Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How many Canadians has Justin Trudeau murdered with his Plague?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Canada is a disgusting people and place. It's despot of Justin Trudeau, in racism, bigotry and Crimes Against Humanity, are an issue which it is long overdue for President Donald Trump of America should address.

Let no one forget with a quarter of a million humans dead outside of China from the deadly Obama Wuhan virus, that none of this would be taking place if Justin Trudeau had not had PLA spies working in the Canadian biological weapons research lab in Winnipeg Manitoba, and allowed them to steal the Arabian SARS blueprint to begin manufacturing their own Bat SARS first strike biological weapon against the world.

The Lame Cherry demands an answer from Canadians and the world, because as it was criminal for the maker of Zyklon gas to hand that weapon over to the Nazis to allegedly gas Jews under Adolf Hitler, then why is it not crimes against humanity in Justin Trudeau's hideous part in not securing biological weapons in Canada, and having them end up manufactured in Wuhan China, plaguing the world?


It is time in this that President Trump and the rest of the world leaders name China, Iran and Canada on the same Crimes Against Humanity list over Coronavirus Wuhan, and extract Nuremberg Germany court penalties on these nations, costing the world trillions of dollars.

It is time for the cry of Raise Nuremberg, in Germany presiding in the world courts to try these scoundrels who brought this plague on the world.

And yet in this, what is the despot Justin Trudeau engaged in? Why he is criminalizing Canadians for owning firearms.

Justin Trudeau Announces Assault Weapons Ban in Canada

The Lame Cherry did a bit of research on what is such a threat to Canadians as Trudeau was making a point of Canadians who died from military rifles. As an average, there were 660 homicides in Canada. Of those homicides only 266 were firearms related, or in other words an even smaller percentage of Canadians died from "assault weapons" than all firearms, and EVEN LESS DIED THAN THOSE SLASHED WITH KNIVES OR BEAT OVER THE HEAD WITH FISTS!!!

Yet this despot Trudeau, is criminalizing lawful Canadians who have every right to own every firearm they choose.

Overall, there were 660 homicides in Canada last year, an increase of 48 from 2016

The Lame Cherry did additional checking and  discovered that if 660 dead Canadians, of which only 266 died from firearms is enough to define Canadians as criminals, it is noteworthy that in ONE DAY IN CANADA due to Justin Trudeau's part in the murderous Coronavirus plague, has had half that many Canadians die from the Trudeau plague.

Canada has had 3682 Canadians die from the Trudeau plague, SIX TIMES, the number of all homicides, but where are the Mounties arresting Trudeau for multiple homicides as Justine Trudeau has murdered more Canadians with his virus, than have died in Canada from firearms in TEN YEARS.

...............TOTAL New Cases - Dead -  New Deaths

It is time for the world to arrest Justin Trudeau, put him into chains, dump him off in Nuremberg Germany, where he will join the infamous Nazis in crimes against humanity, and when Justin Trudeau is found guilty, hang him for his crimes against humanity.

It is time this entire nefarious Ottawa group, which has been more lethal to the world than Pyongyang, Tehran and Gaza combined, be put from power, put into chains, and each one of the members of the Trudeau team weighed in the court balances of Nuremberg.

Justin Trudeau is a despot. He is the co author of crimes against humanity and he is guilty of more murders than all the murderers in Canada combined. It is not assault rifles which need to be banned in Canada. It is Justin Trudeau.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, calling on the Spirit of Free Canada, in the one true leader Canada had in Louis Riel, the Father of Manitoba, who gave people rights, did not take them, and was hung for being the George Washington of Canada.

The blood of the world is on the hands of this Ottawa despot, Justin Trudeau.

Nuff Said
