Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Coronavirus Perspective

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you have unlimited bandwidth, these Dr. Judy Mikovits statements are worth listening to, considering the new narrative which is being progressed. I listened to her on Coast to Coast AM and she is well informed and presents her points effectively.

There is a great deal of effort to smear this woman by those she is exposing.

BuzzFeed New

BuzzFeed charges that Dr. Mikovits is making false statements, but they refute absolutely nothing. Instead they have this worthless Ann Coulter screed which charges the problem is high production value, and that this microbiologist is not an expert when she is. The facts in this are that the deep state smears against the facts coming out, have all been proven that the information which came out is correct, in this is a biological weapon which was deliberately released.

Produced by a company called Elevate, "The Plandemic" deftly weaves together several strands of rumors that have circulated since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, doing so with high production values and a sheen of unearned authority.

Dr. Mikovits states that she can create a quasi vaccine, based on interferon to cure people. What is of importance in this is, is the Wuhan mirror and the inoculate, have a 3rd leg which was released in Italy, and it was covered up it was Chinese workers who spread it, as Pakistanis and whatever were being blamed.
This is the strain which rampaged through most of the United States from Iowa to New York. While the link below erroneously indicates this Italian link would bring a second infection, the fact is that this is the strain which was causing the problems in the United States.
It is the strain which is affecting children in London and New York City which is the upcoming problem.


Watch the information if you care to have and have the bandwidth.

Nuff Said
