Thursday, May 7, 2020

What Living Coronavirus Looks Like

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, on May 4th, the United States has dropped to

The death rate on hospitalized cases is 28% with just under 70,000 dead. The United States is trending to around 1200 dead per day from the New York surge of 2500 to 3000.

The Lame Cherry in another exclusive is going to show you what the real life form of Coronavirus looks like. You have seen EKG's and you have seen the beat on your music players, well this is what Coronavirus looks like in any society. This just happens to be the United States, but you can see the heartbeat of Coronavirus.

See how the virus was birthed, and after that, it's heart started beating in perfect rhythms.  America is in the downbeat, and this virus should one again pulse, as it enters new areas and is spreading in new demographics of the Obama Rainbow in Black, Brown, Red and Yellow. The above graphic is what Coronavirus looks like killing Chinese, then Italians and moving into Blacks, all with the Caucasian being the first targeted human specie.

Closed Cases
Cases which had an outcome:
181,526 (72%)
Recovered / Discharged

69,116 (28%)

New York has dropped to 280 deaths and 4670 new cases daily.  Texas has 14 deaths with 851 new cases daily and California is running 1253 new cases and 24 new deaths daily. The current trending hot spots are Massachusetts and Illinois.
New York will smoulder and it will erupt again, as these trolls for the globalists, who this time are in the Bill Cunningham right, have assisted the Darwin Candidates to become infected in open America. In looking at the data and my projections, the infection rate of the open society in outlier Whites in more rural areas, shutting down those once unaffected sections, the surge in Black, Mexican and Indian, will cripple the underbase of the economy in the welfare and slave labor groups. If people are dead, they are not injecting wages or disability payments into the economy, and thus it erodes the underlying structures of groceries, medical, take out and fuel. The federal government will save money, but  tax revenues will drop and those billions in Nigger Money will not be injected into the economy which is what this is all about, or what you are told this is all about.

With 70,000 dead in America, not all White and trending to coloureds, South Dakota produced a wonderful visual in how  67% of the dead in South Dakota, a mostly White state, are non White foreign slave labor from Mexico, Asia and Africa.
This is going to burn all summer through these ghetto primate habitations. This blog predicted this would take place and was warning early that this virus does not like White People, and after it burned through White America, the worst of it would be over for that group, providing they do not eat human shit, from these infected ethnics in the sanctuary pet city and farm pound America.

At the minimal of 1100 dead per day, America should have 33,000 more dead by June 1st. Remember this is with lockdowns, as the original models were right in 2 million dead. There will be over 100,000 dead Americans from Coronavirus by June 1st. This blog in watching the heartbeat of Coronavirus believes these numbers will pulse again upward, once thee "economy is opened" and once this Mexican pandemic is more sorted out, as some areas the Mexicans are dropping like flies, and other areas they are not trending in numbers. Mexico, the country has just been simmering, but not experiencing the types of rates it should, while an area like Sioux Falls South Dakota had massive problems from one Corona Mexican.

What I honestly project in this is, the "opening" is going to be the cover for releases of more strains, for genus specific, and the prime population will be  the Mexican.

I should probably cheat and do an inquiry into the matrix, but have been too busy, too tired, too not feeling well and have had too many hurtful things happening again, so that is on the wait list.

This virus acts like a human, because it is human. Worst case 11 million Mexicans will be dead. Best case around 220,000 in estimates in the United States if the projections continue to burn out.

At least 30,000 more people will die in the United States from this virus by June 1st. I believe it will project more, even if measures at treating it are improving.

Nuff Said
