As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Perhaps with this, you doubters will believe me, when I told you the reason that the Jews in Tel Aviv were going bat shit from the start in their part in this Coronavirus Wuhan being based on Arabian SARS, was due to their involvement and the Jews KNEW they were susceptible to this bioweapon.
This is from the Jews own mouth, and the Jews own bioweapons lab.
2 drugs for Gaucher’s disease also fight COVID-19, Israeli defense lab finds
Defense Ministry-run Institute for Biological Research identifies medications treating the genetic disorder that can be used against viruses; one already has FDA approval
Gaucher’s disease is not caused by a virus, but is a genetic disorder common among Ashkenazi Jews. The researchers found that the drugs used to treat this disease cause the creation of molecules called glycosphingolipids that appear to serve an antiviral function
The "Jew" has a number of biological diseases from neurological to blood, which only affects them. They are Asians and not Judahites as the above states this is an Ashkenaz disease.
Gaucher's diseaseGaucher's disease or Gaucher disease is a genetic disorder in which glucocerebroside accumulates in cells and certain organs. The disorder is characterized by bruising, fatigue, anemia, low blood platelet count and enlargement of the liver and spleen, and is caused by a hereditary deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase, which acts on glucocerebroside. When the enzyme is defective, glucocerebroside accumulates, particularly in white blood cells and especially in macrophages.Wikipedia
GENETICS, yes the Ashkenaz Jew is a genetically inbred ethnic, not Semite, and it just so happens that the Ashkenaz created two specific drugs to treat one of their many diseases, and their bioweapons lab just happened to discover this is another non workable treatment like the idiotic push for that queer pharm which was shown of zero benefit to Coronavirus dead.
Now here is the riddle in this, as the Jew keeps pedaling their wares for cash to the terrified, that Coronavirus is a biological weapon. Coronavirus is a Jewish disease which responds to Jew drugs for other Jewish diseases.
Once upon a time, the Jews substitued Dr. Germ's Saudi killing lung infection with one of their own from this same weapon's lab. Once upon a time, that Arabian SARS targeted Arabs who are Semites, as are Iranians, as are Germans, as are numbers of Israelite lost 10 Europeans and Americans.
It would appear that someone who is most concerned about the protection of human genetics, has been visiting the coof on certain ethnics who have been a chosen weapon of a group of bankers who have targeted Semites to be genocided.
Some orphan girl explained that there were many surprises in this Coronavirus Mirror which was released in China, before the Chinese could release their genocide germ bomb on the United States sometime in 2020. One of the surprises is that the Mirror has a taste for gavildafish eaters, as if by design.
"Like It Was Designed To Infect Humans": COVID-19 'Cell Culture' Theory Gains Steam
The fish diners were all for counting the Chicom money with the end of America, and the enslavement of one road Europe. It appears that someone did not want to become a Chicom slave, took notable and understandable offense at this, and included a special sauce with the fish, a surprise inside, which Tel Aviv knew damned certain was in there, and that is why they were running scared.
Coronavirus has been a great emancipator, great deliverer, great savior, a great A on Donald Trump's MAGA report card when the dog ate his homework.
That is all the further I will go on this, in being proven right again, as those who donated the Coronavirus to me have done more than the rich who steal from this poor orphan girl.
Elisha worked for the Lord, but even he benefited the Assyrians according to the Word of the Lord.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said