Sunday, May 31, 2020

3 R's Limbaugh

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The rumors that Rush Limbaugh is a fag, got a bit stronger, as he admitted what a pussy he is with a giant EIB vulva a few days ago, once again milking his cancer for audience support. This was followed by his being "angry" over that Minnesota Coon who got murdered by the cops there, in trying to appeal to Negroid listeners.

What is most bothersome about Nancy Limbaugh, is how much he whines. He went on a plea about how this 3rd round of cancer treatments has just forced him to rest, recover and recoup. How nice that a rich man in a mansion has the luxury of the Three R's, in actually getting treatment which will cure him, when poor people die from lung cancer.

For a reminder in this, Rush Limbaugh put off his late stage cancer treatment, because his wife insisted for advertising on his dwindling listening audience to get the Trump Medal. Not long after that, Limbaugh announced that he was stopping cancer treatments as it was just too much for him.

So he has put of treatments twice while claiming to be at death's door, and then there was the story about the treatment Limbaugh received was miraculous in his tumors were shrinking.

So 3 R's Limbaugh is not so at the edge, as he summoned the voice yesterday to claim that he did not know how long he would be around anymore, and he might be not able to do the job, as the treatment was just too much for him.

I listened to him on Thursday. This is not a guy whose asshole is burning out from chemo or is puking his guts out. There is plenty of octane in Nancy Limbaugh.

The ludicrous nature of Rush Limbaugh III though spoke clearly as he was milking racism and his cancer, when he noted that General Michael Flynn has a Go Fund Me account as he is bankrupt. Limbaugh carried on about what class Flynn has, as you have to search to the bottom of Flynn's website to find the link, so Limbaugh put the link on his site.....apparently without permission to get others to donate.........
Ah Rush Limbaugh is work like a billionaire, He could cover all of Michael Flynn's attorney fees, buy back Flynn's house, put his family through college and not miss the money, but once again Limbaugh showed what he is...........let other people donate their money, as he is busy thanking God everyday for waking up.

I have hinted at my medical history, from nausea for 18 months, not sleeping except for passing out, actually walking in the street and hoping someone would run me over, among other things like chronic bleeding, severe respiratory and other wonderful things. I was on Cypro for the entire treatment and it was eating me alive, but I stayed on it. I ended up in the emergency ward.........and I had no insurance and had to cover it with the last Christmas money my Beloved Uncle gave me.

Do you want to know what I did?

I WORKED, because I did not have the choice or relaxing, recovering, recuperating or resting and do you know what Rush Limbaugh and other big media types did? They plagiarized my work as they lived in luxury and left me for dead.

So pardon the non sympathy for Rush Limbaugh in his luxury, getting cured because he is rich, and seeing through his stage act of "how bad this is", when I have a bitch of an Aunt, that I call Stage 4 who was told she had 3 months to live, it is now past 2 years, the cancer is back and she still is not dead from lung cancer and tumors in her neck.

But as Limbaugh says:

.Limbaugh says I am leaning on God's blessings amid my battle with advanced lung cancer.

I Christian would be leaning on Jesus the Christ.

But then, an honest man would not be a Mockingbird troll, driving all other Conservative radio people out of the business in taking all the money and an honest man would have paid the 11 plus million dollars I figure he owes me for plagiarism.

Suck it up Limbaugh and stop being the Nancy you are, still laying on the couch as mummy makes your failed ass a sandwich and has to go out and get you a job. Unlike Limbaugh who braves the plague, we actually got the coof in 3 strains, and what I did........I WORKED, because I do not have the luxury of laying around and I would never stoop to playing others for sympathy.

Nuff Said
