Thursday, May 7, 2020

General Michael Flynn, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty Free at Last

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

BREAKING NEWS: Bill Barr's Justice Department is DROPPING case against Mike Flynn for lying to the FBI - but top prosecutor quits minutes before decision is made

The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, abandoning a prosecution that became a rallying cry for Trump and his supporters in attacking the FBI's Russia investigation.
The move is a stunning reversal for one of the signature cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Mr President, now is the time to award Michael Flynn the Presidential Freedom Medal as he will not let you down as Rush Limbaugh has. Appoint General Flynn to a new post of Protector General of thee American People, with full indictment powers for military tribunals to investigate all of these travesties of justice from Scooter Libby, Rod Blagojevich, Paul Manafort, and when the dirty cops are found, the Protector General will try, convict and sentence them to 40 years to life in prison.

Finally, it is time for these investigators and prosecutors to have their salaries garnished to pay back all of the money General Flynn and his family have lost in this most un American ordeal.

Thank you to the William Barr Department of Justice for ending this terrorism on American soil.

Nuff Said
