Friday, May 8, 2020

and the Barr played on

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Attorney General William Barr announced an expansion of the Joint Strike Task Force cooperating with local police authorities, in funding, hiring, and the inclusion of the heavy hitters in federal law enforcement of BATFE, DEA and US Marshals, to combat crime in 7 death zones in the United States.
For most of these cities, the average American thinks they should not have any crime at all, and yet the violence in these areas is many times the number of most of America, and while violent crime in the United States has declined, these cities have spiked.

The initiative, Operation Relentless Pursuit, will take place in Albuquerque, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Memphis and Milwaukee.

 I was going to write to BATFE, but could not find the email address, as much as the US Marshals, and the DOJ just had me thinking, maybe I should just do the work and research to try and answer the question of what is in these cities that causing their breakdown.

The first is Kansas City, a real misnomer as people always think Kansas, but the crime area is Missouri on the other side of the river.
Kansas has most affluent neighborhoods in Johnson County, compared to redneck central of Wyandotte County. The Dot is where the dope flows in to the affluent millionaire counties on the Kansas side.
For KC, the Blacks are being displaced, across the river to KC Missouri, by the invading Mexicans. In KC Missouri, this is where the crime spike has taken place.
Kansas City is the crossroads of internal America, and the Missouri side is the direct link to the transshipping point of St. Louis, which is another death hub out of Chicago.

As you will notice in the following examinations, in most cases it is Blacks who are the crime base, due to not having any jobs, due to Mexican labor, and what blossomed under Barack Hussein Obama's rule out of 1600 Penn Avenue, in the horrific decentralization of the drug trade, for a greater Wall Street share of the profits.

Kansas City is a place I have been, and it is the strangest metropolitan area in it feels safe. The reason is, because you are in Kansas. Visit Missouri and the feel changes, as much as Raytown and other redneck enclaves of production workers in cheaper housing, producing the less policed zones which harbor crime.

Kansas City, Missouri - 1,654

Kansas City is the fifth most dangerous city in the United States, and the second entry on this list from Missouri. There are an average of 1,654 violent crimes per 100,000 people in Kansas City. The high rate of violent crime in Kansas City can be partially attributed to its homicide rate, which is higher than other cities of its size. The homicide rate of Kansas City sits at around 23.5 murders per 100,000 people - much higher than the country average of 5 per 100,000.

Albuquerque New Mexico is again a crossroads city of America. Most of the cities listed are pipeline cities, from other major cities of drug trade. For Albuquerque though, their crime is property crimes, and if you observe the crime rates, rape is static in it is not a city of sexual violence.

Albuquerque has the Black population, but another dynamic appears there. It is the transshipping point to Mexico. Vehicle theft is high in the city, because the cars are all driven into Mexico for resale.

It is fascinating in the city had a preliminary crackdown by the federals three months previous, in targeting people with warrants. The city strangely was a gathering point for arrested criminals, a sort of safe haven. As the new crackdown is unleashed, new crimes are being investigated, but in this California / Mexico criminal crossroads.

Earlier in the year, the Department of Justice held Operation Triple Beam in Albuquerque – a three-month operation that arrested people wanted on warrants throughout the city. Anderson said the new Operation Relentless Pursuit will involve federal agents and task forces actively investigating new cases.

But Guerin said there are many factors that can be used to help explain why the crime rate is so high — including substance abuse, socioeconomic issues, and even the fact that the state is crossed by major interstates leading to the West Coast and to Mexico.

Detroit is actually a city of violent crime. Once again, this points to the Black population, as Detroit is in the throws of shedding it's "population which was created by the population working for the auto industry". As the auto industry imploded, the people who were employed serving that industry in groceries, plumbers, janitors etc... lost their jobs.
For Michigan, their Black problem is the new Muslim solution. Instead of Mexicans in the ratio of pressuring the indigent Black groups, it is migrant Islam moving in, in their closed neighborhoods.
What is left of the affluent Detroit and suburbs is once again the hub of the narcotics and prostitution, supplied by welfare Blacks with not any employment or stable homes.

Detroit, Michigan - 2,056.7

Detroit, Michigan, has the second highest violent crime rate in the United States with 2,056.7 violent crimes per 100,000 people. Some of the most common crimes in the city are aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, rape, armed robbery, murder and non-negligent manslaughter. It is important to note that crime in Detroit, in general, has been decreasing over recent years. The number of murders and homicides in the city, however, have been lower than average, with 267 homicides in 2018.

 In moving to Tennessee, once again the crime rate is in the majority Black community of Memphis. Gangs are present and gangs mean illegal drugs and their distribution. Memphis is the way station out of Detroit, pipelined from Canada or Chicago. From Memphis the narcotics trade flows to the White communities in the greater area. Affluent to the Blue Grass and trailer park dope dens in the Coal Country, a dry state is always available from alcohol to opiods, as Memphis is the hub for removing from Tennessee, around 150 million dollars a year to Wall Street laundering.
These major crime states provide Wall Street around a billion dollars in franchise revenues.

Baltimore appears a constant Chicago reminder of what her poor Nigger sister is involved in, from the plantations of Virginia. Simply put, in trillions of dollars in federal budgets, turning Virginia into a city state of gun control in mansion rows of DC contractors and employees, this much money needs a service community and Baltimore is the city of two faces, the affluent and the ghetto.

While most metropolitan areas have a Niggerland to troll, the affluent communities of Virginia, instead crosses the river and trolls Baltimore. This DC's opium den and the Blacks are by lack of jobs, the pimps for the white collars of taxpayer generated wealth in the nation's capitol.

Baltimore, Maryland - 2,027

Baltimore ranks third with a violent crime rate of 2,027 violent crimes for every 100,000 people. Both robbery and assault are problems in Baltimore. Unfortunately, much of the crime in Baltimore has been linked to illegal drug trafficking and a stubborn poverty rate. The homicide rate in Baltimore is also very high, standing at around 55.7 per every 100,000 people.

A more immediate factor — some researchers have pointed to the opioid crisis and drug trade — influenced the homicide rate.

Lastly there is Milwaukee in liberal Wisconsin. Again in a state where Mexicans are shipped in to do the farm work and expanding to other jobs as lawn maintenance as in Kansas City and roofing, the Blacks are confined behind their wall less ghettos, as the walls are Blacks have public housing and Whites own homes and Mexicans have rented housing provided by their employers.

Milwaukee matches Cleveland in the same dynamics of little employment, a liberal hell, and the only income generator in serving affluent communities, by providing narcotics.

All of these cities are rich man poor man. They are though unlike violent cities in Minneapolis, Denver, Omaha, San Antonio etc.. which are every bit as violent, every bit crossroads cities, every bit as problematic of Visa Vermin, but their stability is a more centralized crime system managed by the police, and producing Wall Street profits, on acceptable levels which the decentralized metropolitan areas are operating now at with violence.

Who is victimized by homicide in Milwaukee

What has remained constant throughout the years, even among the fluctuating homicide totals, is the disparity in who is victimized.
In 2018, Milwaukee's homicide rate was about 17 killings per 100,000 people. The rate for the city’s black population was about 35 killings per 100,000. 
In 2014, the citywide homicide rate was about 15 killings per 100,000 people. The rate for the city's black population was about 29 killings per 100,000.
And when it comes to gun homicides, the gap is wider and remains consistent over the years.
Last year in Milwaukee, a black resident was eight times as likely as a white resident to be shot and killed, a Journal Sentinel analysis found.
In 2014, a black resident was seven times as likely as a white resident to be shot and killed.

I do wonder at times why the hub cities are the focus of this, but it is because of the violence in the police state is not managing the warring factions to ply their Wall Street trade in a manner which gives them crumbs and Wall Street cake.

Cleveland, Ohio - 1,556.8

Cleveland ranks seventh on the list of the United States' most dangerous cities. Its violent crime rate is 1556.8 incidences for every 100,000 people. Like many other cities who battle violent crime, problems like high unemployment, rampant poverty, and urban decay have all influenced Cleveland's high crime rate.

This though was the Lame Cherry answer in what this process was all about. It is the continued Black genocide in America, joining the White Protestant genocide, as these groups are being replaced by foreign tanskins, who are supplanting the native species. For Blacks, the message is there is coming a centralized power again to ply the trade, after Obama decentralized so his backers would obtain greater narcotic profits around the world.

America is turning to a more organized crime of less violence, as Planned Parenthood does not make any money off of Black babies who grow up to be drug lords. They have to get them in the womb first.

Nuff Said
