Friday, April 24, 2020

Let the Quilt be with you.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Growing up, we had these old horse blanket quilts which never had been washed. They had batting, but it probably was soaked with plague from measles to the croop, as you could not turn over under the heavy things and you froze to death under them.

It is a wonder I survived.

As I type this, I have a "pet blanket" and from the Puntz reaction in going jungle in trying to piss on it, it must have been somewhere that cats had a home.

I had it out on the line in 20 below cold to kill things in it, as it just smells of old people things, but it amazes me as this is an expensive quilt, in good shape and I got it for 3 dollars.

Most of these quilts disappear when people have puppies. There is a gal who descends on the thrift shop and hauls them out by the arm fulls. I would think she would wash them, but maybe it is puppy pee heaven and it is just easier to throw them away.
Be easier to put down the quilt, then a plastic cover, with a sheet over the top, as that is what I do for baby calves.

That is why this quilt arrived. Kind of funny really in I picked up two for 5 bucks, one was a hospital blanket......I don't know how people steal all those hospital blankets, but they end up in the thrift store.
I got one for a blanket, and I had it on the bed, for when Poot has accidents, so in seeing the new one was in better shape than the one I had on the bed, that went down for baby calf, and the other will be washed for human and hopefully future puppy use.

I was doing my inventory of quilts and I have quite a few, at least by my count. Certainly better than that shit the mother had. She slept under a sleeping bag for some reason. I can still see her scowling at me buying things at the thrift when they were cheap. Yeah, now I have nice things which are cheap and I don't have to resort to the shit she always was pissing around with.

That is the clue for things in I pick up pet blankets and most are better quilts than most people have. I don't give a damn if geezer relative croaked under them. Not like death is catchy after all and I can pretend I am unaware. It is just nice to have a pile of quilts that do not cost together, more than one quilt does. I do have some monster brand name ones and they are the kind you crawl under and just get toasty warm in a hurry and drift off to sleep.

In writing this, I had at one time, a very nice French wool military blanket. Was huge, heavy and soft wool. Of course the mother got a hold of it and it disappeared. I will have to locate that again.

So if you are rich, keep buying the expensive stuff, as some asshole went through the thrift and bought up all the granny diapers. That sucks as I needed them for that baby calf in pee catching. But that is the way it goes, some asshole thinks they can resell them or will not have to buy geezer parent the diapers. Thing is they buy so damn many of those things that the geezer dies, and they end up not using them anyway. I mean how many goddamn Depends can a dying person use. Not like they can go through a supply that covers the wall like insulation.

But for poor like me, think about the pet blankets. No I don't mean in some shit hole good will like in the metro, as that shit all is like Mexican nits. Just fine a nice store and keep checking it. I know my nice store is so nice that it has gotten way to popular. It will be the point in the rich vermin parading around will have their fill and then the quarter sales will all be mine, and I do go through times I get piles of things for a few bucks because people stop shopping.

Anway, God bless and may the quilt be upon you.
