Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Precident to Kill Christians with Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been monitoring the genocide of Christians with Coronavirus Wuhan, and it is pleasant to see Governor and Judiciary support to infect Christians to cripple and kill them.

Wichita Eagle

The reason it is pleasant is the Judges in these cases are stating that there can not be limits on religion in size of gatherings. That of course is Constitutional, but what is of interest as these anti gathering laws have been used to shoot Indians in South Dakota and were in place to stop epidemics in the past, but now these laws are set aside for Christians.
And the reason I delight in this, is if you can not limit Christians to 10 people, then that is a precedent, in the federal or state can not limit the number of firearms you buy nor the size of the clip you have, because pandemic and firearm laws were all intended for public protection, and when one set is set aside as in Coronavirus Christian worship, then it transfers to every Right, and it means that Gun Rights have the same protections.

This is beyond what took place in Kansas, as other states attempted to photograph license plates of worshipers and were stopped by court orders. When you can not gather information on a religious attendee, you can not make people fill out firearm forms without a crime, because those rights are protected.

I have no concern if pew sitters want to kill themselves with Coronavirus. I would they donated before they did as I plan on living till Christ returns. but the regime in knocking off Christians has opened the legal door to rid the United States of the anti Constitutional 1968 Gun Control Act.
When the regime will not set limits on Corona Christophiliacs, then they can not set limits on guns and ammo.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
