Sunday, April 26, 2020

Not over till Melania is the Fat Lady Singing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are political issues of 2020 involved in the President finally suspending "immigration" or the invasion of the United States as he has stopping the John Kelly importing of foreign slave labor in this pandemic, but simmering beneath all of this is the reality that everything South of the Rio Grande, and in Mexican parts of America, that there is the stage for a massive wave of infections which will break the United States in the summer of 2020.

Trump vows to 'temporarily suspend immigration' into the US   sfgate

This President seems to be about 3 days ahead of a curve of pandemic waves. He let Americans in from Europe just days before Italy and Spain melted down. For all the Limbaugh bitching that models are not right in Coronavirus. if one listens to the Army Corp of Engineers, and their talks with Governors and Mayors concerning hospitals to be built, the states and cities using these models were spot on in predicting when the plague would erupt.
Just remember that kind of details fed into the model planners, means this plague was initiated in locations on exact dates by those behind this, and this is orchestrated.

So when at a press conference, it was stated that the CDC was sending teams of 10 to 12 experts to track infected people in all 50 states, just as the United States is opening up again to spread the plague, we are entering an America where people will be quarantined by force and the isolation will be enforced.

One does not send out 600 experts to 50 states if this is over. One does that to manage a pandemic, just as one deals with hundreds of millions of Latin plague carriers, which will keep erupting this plague, but shutting the door to them.

It is completely insane to preach social distancing and containment, while opening beaches and gathering place, as what is taking place is deliberate spread of the virus. As you are on this blog to read an assessment from me by God's Grace, this blog assesses that it has been correct in a inoculation strain has been spread in the United States, and it contained this plague, along with social distancing.
This blog has noted that the Pentagon and CIA appear to be searching for something in human feces and blood samples. As they know what the virus is, they are searching for something else, as in other viruses or other strains, which will not be contained.

The Mexican is very contagious and virulent.

Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains study finds   jpost

The Jews had a part in the original Arabian SARS. They have been covering their asses and looking to make a buck every since. This virus did not mutate into 30 strains and the various outliers by itself. This is a designer germ of human genus death, and it is being spread deliberately. That is what the US government is looking for as they are studying it and making sure that China does not get it right next time and kill the world.

Italians have been the predominantly target species in the United States. It is their population group which has been contracting this epidemic in this first wave.

Recent AK SARS CoV2 Sequences Are Italian Lineage

This has spread inside the Latin community and is simmering. It is logical by the President's actions that the Mexican pandemic is on the verge of erupting in North and South America. For the CDC to be stationing people on a 12 to 18 month rotation, indicates that this is going to be milked by the cartel for all it is worth. The policy is going to be do "die through this pandemic".

You are being alerted to what is simmering out there. Yes politics is behind parts of this, but this Mexican wave is going to be horrid for America. The same is true in there will be a dozen other waves sweeping through China, waves through Africa and waves through India, which will move into Europe and America, as that is what is behind these policies. For those who thought we had draconian lockdown before, just wait of the forced mandates in an "open society" and Americans begin throwing the sick to the authorities like the Russians threw their children to the wolves to escape.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
