Friday, May 29, 2020


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Rod Johnson open hearings into the abuses of power by the Department of Justice and the FBI in the framing of General Michael Flynn next week, they will not ask the one question which has been proven in media accounts, that the Lame Cherry has been proven right again, in the underlying reality of this Robert Mueller Special Counsel was searching for and protecting the indentity of the Missing Link, a mole or a mole group so embedded, and such a disaster to the established powers, that they unleashed all they had to ascertain what the Missing Link is, and used an entire investigation as cover for the real investigation.

In the following quote, is confirmation what the President was asking to be made public, in that he was not being investigated, but those behind this would not state that, because part of this investigation was to cripple the Trump Presidency. The bigger part is what Peter Strzok was in charge of in counter intelligence, in he was part of a group who was after someone on the inside who had turned the Obama Clinton election fraud machine back onto them and elected Donald Trump.

Rosenstein knew what Mueller was going to do. That’s why he appointed Andy Weissmann. Andy Weissmann having a reputation for, at best, shady legal tactics. They appointed him knowing he’d keep this case open and knowing Trump wasn’t a suspect the entire time.

This is why the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), chose to call Rosenstein to testify first. Rosenstein knew President Trump was not a suspect, but he still went ahead and appointed a Special Counsel to investigate him. He needs to explain why he did that, under oath.

Read what Attorney General William Barr is focused on, in the unmasking and the statement in the quote that the HUNTERS HAVE BECOME THE HUNTED. This group, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller,  was hunting someone, and the in this Michael Flynn, was the target as Flynn was about to audit and fire most of the Intelligence Community for being incompetent. Do not forget that point ever, in the John Brennan and James Clapper group, had enlisted James Comey at FBI to clear Hillary Clinton as a trusted part of this inner sanctum of her crimes, because something much more nefarious was taking place which this group was focused on.
Time and again, the FBI was clearing Americans, in Donald Trump and Michael Flynn, and were ready to shut down investigations, but the 7th floor, taking orders from Obama Rice and Brennan, kept the investigations open, as they knew something they were highly agitated about, which is still agitating them.
Brennan is still going nuts on Twitter and image Obama was caught trying to lynch Michael Flynn. What I keep pointing to you as the real story in this, is this group, had just gotten their asses handed to them. They had been outmaneuvered and set up from Benghazi to the 2016 elections in their schemes had been thwarted. They knew someone on the inside was coordinating with groups on the outside, and were outflanking them and sticking in the sharp object every time they moved.

Attorney General Bill Barr has asked U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas John Bash to review the practice of "unmasking" before and after the 2016 presidential election, a controversy that has picked up steam after the Justice Department moved to drop charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, the DOJ told Fox News on Wednesday night.

And the FBI is also reviewing the Flynn case as well. The hunters have become the hunted and the usual suspects should be placed under the microscope—James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, and Robert Mueller. Also, add the entire investigation, which knew the Flynn allegations were probably nonsense but kept taking the nation for a ride on this mythical Russian collusion trip.

The devil is in the details. In the top secret meeting which unleashed the Mueller phase, Rod Rosenstein bluntly states that there was no evidence Donald Trump was involved personally. That means there was something going on, which this group knew had taken place. I return to Benghazi as an example, and the 2016 election theft which this group just was thwarted in their operations. The smug Birther who released fake birth certificates, had assembled a criminal group above the law, and they were ruling as pure despots, in control of the system, and someone had been using the system against them for three years, and that is what set off the intensity of this.

They knew Russia was helping to get Hillary Clinton elected. There is no doubt about that. What they knew was whoever was involved with this DIA group and Shin Bet, was backing Donald Trump against them, so John Brennan and this ilk concluded, "We are using Russia for money deals on uranium with Bush fam and Russia is helping us in politics, so who are these other players on the board, using Russia and other agencies to defeat us?"
For Obama it was carte blanche to join at the hips with Russia as Obama was doing the fucking of Putin, but when another paramour appeared and fucked Obama over, that is where the thin skinned Birther and his syndicate of criminals went insane with panic over. They were being bested in their own table while dealing from the bottom of the deck, having the cards marked and THEY KNEW ONLY THEIR PEOPLE WERE SITTING AT THE TABLE.

Donald Trump was a focus as was Michael Flynn, because they were the only visible extensions of the Missing Link which Obama Inc. knew was operating out there. Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Chuck Manning, and June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, were the gamechangers. Jerome Corsi in exposing the Obama birth abstract as a fraud, triggered Obama to kill bin Laden's corpse to change the public  focus. The Iran deal though was the focal point of all of this, as with that Obama's benefactors were about to unseat the financial power of Sunni Saudi Arabia and the Jewish control of American politics, for the Shia. Obama was the front man for overthrowing the status quo of terrorism as he made terrorists his own, he created new drug trade routes, he funneled trillions into his globalists, and was cutting off the order which had been established. Obama was second city commodity which bent over New York finance and fucked them over in the old order. That order rose up, and with a flick of it's wrist, put Obama into cold storage and flattened the community organized order which had been supplanting America since Dwight Eisenhower for his Prescott Bush minders, began converting the United States into a soviet system.

Senator Lindsey Graham, knows were a majority of the skeletons are buried, He was John McCain's flunky for years, along with Marco Rubio. Grahan though will not ask the question of Rob Rosenstein in who the Missing Link is and why Robert Mueller is protecting that link. Graham was part of the group to stop Donald Trump in 2015. John McCain was the leaker of the second Pissgate Dossier. McCain's operative in Chris Stevens was murdered in Benghazi. McCain had his hands all over Libya, Ukraine, Syria and ISIS. Graham knows all of this and knows that John McCain leveraged defense policy from Obama after Obama left the building.

This is the reality of what was going on behind the curtain. Graham inherited Hero John McCain's portfolio after McCain committed suicide to hide that he did not have cancer.

Rosenstein elaborated that based on his May 10 briefing, “there appeared to be no evidence the President was involved personally.”

This blog has been proven right again by the media cover which confirmed what has been published here for years. Graham's hearings are not going to ask the questions which should be asked, because what is being engaged in here, is not making known that Senator Gary Hart for the deep state wrote the Patriot Act before 9 11, and George W. Bush created the police state which he turned loose to destroy Conservatives, to pave the way for Jeb 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, by helping Obama, who weaponized Patriot Act, to perform a coup against Donald Trump, which rubbed up directly against the people who were backing Donald Trump for President, who had been targeted by Obama Inc.
Those people can not be touched and their names can not even be spoken. This order is moving to secure the direction for the world in righting what was the genocide which was about to be unleashed on the world. This is not going to be peace and roses, but as you know Obama was rationing death in the gulag, what is taking place is preferable to that.

It is a very simple question for Lindsey Graham to ask though of Rod Rosenstein, "As you were not hunting Donald Trump, just who was it that you were hunting, in setting loose the entire government to obliterate that person or group?"

That is what the above quotes prove, the gorilla in the room, no one dares talk about, that Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives was right again.

Nuff Said
