Friday, May 29, 2020

A Corona Commodity

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have an honest observation in this, as the American and Canadian meat supply grows shorter and prices spike, but not to the people who raise the meat, as the majority of this meat is corporate warehouses.

We have seen Sioux Falls South Dakota become an inferno in one filthy Mexican infecting thousands, and shutting down the Chinese Smithfield hog slaughter operation. No matter where one turns from Jenny O in Minnesota to JBS in Colorado, to whatever is in North Carolina, in the Jew owned Cargill slaughter operations, all are being infected with Coronavirus.

Take an occupation from firefighter, to shipping containers, to auto workers, why is it that none of them have had mass infections? Yes the slaughter industry teams with dirty foreigners, but so does a Walmart in filthy vermin shoppers, why have not Walmart's been boarded up and meat packers have? Why is the spread at one facility and not the others.

Despite those efforts, the number of Tyson employees with covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has exploded from under 1,600 a month ago to more than 7,000 today, according to a Washington Post analysis of news reports and public records.
What has happened at Tyson - and the meat industry overall - shows how difficult getting the nation back to normal is, even in essential fields such as food processing. Meat companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars - on protective gear, paid leave, ventilation systems and more - because they were forced to shut dozens of plants that were among the top covid-19 hot spots outside of cities.

This blog has stated that these dirty foreigners are the perfect breeding ground for the plague. A slaughterhouse is a perfect germ environment,  just as any lettuce, spinach or fruit operation is the same type of work, with the same type of food poisoning which prevails due to dirty foreigners.
Yet there are not any spinach plants being shut down with all those Mexicans.

Observe the following headlines and ask yourself, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Who infected who first, the USDA meat inspectors or the dirty Mexicans?

The case study in this is Senator Bob Glanzer of Huron South Dakota, who now looks to have been infected with 20 other Americans from a sick Korean, working in a slaughter plant. As Glanzer died with his cousin, and were not in the plant, and did not have contact with the others, that means an infection point, like a Walmart where the Korean shit on everything or someone was introducing the germ deliberately.
Huron has since ignited due to this slaughter plant as every community with them, can be located on maps all across the United States. The worst is Minnesota as it looks like carpet bombing with Coronavirus.

The question is, did someone infect the meat inspectors, or was it a matter of the last of John Kelly's coofer slaves were let into America, from plague camps down in Mexico, and this is what set off the perfect storm to short meat supply.

The President is all for using the military to inject Americans by force with a serum, but what about as General Sherman invading Georgia had his military capable of slaughtering a hog and dressing it, without missing a step in line. Should not the military be slaughtering all of these hogs and placing them into food lockers to deal with this problem as 2 million of them have been called up.

Whoever the Corona chain is, the reality is in that chain, is when Coronavirus is this infectious as a germ, then how many damned germs are these foreigners coofing into your Cheerios, spinach salad and your chicken nuggets?

What is good for the Coronavirus is good for the Mexican booger, the Somali shit ball and the whatever cootie spit into your bran flakes.

Yes the foreigner is dirty, so the food is dirty. But something in this is not adding up, in these vermin have always been filthy, but you don't see entire lawn mowing or roofing plantations getting the coof. Sure they sleep, fuck, shit, drink and live in the same shit holes by choice, so it spreads to outliers like "hiring the token Pepe to cut costs", but there is not wholesale shut downs, as in the meat industry.

The meat industry is not local, it is international in conglomerates, Chinese, Brazilians and Jews. This virus is thinking, and there is a reason it is focused on the meat supply, just as HAARP last year was killing the sugar and potato supply.

No industry has had the infections that the United States has, even with foreign vermin concentrations.

I can't post the reason, so you figure it out.

Hog Butcher for the World,
   Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
   Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;
   Stormy, husky, brawling,
   City of the Big Shoulders:

They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.
And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again.

Nuff Said
