Sunday, May 10, 2020

Corona Meat Shortages

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been meaning to feature some things going on with the meat situation in the brier patch to explain a few things, because my cousin saw a Wuhan Smithfield pork truck dumping meat into a Dollar General, which is one place I am not buying meat from, but it was this post on ZeroHedge from the Durdan Bros which just had my head shaking as people are ignorant now, that they have no idea what in the hell they are talking about.

This Tom Luongo says this beef shortage has been a year in the making. NO it has been a generation in the making, because all of you stopped buying fur to wear, all of you didn't give a damn when corporate agriculture ran out beef ranchers and then speculators started spiking the markets.
There were many other reasons that beef disappeared from the decade Montana drought to that tasteless goddamn Angus beef to allowing those American haters to attack meat, milk and eggs, as you bought Chinamart and allowed those goddamn foreigners into America who eat goat shit and boiled wheat with their Coronavirus hands.

There are two more points in this, in Florida "grows allot of cows". No they produce CATTLE. Cows are what have calves. Further in this stupid article he speaks about heifers being replaced. Heifers are females who have not had calves yet, so you are not replacing heifers, you replace cows.

Lastly there was something about 'corn was unfit for silage'. I have no idea what in the hell that stupid statement is, as silage is chopped corn fodder, and you chop silage out of bad corn crops, to get something out of it, to feed cattle with it.
If you have corn, you have corn. That means it is ripe enough for silage and for running through a combine. Wet or immature is the problem with corn, but if it is in the market, it is corn.
Cargill will just mix bad quality with good quality and sell it anyway. That is what the Jews do. 

"Where's The Beef?" – Not On The Horizon!

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog,

My talk with Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire recently covered the motive, means and opportunity for why this perspective should be our default setting.
But this beef shortage has been a year in the making. Last year because of poor grain harvests, especially corn, where millions of bushels came in at quality not even fit for silage, we were already expecting disruptions in the beef market as ranchers were thinning herds and bidding up the price of feeder calves earlier in year.
I’ve spoken with ranchers here in Florida about this. And this is an area which 1) grows a lot of cows, and 2) where meat packing plants have been mostly unaffected by COVID-19. So, it’s important when I tell you this dynamic in January and February has completely reversed itself.

Due to Coronavirus in the brier patch, it goes back to the years when agribusiness broke small farmers, so the farmers were not there to take animals to the butcher to turn into food, and numbers of them quit as it is a hard life. But anyway, our butcher here is booked to November on animals to slaughter. In other words, you could have a butcher beef and it would not do any good, unless you were going to cut up that 1500 pound animal yourself, which is a big job, because the people who do it are all booked up.
Furthermore in this, I was told that you can not find a freezer locally or online, they are all gone.

So for all this beef or meat, it is going to have to be canned in order to keep it, and canned burgers are lard festivals, and making sausage is not exactly a summer activity for cold smoke with the flies around.

I have been a prepper my entire life. That means when I could not afford it, we were putting up chickens. I would rather have beef, but chicken is food that I can turn one chicken into weeks of meals in pressure cooking the bones.
I was amazed that the humans were walking by the most viable meat option in ham, which I am not fond of. Oh they picked up the pissy little packages, but not the whole hams. They were 37 dollars, so before the country opened up to spread the plague, I got a second one. I noted they had bacon ends too at 22 dollars a box, bulk packaged. That was like 45 dollars worth of bacon, perhaps more, but we will be stuck eating pork product for the pandemic months. The ham bones will render into soups, more than I will care to eat, but it is food and it will not taste like oatmeal or Angus beef.

The pork like this was a buy. The religious Germans around here, were dumping pigs at 290 dressed. It makes more sense to buy hams, in getting the meat I want, rather than pork shoulders and shit whic you wonder why you have it.
So protein wise we are topped off. The problem with the food supply though is centralized Cargill Jew, Chicom pork and that Brazilian butcher shop. It is not keeping prices down after they drove out the small meat producers, and now all it does is make shortages as I sure as hell am not going to be buying any more pork for sometime with all those goddamn coofing foreigners around.
That goes for Canada too, as a great deal of your beef comes from Canada, and it comes in the chains from Australia, New Zealand and South America, and do not let them tell you that it does not, as all that cheap meat gets mixed in. Just like, do you think all that quality pork from America, which got shipped to China, ever came back to the United States? Hell no, you got China pork and they were eating the good stuff.

I am going to inform you of something in this as no one touches on these things as they are all asstards on the keyboard and never get shit on the boots. We had a package of brand name bacon. It took 3 minutes to microwave it. These bacon end things, microwave in a minute twenty.
It is the feed the pigs are getting. Feed a pig soybeans like Chinese do and the lard is not what lard is with corn. Corn cooks quicker and if you are a pig grower, never feed millet like the Chinese do, as the lard runs like water.

Wow and I don't get paid the big donations and I don't have the CIA underwriting the bullshit that others get paid to publish.

You learned something and I have to figure a way past this or God does in the meat things, perhaps I will have to resort to poaching or road kill deer.

You don't have meat, because you did not support small farmers when they were begging for help, and you sold all your best to Asia, and did not protect your industries. That is the reality, and it has nothing to do with fiction corn not good enough for silage.

Nuff Said

