As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I admit that I should have known this Coronavirus plague was coming, but as this is my first and last time in this world, I have not caught onto the nuances and the big picture of things.
See numbers of people hate me. You and satan have been killing things off here for years, carrying on the orgy of harm and death which my family and others unleashed on me here.
When I met TL new odd things happened though, which had never taken place before. I used to be able to store my corn on the cob for seed in a farm pick up to dry, as it dries well and works out great. I tried that with the best crop of heirloom sweet corn I have ever had in Golden Bantam and mice appeared and ate the whole thing. I had never seen anything like it.
I know that came from TL's sister and family as there was some dark shit going on, and my evil mother was sucking it in like the fountain of youth, and it killed her too in all of this toxic venom directed at me.
Hell we even had woodchucks digging under the house, getting trapped, banging around for weeks, before I caught those damn things and skunks which followed. This stuff NEVER happened around here before as I do trap and keep things down in numbers.
Then two years ago, a goddamn rat got into the house and ate TL's African violets off. Damn thing terrified the cat and I was like "What the hell is this".
I poisoned them and it did no good, and finally it came down I trapped the damn thing, but sure as hell what appeared last winter, but another rat. This one though was really the end all of demonic rats.
This thing would not eat poison either. I have never seen rodents which would not eat poison. It would not go near it in the basement. But it absolutely loved Doritos, Cheetos and gourmet bread. It would not eat Mexican tortilla flour or just about anything else, but that damn rat could find things and open bags in the best secure places.
Granted I thought I had won a month ago, as I could hear these sounds, which I knew had to be baby rats. I tore shit loose and apart, got an allergic reaction, but I got that next and burned them damned things up. The rat left...............and sure as hell it came back and first thing it did was eat the Cheetos.
I even crushed up the Cheetos that were left, and mixed them in with the rat poison.....it still would not eat the rat poison which is made to attract rats!!!
I know when demons are tormenting them, and this was one of those events, as that damn thing would run through the walls, always where I was and just antagonize me.
The thing is, I realize some are thinking. "Why not use cheese?" That is what the Cheetos were.
Besides, growing up around here, our rats and mice would not touch cheese. Oh rats loved sardines mixed with rat poison and mice ate peanut butter, but if you put cheese on a trap, you never caught a thing.
So finding a chunk of moldy Colby cheese in the bottom of the fridge, I went out, got a #1 Victor long spring, cut a slab big enough that it almost sprang the trap, and I added a paperclip, shoved through the cheese to clip it onto the trap pan.
Four damned day that trap sat, and that rat was around in stealth. It was like, "Great I knew cheese was not going to work", and then today, sure as God is good, we got that damned rat, but the fight was not done with yet.
I swear this was the mother of all rats. It was like a damn pack rat. It got caught and dragged the trap under the cupboard and I had to move things, but I found that bitch, and let loose with my pellet rifle in a good lung shot.
It did not die. I shot it again......it did not die. So I shot it again, it did not die. I started to wonder if something was wrong with the pellet gun, moved position, got a head shot and that girl of a bitch kicked as this time it was a kill shot.
Those 3 other shots should have killed it, but it was not dying, until the brain shot settled things.
Where this is all going, I know you people and satan sent this rat. I also know in duality that this rat was part of this pandemic, and it is now payback time for the world in all of your selfishness and leaving me for dead. I got that bitch though and fed it to the cats and in that lesson is the bigger picture of what I stated in this pandemic is allowing me to move again as there is too much clutter in the matrix. The tide which was against me for my entire life has begun to roll back out against you all in equal and opposite force. Nothing you brats can do about it either, as this is your energy wave of hate directed at me, and now it is returning home, as you were too asstard not to put in a cut off switch. It is all going back, even new venom, is all going back and building up charge.
The rat is dead. The pandemic and plague is broken by God's Grace for me, and for my children. I really am going to enjoy watching the payback which is rolling. Looking forward to the bone fields, skulls shining like stars in the sky. Looking forward to the news of evil people dropping like flies. I don't know if I can drink that much beer in celebrating all their demise, but this is my time line in the Lord from this point on and there is nothing anything or anyone can do about it as this is the balancing of the scales all in my favor by God.
I really like this biological weapon in all of it's forms as it has been quite liberating. Demons released out of the Euphrates and while they are busy with the rats, the Christians are released to go about God's business.
Nuff Said