Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ann Coulter's Blonde Moment on Coronavirus

As a boy, I played with bats with viruses in the Soviet Union, before I outwitted
the KGB, CIA, FBI and Secret Service to get John Kennedy in Dallas.
Yes I am Ann Coulter's Batman!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have posted Ann Coulter's latest screed below, which is summed up in Mike Pompeo is nuts, Tom Cotton is nuts, and every Conservative is nuts for not believing that a magic bat did not create the Coronavirus, and that on evidence, you know that this is a biological weapon.

You know that the CIA branch behind this is pulling out the Kennedy magic bullet arsenal, when they have Coulter earning her whore's wage, as Coulter only comes out of the closet when Conservatives need to be knifed in the back.
You will remember the CIA let Coulter loose at CPAC to promote sodomy perversion in the Conservative movement at a critical time of betrayal, and now in this epic cover up of Coronavirus, Coulter has been let loose again.

Here are three examples of Ann Coulter being Warren Report clever. The problem is once what she is bleating about is examined, she looks like a bottle blonde imitation of Robert Lansdale.

Coulter Statement 1:

“the genetic data irrefutably show that [the Wuhan virus] is not derived from any previously used virus backbone.”

That does not disprove it was a biological weapon nor a virus experimented with in a lab.  It in fact reinforces the conclusion it was a bioweapon, as a virus not being utilized previously, would in fact be the choice to infect and genocide humans.

Coulter Statement 2:

Any lab studying coronaviruses is going to be studying bats, the source of a vast number of viruses, including the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARS), the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus (MERS)

 Generalities are not facts, in everyone is studying bats. Facts are that with everyone studying bats, and bats are in numerous locations, then why are not viral bat diseases infecting lizards in the United States, as all of this is so Chinese easy?
Coulter does not explain how the magic bat, flew to the Mideast, as there are not any Chinese fruit bats in Saudi Arabia, bit a camel and then infected Arabs in that nation.
Coulter's dominoes set up well, but once one is knocked down, her entire propaganda points all fall apart.

Coulter Statement 3

 New diseases are constantly being attributed to mad scientists whipping something up in their laboratories — AIDS, Lyme disease and Ebola,

Another generality, but the fact is that AIDS, or as he has this wrong HIV, was indeed something from a human lab. It was infected serum from monkeys which tainted hepatitis vaccinations, which were then injected into Coulter log cabin sodomites, one of which was a Quebecois flight attendant, who was having orgies with dozens of other homosexuals around North America every night, and this is how the AIDS pandemic spread.

Lyme Disease was studied at Plum Island, a disease research lab, and originated there.

I would add as three is the charm, that Chronic Wasting Disease in wildlife was studied by the Colorado Department of Wildlife, and when finished, they opened the gate and let the sick animals free, and this has spread across North America.

These are not mad scientists, as Coulter tries to impugn the facts, but scientists who were paid by governments to deal with various diseases in labs, and concentrated there, under human hands, were welcome releases by those who would gain a great deal from research in how to deal with these pandemics which panic the masses.

When Ann Coulter is enlisted by the Mockingbird to stab Conservatives in the back with clever subterfuge, it is proof of the cover up, and it is coming from her employers,  just as the Warren Commission enlisted the magic bullet to make Lee Harvey Oswald the scapegoat.

Coulter has been dispatched as she does not want war with China. Her employers can not afford it being known that US facilities have been hijacked, for the production of private biological weapon's caches by Europeans and their Obama fellow traveler comrades. They took a series of viruses, which previously were not used, which are complex splices of various genetic material, and replaced the Chinese first strike weapon against the United States with the Wuhan Mirror viruses.

Coulter's employers believe they can extort trillions from China, instead of having a war. They also can not have it known that they released these viruses for various reasons, and something else Coulter neglects to mention is there were TWO ACCIDENTS at two different labs, within days of each other. The odds of this taking place are about as likely as a fruit bat which does not live within hundreds of miles of Wuhan, would infect a lizard, the one lizard on the planet which would happen to be in the Wuhan market.......but wait, 14 of the 41 infected WERE NEVER AT THE WUHAN MARKET AND DID NOT HAVE CONTACT WITH EACH OTHER, but Coulter just brushes that aside and does not explain that fact.
To help Coulter's ridiculous screed, perhaps it was her sodomite friends, shoving that infected lizard up their asses as they were out of Anderson Cooper gerbils, which infected the 14 others, and then the 27 others each lizard hors derves.

Lastly, the expert who discovered HIV, a French microbiologist has gone on record stating this Coronavirus was man made in a lab. I would believe him, over Coulter's CIA trolls who like the troll she is, are paid to make lies, damned lies and Coulter lies.

Those behind this do not want you understanding that there is a globalist, private biological weapon's arsenal, under their control, stored in the United States, and that China had created an American Genocide weapon, and were about to use it against the world.

The lab theory was not cooked up in a neocon lab. The Arabian SARS was created though in a Jewish lab to replace a bioweapon Iran had contracted for to kill Saudis in mass. Coulter attempts to mock her way through this, but the fact is the CIA did not get their 30 pieces of silver worth out of Coulter as this screed was nothing but a blonde moment.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Just because the media say something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not true. In the case of Trump’s claim that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab — or as I call it, the All Cultures Are the Same! Theory — the media are probably right.
Granted, whatever the truth is, it will somehow become an argument for more immigration and more war. Still, the lab theory sounds a lot like what we were told before going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to liberate the poor Afghans and Iraqis from their vile leaders! They’re just like us!
Then it turned out the Iraqis were shooting at our guys, as well as one another, and the Afghans were pederasts. Twenty years later, we’re still there and not much has changed. They weren’t just like us.
The Chinese aren’t just like us. Cultural differences are a more likely explanation for the Wuhan flu pandemic than a simple lab accident.
Here are some of the clues:
1) Chinese people eat bats, dogs, civet cats and live octopuses, as well as a variety of endangered species, which are sold at wet markets, jam-packed with wildlife being slaughtered on site in breathtakingly unsanitary conditions. Among the “high-risk” behaviors at wet markets cited by the National Institutes of Health, shoppers “[blow] the cloacae of chickens” to “examine their healthiness.” (Look it up.)
2) At least a half-dozen other animal-to-human viruses have come from the wet markets.
3) Scientists have been warning us for decades: THE NEXT VIRAL PANDEMIC WILL COME FROM THE CHINESE WET MARKETS!
That doesn’t prove that this particular virus came from the wet markets, but it doesn’t sound like a case for Jessica Fletcher.
4) A lot has been made of the fact that there’s a biosafety level-4 super laboratory in Wuhan that just happens to study bats, the original incubator of this coronavirus. More ominously, last year, the lab was cited by the U.S. for safety violations.
On the other hand …
a) Any lab studying coronaviruses is going to be studying bats, the source of a vast number of viruses, including the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome virus (SARS), the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus (MERS), the Marburg, Nipah and Hendra viruses and the Ebola virus.
b) Any lab studying deadly viruses is going to have safety violations. (Just a few years ago, the U.S. military accidentally shipped live anthrax samples to nine labs in the U.S. and a military base in South Korea.)
c) For 20 years, coronaviruses have emerged from Chinese wet markets.
Maybe this coronavirus came from a lab accident! (There’s a bio lab nearby.)
For 20 years, nooses showing up on college campuses have been hoaxes intended to raise “awareness” of racism.
Maybe this time it’s an actual racist! (There’s a fraternity nearby.)
For 20 years, Muslims have staged spectacular terrorist attacks on the West.
Maybe 9/11 was the Israelis! (What about the dancing Israelis?)
5) The lab theory places great stock in the fact that bats were not for sale at the wet market in Wuhan.
But the coronavirus didn’t jump from bats directly to humans. Like SARS, MERS and the bird flu (H5N1), it migrated from bats to some other exotic animal, and then to humans.
Based on a genetic analysis, the intermediate animal in the Wuhan virus is believed to be the pangolin.
Guess what was for sale at the Wuhan wet market? Pangolins! (“Traditional Chinese medicine” teaches that pangolin scales can cure a score of ailments, from impotence to arthritis.)
6) Western scientists who have examined the Wuhan coronavirus say it’s “improbable” that the virus “emerged through laboratory manipulation” rather than natural selection. Kristian Andersen, director of Infectious Disease Genomics at the Scripps Research Institute, for example, notes that that “the genetic data irrefutably show that [the Wuhan virus] is not derived from any previously used virus backbone.”
7) Twenty-seven of the original 41 Chinese people who came down with COVID-19 had been to the Wuhan wet market. Several others were family members of those infected at the wet market.
8) New diseases are constantly being attributed to mad scientists whipping something up in their laboratories — AIDS, Lyme disease and Ebola, to name a few. Louis Farrakhan and Spike Lee were big proponents of the idea that AIDS was made in a government lab just outside Virginia.
No matter how much you hate the media, conservatives, you don’t want to sound like those guys.
Finally, we don’t need a crackpot It Escaped From a Lab! theory to blame the Chinese for this pandemic. They allowed these disease-ridden wet markets to continue, year after year, pandemic after pandemic, putting the entire planet at risk.
We also don’t need another war to “liberate” the Chinese from their Communist masters. (I note that the primary advocates of the lab theory are Permanent War devotees Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Sen. Tom Cotton.)
We just need to shut down the wet markets, shut down the border and bring our manufacturing home.
All cultures are not alike.
