Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Thee Economy of Feudal Empire

Patriot: Patrick Henry

Dear Mr. President,

I am not vain nor deluded in thinking you or your inner circle will ever read these words, but these words are the voice of one crying in the wilderness, to not challenge you, but to bring to your attention the reality of what the "greatest economy the world has ever seen was".

Personally Mr. President, I hope and I pray that this economy is dead, dead, ground to the bone, incinerated, buried in a live volcano and never appears again.

TRUMP to USA: ‘We Built the Greatest Economy the World Has Ever Seen, and We’ll DO IT AGAIN’   hannity

The greatest economy, has 26 million Americans who are AMERICANS, and deemed expendable by amoral types in your stable like Bill Mitchell and Rush Limbaugh, fixated on endangering Americans who are poor, and making more money in unemployment and being chastised for it, rather than die by Coronavirus, than being shoved into jobs the John Kelly Visa Vermin Mexicans and Indians, are taking American jobs in this Corporate Cancerism.

Henry Ford paid Americans a wage so they could afford a car. Americans can not afford cars, they can not afford gas, they can not afford to heat or cool their homes, they can not afford taxes, they can not afford homes, they can not afford retirement. That is all due to engineered debt inflation by George HW Bush who made money cheap, so Americans could not afford to save, and Clinton, Bush and Obama, shipped all the jobs out of America and into Latin America and Asia.

This greatest economy has a mirror image. It is the economy of Empire. Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Rome, Britain, Adolf Hitler's Germany and now the United States, all operate on captive workers who are exploited, while the few at the top live in luxury in the 1 and 5 percent.
I know that you are not a fool Mr. President and you understand all of this, and you understand the moneychangers are in control, and America is moving to the last stages of what Dwight Eisenhower began on Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt in the Nazi and Marxist transformation of the American Republic to a social community organized cloth of the land.

The Americans Who Suffered When the Economy Shut Down Are Also In More Danger As It Reopens   538 

This Coronavirus only spread in the United States by design, and that design was based upon filthy foreigners. Why did the corporations need to import foreign trash? Because Americans legalized infanticide in the White and Black communities as aborticide.

America has 26 million unemployed in shit jobs. 100 million who are no longer looking for work and who are dying off. 100 million foreigners servicing the debt, with the 1 and 5 percent ruling by stealing the work of Americans.

As I stated, I pray God destroys this anti human economy and it never appears again, just as slavery was to never appear in America again, there it appears in this human traffick economy, under the auspices of Geroge W Bush and Birther Hussein Obama's Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities and Jewish Charities.

I will state what I want as an American economy and that is George Washington and Ronald Reagan's economy. I also want an economic confiscation of 99.9% of the wealth of the 1% and 99% of the wealth from the 5%, to be returned to the American People, as it was their blood, sweat and tears which labored for this confiscated wealth, and I want it back for a real American economy, where the only taxes Americans pay are taxes on imported goods, as America was founded on in 1776.

I want every industry and cent of foreigners confiscated in the United States. I want civil and criminal judgments to recoup Corona losses on everything from Lutheran Social Services to that traitor John McCain as their treachery in the American Genocide is proven.

So Mr. President, that is all quite clear. I am not about to put any effort into rebuilding this anti Christian economy. I am not about to enable amoral satanists who worship the economy over the safety of God's Creation. I am not about to resuscitate thee American Genocide, just when the cartel unleashed this evening the playing field biological weapon, and God has the opportunity to wipe the evil from this earth and establish Truth, Justice and thee American Way for all.

This is not a challenge to you Mr. President in the least, it is just a reality, that I will not join in a system which had Barack Obama giving money to China to build biological weapons, against the United States, and that image is not indicted and on trial and the Chinese are busy building miniature nuclear weapons to attack America with. Coronavirus, Globalism and the Greatest Economy in the Corporate Plantation is what created this pandemic, and as I stated, I pray it dies the death of Judas, hung by the neck, guts burst out and buried in a field with all the other tyranny, in place no one knows or will ever resurrect.

Thank you Mr. President.

As US Plunges Into Poverty, Super Rich See Wealth Jump by $282 Billion in 3 Weeks of Pandemic   thefreethoughtproject 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
