Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Would you like to Screw?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Women really do have a place and the perfect place for them is a thrift store in pricing. Not if you are going to try and buy men's boots, as they never put a low price on the. No it comes down to pans and men things, and that is where women shine.

Women hate to cook it seems, and always put low prices on pans. This has delighted me for years.......not knives mind you, but when it comes to pans and Corningware, they are just not wanting any part of that shit.
Men's clothes they will mark to high heaven in prices, but when it comes to a power drill, like an old Black and Decker.........2 bucks and I got the chuck key too.

As the thing worked, as another woman tried it and put it back, I gladly picked it up, and was so pleased that I never noticed past the variable setting on the switch for more torque that this was also a reversible drill.

The old man had one, which I fixed, put on a new cord when it broken and finally wore it out in the brushes. I used that thing all the time and it certainly gave 40 dollars worth of work. I have been looking for a replacement and have some big 1/2 chuck Harbor Freight drills, but that 3/8ths is the way to go on most projects, like setting in screws.
That is when I first heard the drill, and then went for it in WILL MODE in telling the woman to put it back, which she did. She has a retard kid in a school in the city, so I don't think it took much will, but I was delighted in that drill and now it joins my other drills for the future of building a cold frame or several, as I plan to expand my gardening a bit to the cold season. The plan is to make it all ring bells in finding some cheap solar type thing to sort of heat it with a light bulb, providing it is not 20 below by Thanksgiving.

Women are odd creatures though. Will stick big prices on the damnedest things, and then literally give away shit that should have a big price on it. I got a stand mixer for 15 bucks for our future home, because some woman probably had to make birthday cake for her mother in law on a Kitchen Aide. I have no idea what the husband was doing with that drill that she hated it so much, probably delighting in drilling boards instead of drilling her. No problem with that as boards are more attractive than most women.

In any case, 2 dollars is my kind of money with the lack of donations I get as it is all I can not afford.

Just bugs me that not enough divorced women are not dumping their husband's outdoor stuff in the thrift store, as revenge. I really like hunting, fishing and trapping stuff. I have this dream of some woman telling me to come over and haul away some boxes of husband hunting stuff, and it is guns galore and in the hidden compartment, there is like a million dollars, he stashed away for a run away with his 20 year old assistant, before he somehow ended up dead eating oatmeal.........well the last part is not my dream, but is the writer in me forming a story as how else would I get the money and the guns, except the wife knocked off the husband by poisoning the oatmeal as heinous women do.

It's always the oatmeal or cornflakes. Never is the electric drill in the bath tub.

Nuff Said
