Friday, May 29, 2020

Our Lady of the Propaganda

I'll take Stupid Reporters for 800 Alex.

Kayleigh McEnany

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Last year by the Holy Ghost's Inspiration, this blog brought you something from the fine work of Victor Ostrovsky, the Mosaad whistleblower as the basis for what should be on your minds, as you observe instead of watch like baboons what is taking place in America.

This blog informed you, that there has been an internecine Jew war taking place in the United States. Yes Mosaad has it's own American Intelligence division in Tel Aviv which is so secret that even Mosaad is not privy to it's inner workings, and it all rotates around Jews in the United States who spy for the Jewish state, and moronic Americans who never figure out that the Jew does not have any friends, and the United States is not viewed as a friend of Jews, a point in their contracting the murder of John Kennedy should have pointed out, as Kennedy stood in the way of Tel Aviv getting the atomic bomb.

Barack Hussein Obama used to refer to Benjamin Netanyahu as that "little chicken shit". Mosaad is a leftist Marxist, dope, counterfeiting, self aggrandizing money laundering scheme, now based in skimming the world stock markets. Their counterpart which joined in a coup de tat against Hussein Obama was Shin Bet, or the Jared Kushner and Benjamin Netanyahu factions.

These are the two groups who have been fighting and what centers in Russiagate, Impeachment and Coronavirus, as Jews are dripping all over these events just as 9 11.

Kayleigh McEnany  who is the new Press Secretary for the Trump White House has been engaged in a most interesting exercise in dueling with the deep state press. As of late, she took them out, beat them up, did a victory lap, and then crushed them again with humiliation.  What she did is important, and at this moment she is one of two brilliant minds at work in Washington, in her, and the mind that hired her in Donald Trump, but the importance is after you read the quotes and who responded.

“Who I did speak to about President Obama and unmasking Michael Flynn were the men and women in this room,” McEnany said. “I laid out a series of questions any good journalist would want to answer about why people were unmasked and all sorts of questions, and I just wanted to follow up with you guys on that. Did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking to President Obama’s spokesperson?”
“Oh, not a single journalist has posed that question,” McEnany doubled down.
She proceeded to raise a series of question — on Powerpoint slides because “maybe we’re visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity”

Who responded? Two Jews on Jew FOX News. None other than liberal Chris Wallace and fellow traveling liberal Jonah Goldberg. They attacked Kayleigh McEnany for exposing what absolute ass sniffing crotch dogs the media is.

Now why would Wallace and Goldberg be fuming over Kayleigh McEnany exposing Obama's fingerprints all over Russiagate and the framing of Michael Flynn and the press covering up that crime?

I never blew anyone for under 200 Alex. 

"McEnany, who has been in the White House for a few weeks, started lecturing reporters — telling reporters — who have been covering politics for many years, what questions they should be asking, in this case about Michael Flynn,” Wallace said.

Talk about Double Jewpardy

The commentary by NeverTrumper Jonah Goldberg on what he called “indefensible and grotesque” behavior, however, was most ironic.
“What President Trump wants in a press secretary is a Twitter troll who goes on attack, doesn’t actually care about doing the job they have and instead wants to impress an audience of one,” Goldberg said. “It’s a sign of defining of deviancy down in our politics, and it’s only going to make things worse.”

It all goes back to what I was teaching you. You see Jews like Gorilla, Alan Derschowitz and Jared Kushner joining together, and then you have Jews like Chris Wallace and Jonah Goldberg attacking the very exposing of crimes. It is Shin Bet and it is Mosaad at war with each other. You are witnessing who are the paid operatives of the Jewish intelligence branches, just as you are witnessing who works for DIA and who works for CIA, in the media. Sharyl Attkission is DIA. Kurt Eichenwald is CIA. You are witnessing who are the National Socialists and who are the Community Organized Marxists. This all goes to the root of June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord.

What you are witnessing as Victor Ostrovsky stated is "who has a horse backing them"

There was a time, in the era of Edward Lansdale when the CIA hired people of intelligence and ability to embed their propaganda. Of course the Walter Cronkites all bristled at being journalists, but they damn sick new the CIA was paying the bills, and hired their leftist asses to front a political system to manage the United States into the Soviet Union.

What is being pushed now by the globalists of the CIA, the Jews, the Saudis, are these mindtards that someone like McEnany is erasing from the board. Before though you cheer the bottle blonde, know she is a Jesuit, CIA Georgetown and was Oxford taught at the lap of British leftists.

McEnany was educated at the Academy of the Holy Names, a Catholic preparatory school in Tampa. After leaving school, she majored in international politics at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C., during which she studied abroad at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. While at Oxford, she was taught politics by future British Shadow Home Secretary, Nick Thomas-Symonds. After graduating from Georgetown, McEnany spent three years as a producer on the Mike Huckabee Show

Girlfriend is a heavy hitter, but don't think she is swinging for your Christian Protestant team, even if she is playing in your ballpark with National Socialist owner Donald Trump calling the plays.

This time don't get caught watching the girl. Watch the whores instead being outed in who works for Mosaad, who works for Shin Bet, who works for CIA and who works for DIA.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
