Monday, April 27, 2020

Why Coronavirus Kills Youngtards

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People are wondering why certain segments of thee American population are contracting Coroanvirus and dying from this biological weapon. The answer is, it is a designer genus weapon, in it targets  groups like Chinese, Blacks, Italians and Mexicans in controlled releases.

In those releases which include White's exposed, as certain White's do have immunity to this pandemic as they do in HIV, and that is why Sweden is not being infected in mass, and why South Dakota Whites are not dying off.
It does have to do though with the reality that if you get Coroanvirus in what strain, L or S, L being lethal and S being inoculate  as to how you get it, whether by snot of shit. If you get the shit variety in either form it is far worse.

There is the roulette wheel in all of this and it goes back to a guest on Coast to Coast AM, and I forget her name, so I looked her up,  Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits, E.A. Koetting,  but she stated that Coronavirus, activates other viruses in the body, and they then produce the disease known as COVID 19.
How are those other viruses in the body? She explained all of that and that is why certain groups are catching Coronavirus in critical and deadly forms.

, at

But that doesn’t help us figure out what’s going on with these cases where young people get sick and it quickly turns serious. It’s not as simple as pointing to underlying conditions. Many conditions, such as asthma, haven’t been definitively confirmed as risk factors, though many doctors suspect they are.

The answer lies in a Pentagon study which discovered that 36% of the people who had seasonal flu shots, were getting Coronavirus, and in those numbers it was killing people.
All of these vaccines put not only human virus in, but mice virus in, as these virus are incubated in mice brains and you get the mouse viruses too.
Coronavirus is like a Flash Drive,  plugged into your computer with a  reboot program, and it does not just implant in infected cells, it activates the other viruses injected into your body. It is really one of thee most ingenious weapons ever devised. It kills people by activating what they thought they were protected with.

There’s also a chance that whether or not you have already been exposed to COVID-19 can determine how severe your infection is. With the dengue virus, for example, the first time someone is exposed to the virus, they often have only a mild infection, but if they encounter it a second time, it can become deadly. Researchers believe this is due to the antibodies the body creates after first exposure, which start to diminish over time. If they drop to a low enough level, they’re not able to fight off the virus, but instead they inadvertently assist the virus in infecting cells. It’s called antibody-dependent enhancement, and researchers are investigating whether past exposure to this or a similar coronavirus could worsen the symptoms of COVID-19.

Coronavirus has proven that it will reinfect people and kill them and the reason it does that, is because it has a trigger in it, to fire off  viruses it comes into contact with in the human body. In that, I believe all those young people with blood clots dying, have had in them activated a rodent pathogen from the vaccines they were given.

Coronavirus Killer Blood Clots







It is just genius to target the vaccines people get for the flu. All healthcare people around the globe are vaccinated, so that will kill off the medical help. Numbers of fraidy cats get vaccinated each year, and almost every geezer and sick person is held down and injected with a vaccine. That is a huge gene pool of Coronavirus contractors, and who gets Coronavirus, but rich kids who are flying around the world being pests.

That is where the answer in this must lay. The story of antibody enhancement which was broken by Judy Mikovits and confirmed by the Pentagon, is now filtering through stories which followed this blog's original posts. It is the key trigger in numbers of cases which are going deadly. It is the common link and the common thread.
America was hit hard due to ethnics, having a great health system that kept sick people alive, and by the fact that numbers of people have been flu vaccinated for years, and were walking COVID 19 plagues.
And I would wager that all of these freak outliers from brain rot to heart attacks, goes back to the original vaccinations in encephalitis to the last flu.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
