Saturday, May 9, 2020

Solving One Phase of Coronavirus in Children

Teen Among 3 NY Children Dead From Coronavirus-Linked Syndrome

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will have more on this next week, but I believe the cause of these cases in London and New York City is iron poisoning.

Symptoms of the disease — similar to toxic shock syndrome and Kawasaki disease — include prolonged fever, abdominal pain, skin color change and decreased amount or frequency in urine, according to New York Health officials.
"Though rare, we urge parents to be vigilant," Cuomo said in a tweet.

This is taking place in the late stage of the virus, as the iron is dialating blood vessels, creating low blood pressures, and working the heart in expanding it and damaging it. The severe inflammation is from auto immune, which is causing the next phase which brings on the iron poisoning. The kidneys are shutting down because of the iron and the skin color changes due to the high content of iron, it is called Bronze Diabetes.

If this is a new strain, it was flown in from London, where this western phase began. This is not Lazarus strain, it is instead not a viral hybrid off vaccines, but linked to a susceptible trait of the iron toxicity.

I believe pediatrics must work on a non lethal treatment involving Ivomec in children to stop this biological weapon, before it enters phase 2 which sets off the immune response.
I do not know if chelation would be a remedy or if the drugs would further harm the child, that in turn would leave dialysis, but the problem is the iron is inside the blood cells. This is a most wonderful biological weapon, and it is wonderful that Ann Coulter is lying to people for her pimps in telling you this came out of a bats ass to protect their interests, instead of finding solutions for those dying from this plague.

Everything in this is not a new goddamn syndrome or disease.

Yes, once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
