Monday, April 27, 2020

Am I Thy Beaner's Keeper

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across this post on invaders to the United States deported back to their homelands, and then were reportedly killed or murdered.

These stories always are one dimensional in scope, designed to produce a scenario for the operation to genocide White and Black American Protestants by overthrowing them.

The Lame Cherry on that basis, is going to ask you some questions, for you think about as you read about the 138 dead.

Do these 138 Latinos have the right to leverage you out of the way, to take your chance at a home, buying a car, or having food?

Do these people have the right to not be vaccinated and bring TB, sex diseases, Measles or plague into your community to kill your children as they get a new American life for free?

Do these people, who are not Americans have the right to welfare which they get because you worked and put money into that fund?

Do these people have the right to be conduits to gangs like MS13 which follow them?

Do these people have the right to take less in wages, getting you fired, taking your job, and then send that money back to Latin nations to fund those socialist orders, and not put that money back into schools, hospitals and public services like police?

At least 138 people deported from the United States to El Salvador since 2013 have been killed, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch, which investigates human rights abuses worldwide.
The 117-page report also says researchers identified at least 70 deportees who were sexually assaulted, tortured or kidnapped. Many victims were asylum-seekers attacked or killed by the gangs they originally fled.
The findings show that “the U.S. is repeatedly violating its obligations to protect Salvadorans from return to serious risk of harm,” Human Rights Watch says.
The group used court records, police reports, interviews with victims and their families and news articles to document the fates of deportees. It is the first systematic effort to find out what happened to Salvadorans whose asylum claims were rejected in U.S. immigration courts because they failed to demonstrate “credible fear” of violence in El Salvador.

These invaders, immigrants and slave VISA workers, are getting an America for free, an America which taxed Citizens trillions to secure, and hundreds of thousands have died for. Why is it that Americans had to bleed, sweat and die, and do not have health care, a comfortable retirement and their bills paid, and these foreigners have advocates who expect America to be handed over to them.

Where does it say in the Constitution that the United States owes any foreigner a thing or a way into the United States? All of this is coming from conglomerates who put the screws to you and use cheap foreigners to not pay you a good wage.

I have a question for you. What do you do if someone threatens you? You call 911.

What if the police are not going to help? You probably move of fight back right?

If you move, do you go to El Salvador or somewhere in the United States? Yes you do not leave America, but what happens if you can not move? You fight back with guns to protect yourself.

The thing is for those who say the Latins can not fight back.......well George Washington could not fight back and would have been hung like all the White Founders, who lost everything, and they picked up a gun, organized, and fought back against England.
Americans did not flee to Mexico, or France or Germany. They stayed and they fought, without an guarantees.

El Salvador had gangs, has thug squads we are told, so there are guns. So any of these 138 if their lives mattered to them, they could have stolen a gun or smashed their murderer over the head when they were asleep or drunk and gotten a gun. As there were 138 of them, that sounds like a good sized force to take over a province, and build a real movement on Constitutional order.

The thing is does America really want people who will not fight for their lives or their Latin nation, but cut and run. And who are these 138? Are the communists, which many are. Does America need more Bernie Sanders thugs threatening people who do not vote for Bernie? Does America need more Latins who are like sheep and exploited by gangs hiding in their beaner barrios making life dangerous for police and all of us?

That is the Lame Cherry point in this. These foreigners, NONE OF THEM are worth a damn. None of them stood up and fought for anything in their nations, but they come here, expecting to take my food, my gas, my home and my guns, by making them all to expensive as America has over 100 million of these vermin prowling around the nation,  being used to overthrow Republican states.

California was just ordered to remove millions of fraud registered voters. That is the kind of margin that Hillary Clinton said she won the general election with, and the kind of margin Obama stole two elections with.

I have absolutely no problem like Ronald Reagan in the United States helping out Contras to establish a Republican form of Government in every Latin nation, hell in China and Iran. What I am against are all of these non Americans, who never will be Christmas Bible Protestant Christians who God blessed in establishing a nation that worked in the cesspool of despots raping the world, are being poured in to genocide Americans, Black and White.

So 138 culls were murdered or killed in El Salvador. They would have brought death to Americans by displacing Americans, or bringing disease or their Jesuit or Marxist control, obliterating the Constitution.

138 people who would not even fight for their own lives. 138 who were not moved enough to join the death squads, do what needed to be done, take over and build a Republic. None of these vermin have the will to do what it takes to have Bloody Feet at Valley Forge or to stand up like Confederates and die for State's Rights.

My former Principal's son in law, died of some Latin flu which killed him in days, like it did others which I reported on here. That man left a wife, children and a farm. No one is making an issue of him, save the Lame Cherry, as there are thousands of Americans who have died because of everything from Obama Suicide in White People losing all hope of the American Dream to the Americans murdered and raped by foreigners, and no one gives a propaganda damn about them, save this blog.

As I stated, if the United States wants to tax terror states like Iran, and then use that money to buy American made rifles and bullets, to hand out to Latins who have the guts to die for their nation ,whether they are killing off the 138 ilk or real thugs and gangs, the Lame Cherry is all for this. The United States policy should be to RFID tag these beaners in the brain, and tell them, if they show up here again they will be dumped in the ocean to swim back, but they get a gun a loaded clip, and they better do their dying down in their shit hole and make it a Republic as America is not the international nipple for vermin to suckle the milk meant for Americans who pay for it all.

No one is stating this, and President Donald Trump has let Americans down in not engaging in a policy to create Republics in Latin America, as Ronald Reagan did, and Bush fam led the way to rape them with George Soros, turning them into communist shit holes, causing all of these problems.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, in the way American Policy should be.

Coronavirus has proven this blog correct, as the infected are now in the United States.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus has become the Mexican Plague

Nuff Said
