Friday, April 24, 2020

This Day ACV, After Corona Virus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Christina Cuomo Says She Took Clorox Bleach Baths to Combat Coronavirus   cnsnews

That must make for one leathery snatch, that you have to use saddle soap to keep it form squeaking when you walk.

Tom Hanks to bullied 8-year-old named Corona: 'You got a friend in me'   latimes

Talk is cheap Tom Hanks, how about handing over a few million to this 8 year old so he can buy friends like you do........or are you the kind of cheap ass friend everyone has too many of.

Anderson Cooper: 'Embarrassed' Trump 'Lying' About Disinfectant Remarks   mediaite 

I don't think gerbils up bum is a cure for coronavirus Anderson, but as Mrs. Cuomo peals her skin with bleach, maybe Anderson could enema up up the ass Chlorox for the things he has reamed up there.

David Rockefeller, “Mr. Globalist,” Dead at 101   newam 

I thought he died before, like years ago.

Navy recommends reinstatement of fired carrier captain   latimes 

Great idea, as he created a 2 billion dollar pandemic ghost ship, warned the world the ship is useless, infected more people than a Chinaman, and why not just make him Secretary of the Navy as he did such a great job.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Defends Decision To Keep State Open   wz

She created allot of good Mexicans. Dead ones.

Ted Cruz Warns ‘We Cannot Spend Our Way Out’ Of Coronavirus Crisis   caller 

Tell that to the welfare crisis, the Pentagon crisis and the checks you politicians cash for all you do.


Virus-linked increase in US online activity raises fear of anti-Semitic violence   timesofisrael 

Yeah got to protect those Jews who are locked in their homes, from others locked in their homes, as that kind of long distance violence is why prisons are full of people beating each other up from 500 yards away.

China locks down city of 11 million as infections
spread - Sweden death rate surges past US as
'non-lockdown' approach disintegrates

Well that turned out well in lying about cases in China and treating Coronavirus like shoving a Swedish gerbil up a queer's ass.


You know, no one has asked if Sweden would have been saved if Andres Breivik had succeeded in killing all of these liberals in Sweden when he was auditioning to be their Hero.

 Oh that's right, he is from Norway, and Norway has a very low pandemic death rate. I doubt Norway will thank him, pardon him, and give him his choice a pony, virginal bride and estate, with room for a pony and virginal bride.

Nuff Said
