Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Japanese Cross Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I thought I would share a different vantage point of the Coronavirus pandemic as a biological weapon from the excellent researcher, Yoichi Shimatsu

My reason for sharing this perspective of an investigative journalist, is that he is coming up the same type of story which has been published here, only slightly different players.

What is important is what Shimatsu excels at in uncovering hard information. A hard fact is from the discoverer of HIV in Dr. Luc Montagnier, who took apart Coronavirus Wuhan Mirror and found that it was definitely created by humans.

The HIV sequence could have only appeared in the Mirror, if humans had spliced it into the sequence. There are four HIV inserts in this biological weapon.

COVID-19 as a weapon of biological warfare. Just now, the world's most respected microbiologist Dr. Luc Montagnier, the discoverer of HIV, has come out with his lab's findings that indeed SARS-COV2 (COVID-19) was bio-engineered, without a shadow of doubt.
"With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus," explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue
As whether the HIV link might have come from a COVID-19 patient with AIDS, Dr. Montagnier replied, "No, in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed and that can only be done in a laboratory."
His definitive finding confirms the (suppressed) finding by University of Delhi and Indian Institute of Technology's discovery of four HIV inserts in one of the earliest samples from Wuhan. Through a message I was informed that their joint team was told, pressured, ordered to withdraw their findings from circulation, and so now their excellent work is vindicated completely.

The technology for this Coronavirus HIV accelerated replication was advanced in the University of Wisconsin in 2011.
As this blog first noted, the Chinese are too stupid to have created this virus, as it is too complex.

 the splicing with HIV-proteins to accelerate viral replication in host cells was pioneered by Japanese microbiologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, as boasted about in his team's research paper published in the Journal of Virology issue of September 2011.
Gene researchers have yet to detect the spliced in m.Tuberculosis strand to counter the human immune system's phagophage-sourced antibodies as a defense mechanism. It will be discovered, it's just a matter of time for review of the gene sequence and protein structures.
Here again I should emphasize the complex procedures for assembly could not have been done at the National Institute of Virology in Wuhan. That diversionary accusation is part of a desperate cover-up of the design and production of SARS-COV version 2 at University of Wisconsin, the Canadian National Microbiology Lab and the Pirbright Institute with final inspection at Porton Down-DSTL.

The co-developers of this biological weapon are the UK, Japan and Israel,

If you need reminding, this blog stated that the scenario of this Coronavirus, was China stole a virus white print, a working model. This answers the position of Shimatsu stating that the Wuhan lab was not operational long enough to create a virus.
Everyone knew since 2005 that the PLA was working on a biological first strike weapon against the United States. Dean Koontz from his inside sources wrote of a Wuhan virus, long before George HW Bush ever took the Chinese from rice paddy to space age.
The Chinese can look brilliant when Honda moves a factory to China or Bill Clinton sends top American technology for a space launch and China steals it. This Wuhan bioweapons lab was built with Obama's assistance and money, with Harvard expertise.

I have said that the Americans had no idea what this virus was, as they do not have anything this complex. Just like the Kennedy assassination pulled in all the suspects, the inclusion of HIV put American fingerprints on this. China though had no idea when this virus was released, that it was not their virus, but another virus had been put into it's place. The Chinese virus was waterborne and only infected by ingesting it, like the Arabian SARS model.

The Chinese in this slight of hand, have figured out that they got caught about to release a biological weapon and they figured out they got caught in spreading this virus to Europe and America. The problem is the Chinese PLA was inept in their spread. Even the President of the United States, acting on advice to bring in the strains of virus to inoculate Americans, in this is why he  stopped domestic air travel, but kept up foreign flights and why the President brought the Italian strain in from Europe as much as the Spanish. He has been advised to do this, but this blog is telling you, that the original group who released this virus in Wuhan to stop China, has been releasing various strains of this virus into different ethnic groups in order to move this along. What people are failing to realize is, this is biological warfare. Those who get caught engaged in this, end up international pariahs and hung.
The President of the United States, believes he has worked a "deal" out with dictator Xi of China to call this an accident, providing China rolls over and puts itself on a leash. That is not going to happen as China must move to save itself.

It is interesting in that Japan, UK and Israel are blamed by Shimatsu, the creators of this virus. I do not dispute this in the least.  The UK has been screwing around in Hong Kong in looking for a free 5G deal and it's fingerprints were all over the Trump Russiagate frame. The Jews are genetic bomb experts. All had this know how and it explains why the Jews were so jumpy when this virus broke into the public. This blog states it was the Jews who built the Arabian SARS, which was switched out of a Swiss lab, which the Iranians had contracted for to kill off the Saudis.

The real story is more complex than the Shimatsu version, but even his assembling of data to logical conclusions fingers the same principles.

The Coronavirus Wuhan is meant by slight of weapon, to transform the world to an order of their design.
From two vantage points the same conclusion has been reached with different assembled data.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
