxes on it all.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
