Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Obama that bumped into the Night

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 With the news breaking in the release of classified documents which reveal that Barack Hussein Obama was the one who brought up Michael Flynn's phone call in December with the Russians.

In the exchange, acting DOJ Attorney General, Sally Yates, stated this fact and that James Comey of the FBI brought up the Logan Act. Yates stated she had no idea what Obama was talking about, but gathered what was going on as Obama kept talking.

The question in this is who told Obama? This is the question that opens up the criminal content, because this was a private conversation, and it would require the FBI to have a warrant in order to collect data like this, and that warrant would only be issued by the courts if there was previous activity by Flynn, which there was not.

With Comey bringing up the Logan Act, proves that he had foreknowledge of this and had been pondering the legal situation.

Those involved in this were John Brennan, Susan Rice, James Clapper, but they had said nothing to Yates.

In the backdrop of this, John Brennan had been illegally running an intelligence operation in the United States with the FBI as a front. The front man was Peter Strzok.

In this group, there is NSA, CIA, FBI, all of whom knew better than to be spying on any American without a warrant. Remember in this that Susan Rice was unmasking the innocent along with that Samantha Power wholesale.

So this reveals that the Russians were being monitored, and in a private phone call, General Flynn, had his name unmasked by Susan Rice. She then took an innocent phone call, as the General as part of the incoming Trump administration had every responsibility and legal right to enter into discussions with the Kremlin.

Rice then had informed John Brennan, James Clapper and James Comey, along with Barack Hussein Obama, who knew all the details of this private conversation, which he had absolutely no legal right to know, and this is why Obama was stipulating that he could know nothing more, and it is why Susan Rice was emailing herself providing cover for Obama.

Now the details of this had been pieced together for years, but at this point there is documentation, and with the General exonerated by the Department of Justice, that the flip side of this is the reality Michael Flynn should never have been placed under surveillance, and with that reality, it concludes that unmasking Michael Flynn was a crime, and in that all of these Obama principles were involved in a felony.

"Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council," the document states.
"After the briefing, Obama dismissed the group but asked Yates and Comey to stay behind. Obama started by saying he had 'learned of the information about Flynn' and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions. Obama specified he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information. At that point, Yates had no idea what the President was talking about, but figured it out based on the conversation. Yates recalled Comey mentioning the Logan Act, but can't recall if he specified there was an 'investigation,'"

This Obama group were involved in what has been revealed by House intelligence interviews, that John Brennan was sanitizing the Russian reports from revealing that Russia was helping Hillary Clinton, and Brennan was putting fake intelligence in, that Russia was helping Donald Trump, in order to create the continuous coups against the President.

There are not any doubts in this, the fish stinks from the head down. Everything which the United States has been put through involved the machinations of Birther Hussein Obama, from the Mueller Coup, the Schiff Impeachment, and now the Coronavirus Wuhan as it was Obama funding which built the bioweapons lab in China.

The United States has never experienced such a criminal enterprise, of someone who occupied the Oval Office, attempting to bring down the government after departing the White House. This is espionage and high crimes against the Constitution.

Former CIA operative, Bryan Wright is calling for Brennan and Comey to hang. This goes to the top and Obama is the top, and with Harry Truman the buck stopped with him, and in this the noose must start with Obama.
The United States must set the Benedict Arnold example, and strip Barack Obama of the presidency and whatever citizenship this Birther has assumed, that should be stripped to. Barack Hussein Obama must be exiled, with his adopted daughters and that wife.

The United States is approaching 100,000 deaths from Obama's coronavirus. The nation is in jeopardy and our government is in turmoil, and America from all of this is facing nuclear conflict from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Our economy is in shambles.

This is not an issue of, "Oh this is a Negro so it does not matter". America and all our lives are now at risk, and Obama knew it was a crime, as that is why he was busy having a woman cover this up for him.

Attorney General William Barr stated the thought that this would not indict anyone connected with the 2020 campaign. Joe Biden was in this meeting. He knew of these crimes and has been covering up ever since, along with Barack Hussein Obama. These horrid people left Michael Flynn and his family be terrorized by the FBI and twist for four years.

Michael Flynn deserves Justice. His family deserves Justice. American deserves Justice.

Nuff Said
