Friday, April 24, 2020

Nebraska Admits Foreigners Are Plague Spreaders

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a wonderful thing that Birther Hussein Obama placed the pandemic quarantine in the heartland of the United States, as the foreign worker slave state of Nebraska is exploding with the new hotspot of Coronavirus cases, supplanting Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, as Nebraska has the plague spreaders throughout the state.

Coronavirus hot spots are cropping up in smaller Nebraska communities with large manufacturing or meatpacking plants, like Grand Island and Lexington. The workforce in those plants includes Latinos, Somalis, Sudanese and, in Omaha, several ethnic groups from Myanmar. Nearly one-third of Grand Island residents are Latino, and roughly 60% of Lexington residents.

The Navajo Nation, spread out across three southwestern states, also is currently battling a major coronavirus outbreak.

Yes the Navajos are not in Nebraska, but they are the same group of low DNA resistance to
Coronavirus, which is bankrupting these states, as these plague spreaders are the coming wave problem for the United States.

Data from Iowa shows that black and Latino residents there are getting sick at a disproportionate rate. Four percent of Iowa residents are black, and roughly 6 percent are Latino. But 14.2% of those with confirmed coronavirus cases are black, and 21.3% of those testing positive are Latino. The race or ethnicity of almost 16% of people is unknown. 

Exactly as this blog predicted would take place is now generating across the United States. Iowa is surging. Minnesota is surging. California is surging and it is the ghetto dwellers who are the plague spreaders.

It is asstards like this, who have been hiding that the plague spreaders are foreigners and minorities and now this is coming to bite the United States in the ass, as these nits are still making excuses, with the ludicrous comments of, "Well they work close together".

Lutz said. "I definitely want to underline the point: They are not causing the problem. They are merely victims of the circumstances of their lives. They work in meatpacking. They work very closely together."

Who in the hell does not work close together!!! IT professional are stacked in cubicals,  stockboys in groceries are packed in among a continuous flow of people. Warehouse workers who supply all we have are all piled on top of each other, and yet none of these people are getting mass infections......only these goddamn foreigners are as much as the Blacks, because they do not wash themselves and have the worst 3rd world hygiene on the planet.

The worst of this is the officials who are placing every American in jeopardy, and that includes Black Americans, because they are not warning them to stay the hell away from foreigners.

Dannette Smith, the CEO of Nebraska DHHS, said during a town hall Thursday that she doesn't want to alarm people with any data that shows certain groups are more susceptible to the virus, or may fare worse if they catch it.

The archives of this blog are filled with my observations of Latins in my brier patch, saliva drooling from their mouths like rabid animals playing with children's toys, picking boogers, rolling them and throwing them on the floor, laying on the floors like goddamn dust rags, and none of this shit never goes anywhere unless they travel in packs and they all sleep like a sheep pen in 15 to a house.
You can drive anywhere that Mexicans and foreigners are renting houses, and when that shit leaves, there on the lawn are the beds and furniture as it is filled with lice and piss, and it all has to be burned.

Nebraska has now confirmed what this blog warned. The officials across America KNEW who the plague spreaders were. They knew it was Chinese to start. They knew it was those social Italians, and they knew this was running rampant in Black, Hispanic and satan knows what foreign shit eaters, who are spreading their Coronavirus shit onto everything as they do not use toilet paper as it is luxury.

Iowa has gone from old codger, and it probably was a Jew on a cruise in the beginning of this pandemic to now over 35% of the infected are Blacks and Latins who are filthy and there are not that many in the state.
South Dakota has thousands of cases now from dirty Mexicans, and this all comes from the President in being too late, in shutting off these contaminated foreigners. It was his former Chief of Staff who was trying to push more of these plague spreaders into America when this broke. That is what is not being focused on in this cover up, these people were not infected in the United States. They had a highly contagious germ in Mexico. They Visa came in, and are currently creating massive hot spots and destroying the American food supply.

These foreign and domestic corporations must be made to pay for all of this just like China. These foreigner must be detained and shipped back to their origins as the fact is in the statements that they are the threat to America, in they contract this plague readily and are spreading it.

I would be willing to bet that Sioux Falls South Dakota's plague spreaders, fled that state, and went into the Mexican sanctuary cities in Nebraska weeks ago, and as this balloons they will continue spreading south and west.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
