Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Blue Line Lynching of George Floyd

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has been 157 years since Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, weaponized the Negro against the White South, a tradition which began with the English kings, misusing the terror against American colonists in Virginia in a black slave revolt.

America has a recurrent mania which rises up like a nightmare. The Watts Riots are long forgotten as to why, save the name, There were the LA riots which burned down the Black ghetto overtaken by Korean businessmen, who took the Negro money, but hated the Black with racism.

America celebrates the fiction in January of Darkie Day, proving we are not racists, and yet who was it but Barack Hussein Obama, the foreign born, who stampeded with all the Black herd over Martin King's day of honor, to get at the prize Obama.
In looking back on Obama, what the hell did that Birther really do for America? Ration Death? But gay lights on the White House? Drone Americans, shoot down Mormons in Oregon, slaughter 500,000 Syrians?
Chicago is the same blood bath it was before Obama, no it is worse. The legacy that America is dying through now is Obama and China, in Obama funded the weapon's lab and signed off on a Harvard Jewish professor to build it.

The new name in the horrors of being Black in America, the Nigger Minstrel, Eddie Murphy oversexed, Whoopie Goldberg overhating, is George Floyd. A sometime bouncer at nightclubs which White cops who actually murdered him, worked with the new poster boy of the Letterman Cocktail Crowd of racists, prove on thing, that voting for Obama did not make one voter not a racist, forgave them not one sin of Nigger Knocking, and changed nothing, for a vote for Obama was as fraud as Obama is.
George Floyd was a Blue Line Lynching of the ever expanding Bush, Clinton, Obama police state, arrayed Patriot Acts and James Comey framing operations. And in all of this, in the rabid racists running the Democratic National Committee, from Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in perpetual vaginal flow of hate of others not like her, to Joe Biden, the silent and not so silent partner of Barack Hussein Obama in all of these race wars unleashed, is the tradition of Democrats who chuckle at their humor at gatherings and affirm it when it slips out in Joe Biden, slamming a Black for not being Black enough when they agree with Donald Trump, that the exploitation of Blacks must stop.

Joe Biden’s racism a Democratic Party tradition

America is a land of two kinds of racism. The racism which we all have, with our prejudices and biases which we question, as none of us would act out on in being moral, and the racism the left accuses all of us, which none of us are guilty of, but the left perpetuates.
Americans have been so brainwashed into a fiction and fantasy, that it keeps getting Americans killed. Our racists now are billionaires who hire their lynching done by the police state. The Blue Line Lynching is unleashed on the pigmented skinned while the FBI lynches those of the Mormon skin named Finnicum.
Yes in the era of Obama, the murder of an old Mormon in the snow had FBI moles on threads celebrating the murder and calling for more murder of Americans, but in Trump America, all now rally, even the FBI in investigation, over the murder of a Black man.

The communist of Van Jones, has sunk the knife of Webster Griffin Tarpley into the Democratic Party, Jones is a real Moses in parting that Red Sea of blood, in one side is Hillary Clinton national socialist and the other side is the Barack Obama marxists, but on the dry land in between, there is the common journey that both are murderous racists, like a menstrual flow from the vulva lips exposing the black hole from which the blood pours.
It is not the poor southern KKK cracker who is the racist threat, for their days of rope lynching are through. It is the organized Letterman Cocktail Crowd of racists, unleashed Planned Parenthood in Black communities to exterminate them, it is the Obama dope rings protected by MS 13 Latins pimping and prostituting the Black ghetto for Wall Street, all protected by the police state, to murder an American on a city street, with the witnesses helpless to act in being intimidated as an American's life was knelt on and squashed, like the shoe slowly grinding the roach on the pavement.

Van Jones: Forget the KKK, it's the 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' we should worry about

White liberals of the metro, hate filled in their rhetoric of "flyover country", laughing at racism against Asians, hiring the peon to sweat for profits and bleed in combat, and being absolutely no more moved by George Floyd murdered in public, than if he were a Black baby at Planned Parenthood.
Millionaires and billionaires, all made rich upon the plantations of their exploitation, all the while accusing those on the right for all of their secretly acted upon iniquities.

Van Jones being honest is all the accused ever wanted, to just hear the admission that there are racists among liberals is the silver lining in this dark cloud, for it was liberal policies of 157 years of exploiting and exterminating the Black which brought about the murder of George Floyd.

It was not a white robe, but a blue uniform which brought murder, and yet in every Black community held on the plantation today, as Obama says this should not be in 2020, the revelation is Obama replaced Blacks with Mexicans and Chinese workers, and exploited Blacks as the slum lords of Chicago, to pimp them for federal welfare dollars.
Who did Obama get misty eyed about at the White House? The multi millonaire Stevie Wonder, the multi millionaire Lou Alcinder. The multi millionaire Beyonce. The multi billionaire, Oprah Winfrey.

The facts in this are, Blacks are not rioting in their neighborhoods and are not burning down their neighborhoods, because they do not own the corporations and do not own the businesses. Much was made of the Blacks who shot Jews in New Jersey, but those shots were because Jews were driving Blacks from their own neighborhoods, because Blacks could not afford to compete with rich New York Jews.
Thee American Black is being replaced by the Mexican in lower wage jobs, and by Asians in the glass ceiling. They can not get into college, because Chinese are there. They can not get jobs if they go to college, because John Kelly visa workers are brought in by the millions in jobs all aspire to in doctors, engineers and banking.

While it is unproductive and distasteful, in Blacks looting and rioting, they can not be blamed as they are not burning down their homes as they are outsiders in their own communities. They can not be blamed, because after liberals hire thugs to lynch them, Blacks are then rewarded with looting to buy them off. It is a small price to pay for the liberal portfolio holders as insurance pays for it all, all of America pays for it in higher prices, and that only creates better profits for their dividends.
The liberal would benefit if their blue line thugs murdered Blacks on a reality tv program and cities would burn down monthly, as portfolios would be worth millions more.

Clarence Thomas, but white liberals, led by Jew Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio and Tedward Kennedy of Massachusetts stated he was being seized upon by a high tech lynching of a Black man. In the years since, the liberal has become more brazen and emboldened after Obama gave them penance as they now do it on Minneapolis streets, armed with tasers, guns and bully sticks, to keep the Black sheep bleating at a distance as the wolves eat one of the sheep who can only watch.

The lesson of George Floyd is the liberal plantation is not working and it will never work, as there is only enough room and money for one King Obama of the Jack and Jill.  The Lame Cherry would counsel that the Blacks in their ghettos start voting, not on the length of the chains of their white liberal masters, but in getting rid of the cops in their neighborhoods, voting guns for all of them, and then police themselves. Vote for taxing the Walmarts and Targets in your communities and keep the reveneues. Don't send it to St. Paul or where the white liberals live on you in luxury. You chose to live on the plantation as it suits you. Buy the thing and police yourselves, and stop relinquishing power and being appeased by a few looted cell phones, Obama hands out or you steal, every time one of you get's murdered.
The Black has not much time left. You are being overrun, by deliberate design in the settling of foreigners into your communities., to dislodge you and end whatever voting power you have, and that is liberals doing it, not Conservatives.

Lincoln never emancipated the Black. All he did was weaponize them, and they have been weapons by the elite ever since, and now they are expendable for Chinese and Mexicans, and soon the robots will make them obsolete. The epitaph of the Black is written in liberal stone. The Black unchained themselves from the bale of cotton and chained themselves to Democrats.

Black Lives Matter? Says who? Social Justice Warriors?  Greta Thunberg ain't no coon.

Minneapolis Cop at Center of George Floyd's
Street Murder VANISHES - Neighbors Say
They Never Saw ANY Sign He Is A Cop

Gee I wonder what in the name of Mockingbird is going on Webster Griffin Tarpley.
