Thursday, May 14, 2020

All the Swedes in Corona Nigger Land

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly have had it with the asstards who keep pointing to Sweden is the model, and then Florida and South Dakota had it right, when none of these paid whores like Warner Todd Huston and Mike Whitney, are intelligent enough to not look like fools, in answering the real question in, "How many coons are there in Sweden?"

Huston, who is someone I honestly admire and like, spewed out that Corona is concentrated, so the lock down does not have to be in effect in many places, not noting that people are dumb as shit, and need a keeper most days to keep from killing themselves and making this bankrupt nation worse off.

LOCKDOWN FAILURE: More Than Half of U.S. Counties have NO Coronavirus Deaths ⋆ The Washington Sentinel   thewashingtonsentinel 


Just five states—New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, and California—account for 54% of all of the confirmed cases in the U.S. and 61% of all coronavirus deaths.
These state-level figures do not, however, adequately describe the concentrated nature of the spread of COVID-19.

Whitney instead quotes a Swede, as the all knowing socialist god, about a plague which we only know the tip of the iceberg about. The idiots who want this virus spread to create a fictional "herd immunity",  in their pie in the sky rantings about opening things up, never explain about Ann Coulter's SARS out of a bat's ass, is a Coronavirus, and they mutate, so just like the common cold, it will not ever have one vaccine and it will keep reinfecting people, as it mutates.

Whitney: Sweden Is The Model   zh

There is also the question of whether herd immunity will be sufficient to fight off reinfection. This question was posed to Giesecke in a recent interview in which he was asked:
“Why are you gambling that herd immunity will protect your people from re-infection?”
Giesecke answered, 
“There has not been a single proven case of anyone getting a second infection from the virus….so far there have been no reinfections….If you have it once you don’t get it again….There will be herd immunity, that’s clear, and it will last over the period of this outbreak.”

None of these anti lock down Coronacaust Deniers will ever touch the subject beyond age, in Coronavirus is a race oriented virus. It predominantly feeds on darker skinned peoples, who do not have the CCRS - DELTA 32 gene which protected from the Black Plague. The Chinese, Southern Europeans, Mexcians, Africans, American Indians and Afroids do not have this resistant gene and get deathly ill from Coronavirus Wuhan.
Coronavirus likes dirty people, who do not wash the shit off their hands. This excludes most of the Lutheranized Protestants of the Anglo Saxon genus.

Our understanding of why some people get mild infections while others wind up hospitalized or killed by COVID-19 is still limited. In the U.S., 34 percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases are in patients under the age of 45, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data from mid-March. Of patients known to be hospitalized, about 20 percent were under 45, and of those known to be admitted to the ICU, 12 percent were under 45. The CDC also reports that the case fatality rate is less than 1 percent for people age 20-54.
But there isn’t much we know about why some young people are getting extremely sick and others aren’t.

Comparing Sweden to the United States is as ignorant as comparing Congo to Sweden, as one Africa has mostly Niggers in it, and one Europe has mostly Vikings in it.
This Lame Cherry has warned that Coronavirus is a surface virus. It is shit, semen, blood and snot, rubbed on shopping carts or coat sleeves which transfer this plague, if you are not body rubbing your skin on some coofer.

This blog will cover this further in the Swedish model, which is the South Dakota model. Let us look though at Sweden which actually has a higher death rate than other nations around her, and has a higher death rate than the United States.
Let us look at South Dakota in their largest city was open, until the Chinese dumped in infected Mexicans and made Sioux Falls hotter than New York City. Let us look at the suppressed numbers of Sioux Indians which the tribes are reported have the virus, and yet they are not showing up in South Dakota state nor national data in a cover up.
South Dakota has a Germanic people, Scandinavian and Slavics. Around 100 of these got sick and died, from eating human shit.  South Dakota has though over 2000 cases of Mexicans, Africans and Indians, and that number is growing in AN OPEN SOCIETY.
North Dakota in being open is generating the same numbers in an OPEN SOCIETY.

So the key to Coronavirus is not age or nations, but it is race. This is not to say that being White is protective as White people with outliers are contracting this. The recent studies exposing iron poisoning as the result of many deaths, makes the Celtic peoples vulnerable to this plague, as much as the other swarthy types.
There is also the problem of the "strain". The Italian strain is spreading faster and is more lethal to certain groups. The original Chinese strain was deadly in the S strain, but the L strain was less lethal and less symptomatic. California and the west coast had the Chinese strain. New York and the surrounding states have the Italian strain and large numbers of Italians.

These propaganda whores who twist data in cookie cutter screeds are getting people killed and it all began with Rush Limbaugh saying this was the common cold which it has now been proven it is not, and even denier George Noory has gone silent once the Corona cases topped 60,000 in the United States. Limbaugh still though is ranting about inflated numbers.......yes what about the numbers of Indians not being reported to counter that fact?

Coronavirus is VIRUSES. America is not America but a mongrelized people of 50 different states and in those state are metros and rural people. Put the right strain on the right population it feeds on, and Sweden or America will die like Italians and Spaniards.

This virus is a biological weapon, no matter what whore money Ann Coulter is paid to protect those trying to extort money out of China. We know in the present, this virus does re infect. We know this virus sleeps. We know this virus has 3 stages. We know it causes iron poisoning, and blood clots. We know it triggers other viruses. We know that it manifests hosts of non symptoms and symptoms.

What we do not know about Coronavirus is, like polio vaccines will it later manifest cancer? Is there something in this virus that we do not know about which really does sterilize the males who contract it like mumps? Does it have future shingles outbreaks like chicken pox? No one save this blog, is asking these questions, as we are all told to go out and get this bioweapon to protect the portfolio prostitutes investments for the economy.
In a year, five years or 30 years, are we going to find out that Coronavirus had a hidden killer dropping people life flies, when we should have kept distancing and gatherings in place as a precaution, instead of infecting millions of more people who would not have gotten these released strains and they would have died out if those screaming FIRE in a crowded movie theater had been forced to answer these realities of what they advocated.

The few paid trolls are forcing the many who are not having a problem with lock downs back into danger.

Clear skies, family time and no more commuting: meet the Europeans who don't want lockdown to end   euronews 

 I will never forget that moron John Kerry on 9 11 with jets in the sky, his leading a group of Senators to the Capitol steps to peer at the sky, to prove their was no danger, as the Pentagon was crashed into. It is the same idiot scenario of people calling for herd immunity as you are only save if your genetics give you an edge and you have not had an ethic wipe their shitty fingers on your bread sack.

You do not get Coronavirus by being in areas with people. You get Coronavirus by contacting the surfaces infected people spread fluids on. A German eats infected Italian shit, and they will get this virus, not as easily as a Spaniard, but it will happen.
There is not one size fits all, but the size which should have fit was lock down until the warmer months, but that is over, as Warner Todd Huston and his group has won. The virus will continue to spread in waves, it will kill White people, who contract it from the shit of what America is filled with in Mexicans, Italians, Chinese, Indians and whatever.

Those are the realities, and there is a legal responsibility to those who promote half facts which get people killed.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
