Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why Does China Need A Coronavirus Vaccine?

Let's wear black face and team up to kill as many Canadians 
as Stalin did Ukrainians or you did Chinese.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is puzzled in the lying Chinese of Peking, have been telling us, while the world had had millions of Coronavirus Wuhan infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths, that China has not had any new deaths since Mao had his last erection and new cases of Coronavirus are like......well the last time a Chinamna had a bad day.

.......and yet, here is China, teaming up with Justin Wuhan Trudeau, to guinea pig Canadians for a new Coronavirus vaccine.

Chinese coronavirus vaccine could be tested, manufactured in Canada - Reuters   reuters 

Now some might say, that China can sell their rhino horn vaccine to the world and make a fortune, but you have to remember that Rand Paul was saying today that babies dying from Coronavirus have a better chance of having a 3rd testicle, than being harmed by this virus. Hell Rush Limbaugh says that this virus is no more harmful than a rich person getting cancer as it is not dangerous at all.
So logically what is good for the Chinese goose, will be good for the world gander as soon we will all be like China in having no cases at all...............so why is China with Justin black face Trudeau, using Canadians as guinea pigs for this virus which is not a problem at all?

You don't suppose that China is lying, and that Rush Limbaugh is lying do you? You don't suppose that China has millions dead, and can not afford to guinea pig it's own comrades anymore as they are dying too fast, so that China needs a vaccine more, and the world needs a vaccine as this is really a biological weapon now do you?

Considering the Jews had their own potion, I can't see the Jews letting the Chinese get the vaccine pot of gold. For that matter, ok.............

Ok so you got those assbackward dimwits of China, who build biological weapons and they have accidents, and these dimwits are teaming up with Canada..........Canada is not exactly the place you think of the place you find the best of anything to discover a cure, as they can not even cure their own boredom.
France, yes........England yes, America yes, but China teams up with Canada? That is like two left feet trying on right footed horse shoes and calling them underwear.

So what does this story really mean?

It means that Canadians made another head up their ass mistake in putting Trudeau back into office, as he should be in jail as he gave this virus to China to weaponize. It means Canada is in real shit with this virus in Canadians dying. That is why Trudeau just joined literally the Nazi holocaust creators to use Canadians as guinea pigs as Canada is dying.
For China, it means they are the same devious, lying, first strike bioweapon Godless ilk, that Ian Punnett defends on Coast to Coast AM as he savages Americans, and China needs a vaccine, using stolen US techology which Canada helped itself to. This means this bioweapon is so far about China's mental structure, it requires what America knows, and not those shit stink foreigners that Ottawa keeps importing to increase the brain content of Canada, as Canada has little need for scientific minds or hiring Canadians for jobs.

I was informed that Quebec did the same stupid thing that New York did, in dumping plague carriers in nursing homes. No one with any sense does that, unless they are spreading a plague and trying to kill off the elderly. Now the very Chinese who stole this plague from Canada, are joining with Canada to poke needles with satan only knows what bio poison to run experiments on Canadians for "vaccine".......which we are told is unnecessary as this virus is harmless and China is over it.

This is once again the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter, exposing the bullshit in the horseshit of the lies we are being told non stop. Nom de Deus, when is Donald Trump going to arrest this criminal Justin Trudeau and hang him at Nuremberg? Xi and Trudeau are the duo responsible for Coronavirus Wuhan, and now they are going to make profit, while turning Canada into Dr. Mengle's Auschwitz.

Nuff Said
