Tuesday, May 12, 2020

After Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Makia Freeman at the end of April, focused upon the Bill Gates interview by Mockingbird Michead Stepehn Colbert and then went on to quote the Hill, concerning the use of Coronavirus as a poor terrorists, bioterror weapon. The Lame Cherry realizes that the internet is a big place, but this blog had already warned of this taking place. The problem as Adolf Hitler stated of humans, is they have small minds and think small. In that Ms. Freeman is too human, in she has no comprehension of the lords and the priests, and her focusing on Bill Gates, is like focusing on what is in the toilet after the party.
Bill Gates has never had an original idea in his life. His computers were from CIA front companies of IBM and Xerox and his furthering plague research is where the lords and the priests have implanted the thought into his process.
In the real world of the lords and the priests, things like Oprah, Soros and Gates are on the same pond scum level as you, in they are only pretty lilies on top, but their roots are sucking the same shit which you are, to benefit those who are directing this.

The Lame Cherry, whether you donate like a good person, or do not donate like the creature of the wrath of God you are, will explain the facts of life, After Coronavirus, so these tourists will expand their horizons as they are really boring dolts in the ignorance they are projecting.

The CVD Op - Gates (Who Knows) Warns In Advance (again)
Next Is 'Pandemic 2' And Then A Very Deadly BioTerror Attack
(Doesn't Say By Whom...We'll Never Know The Truth) Can You
Spell 'Endless Fear' And 'Population Reduction'?

The Hill suggests in The coronavirus: Blueprint for bioterrorism that “Terrorists could, and would, go on to plant the virus randomly across the world with additional infected agents.

For a review in this, what as Teacher Cherry already informed you of? Corona Wuhan, the virus which replaced the Chinese Arabian SARS virus, is so far advanced that the Pentagon and CIA have no idea what this thing is. This is the holy grail, the rosetta stone, the taking of the caveman club and handing him an anti matter photon torpedo. Coronavirus is so far advanced from a normal corona, that it is the difference of an ameba and a human.

You must realize that the lords and the priests just did not bestow such satanic enlightened thought on humanity without understanding that they just gave the ultimate weapon to hosts of people, making them superpowers. The world is dealing with a biological weapon. The world is in biological warfare. The world now has the design for the ultimate weapons, as the Mirror, with kits which can be ordered off the internet for zero costs, can splice in this genetic, auto immune, TB crossed, biological superweapon, with anything.
This was bat SARS as the ground floor. In a lab, anyone can remove that plank and put in any other coronavirus just like a leggo set.
You don't like tuberculosis? Try anthrax as your latent cocktail. With just a few altered sequences, any Dr. Germ on a credit card budget can now create a super weapon, out of materials which can be found anywhere, and they can make it deadlier than the Mirror.

That is quite a gift to the world isn't it, that kind of "the day the universe changed" technology.

This though is where your minds like Ms. what's her name, are falling short, in little thoughts like Bill Gates. Certainly there have already been re releases of this virus for corporate profits and there will be replications, but this is a pretty mess for the lords and priests, like an ejaculation on a virgin, so ask yourself, do you really think the geniuses who created such a prize bioweapon, did not understand that this was the ultimate weapon, now in the primate's hands, which is going to create chaos out of their order?

Teacher will lead you further down this path, if you are not getting this. Coronavirus Mirror is the ultimate weapon, pandoras box, the gen out of the bottle. Those responsible are not going to allow that kind of power to remain. You might say, "It is here and available, so it can not be forgotten, so it can not be stopped."
You would be foolish as Bill Gates in that statement because you took out of the analysis the worst two legged virus, the most vulnerable which can be stopped. Stop the human and you stop the virus.

Some might say, "Yes but the lords and the priests own the terrorists so that would not be cost effective". That again is not the entire world, as what if some genius who figures out what was really behind Coronavirus and splices in flesh eating bacteria. Imagine being immortal, not being able to die, and have bacteria eating your ass off..

Yes the human race must be stopped, lest they complete the tower of Babel for themselves.

This would seem an immense risk to those in power, to make such a move in the forbidden knowledge being released, but remember in this, that China was about to exterminate the United States and like peoples, and the world would be all Chinese, save for the Europeans, where this all began, being the footstool of Peking. China was about to sweep aside those in power, and that is something which would not be allowed, so the ultimate weapon was released, and the ultimate chain of consequences would follow, all factored in, so there would not be any surprises.

This then projects to how those in power, shut down the ultimate weapon. There will be economic collapse, resource collapse, pestilence, more useful plagues, and of course in the weapons of mass destruction arsenal, fire, as in nuclear fires, to stop the primates in propagating the ultimate weapon

China was playing a strategy game to destroy America, and host lands like Australia with a virus which would not spread, beyond public water. It was a smoking gun without a trace to them for nuclear retaliation by the United States. That gambit has been ended with the release of the Mirror, and China after spreading the Mirror via the PLA, immediately as this blog warned, began assembling their stockpile of nuclear weapons. China is afraid, and that is why they chose nuclear weapons, as they are dirty and a deterent, while dead end plagues are clean once the corpses all rot down in a month. Radiation is the death which keeps on giving.

China should TRIPLE nuclear arsenal to deter ‘warmongering’ US, editor of state-run Global Times argues — RT World News   rt 

This is where this grudge match is headed as the central Europeans see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. The United States and the world does not have enough firepower or armed strength to kill Russia and Chinese hordes, so thee Americans have resorted to RAID type small nuclear bombs to wipe out hundreds of thousands of PLA at a detonation.. This is the type of warfare which will disrupt the nations, disrupt the ability to manufacture and deliver vats of other biological weapons, and this is how one puts Pandora back into her box, by turning the primates and their supporting structures into ashes by mushroom clouds.

What I have warned of here, is Coronavirus is not the end, but a beginning of fantastic things. When this goes Biblical, the world is going to have stars falling from the skies and bringing another plague on the waters which is fascinating in was it the dead fish which made the water stink, or was there an agent in the water which killed the fish and then decomposed like rotting blood.

19And the LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Take your staff and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt—over their rivers and canals and ponds and reservoirs—that they may become blood.’ There will be blood throughout the land of Egypt, even in the vessels of wood and stone.” 20Moses and Aaron did just as the LORD had commanded; in the presence of Pharaoh and his officials, he raised the staff and struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was turned to blood. 21The fish in the Nile died, and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water. And there was blood throughout the land of Egypt.…

The Lame Cherry advises to expect that this is just starting, as the ultimate weapon can not be allowed to remain in circulation as too many have it, and you can not have the immortal elite with their asses rotting off forever. That would take all the joy over not dying, as the worm would not die.

Now the tourists have taken the wrong turn, and the Teacher has pointed the way again, it is time to move on for them to catch up again.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 More of you should think like the Coronavirus, as it is a logical organism.

Nuff Said
