Thursday, May 14, 2020

Coronavirus proven a Bioweapon

“No one was expecting a disease that would not fit the pattern of pneumonia and respiratory illness,

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Part of my vocation as a teacher is to teach. That is of course not what the NEA projects as stupid people without common sense or reasoning, are what the manufacturers of Coronavirus Wuhan have been working on, but all the same, for some reason I can not convince them that I will sell out just like all the other whores for the millions Rush Limbaugh owes me in plagiarism, and then their narrative will be the only one.

So as we begin this lesson today my children, I have a really hard question for you, which you probably won't be able to figure out, so I will ask you three questions which are very hard  to help you.

When you have the diarrhea, what is it that the virus makes you do?

When you are puking from a virus, what is that virus making you do?

When you have the common cold and a snotty nose, what comes out of your nose?

I know these are very hard questions, because people with university degrees are really perplexed over these answer. They also do not question when propaganda appears and says, "This virus came from a magic bat, which bit a reptile, which infected humans were not around the patient zero human, but it definitely is not a bioweapon's lab virus created by people in a Wuhan lab funded by Barack Obama".

The answsers to the above questions which I hope you got, are a virus which gives you diarrhea, gives you diarrhea. A virus which makes you vomit, makes you vomit. A virus which gives you a nasal discharge makes you blow your nose.

This is what is perplexing doctors with degrees and who think they know everything, as this Coronavirus Wuhan and the other strains, are supposed to produce a sore throat, a fever, a deep lung infection and cough. but instead the virus is infecting the brain, the kidneys, damaging blood vessels, giving diarrhea, causing heart damage............all from a lung virus. This perplexes the experts as the heart, kidneys, brain, blood and intestines are not the lungs.

Here is the quote from the Washington Post examining this consternation, as Corona was supposed to just kill geezers, and now it is offing babies with iron poisoning.

Doctors keep discovering new ways the coronavirus attacks the body

Damage to the kidneys, heart, brain — even ‘covid toes’ — prompts reassessment of the disease and how to treat it

“We don’t know why there are so many disease presentations,” said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. “Bottom line, this is just so new that there’s a lot we don’t know.”
More than four months of clinical experience across Asia, Europe and North America has shown the pathogen does much more than invade the lungs. “No one was expecting a disease that would not fit the pattern of pneumonia and respiratory illness,” said David Reich, a cardiac anesthesiologist and president of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.
It attacks the heart, weakening its muscles and disrupting its critical rhythm. It savages kidneys so badly some hospitals have run short of dialysis equipment. It crawls along the nervous system, destroying taste and smell and occasionally reaching the brain. It creates blood clots that can kill with sudden efficiency and inflames blood vessels throughout the body.
It can begin with a few symptoms or none at all, then days later, squeeze the air out of the lungs without warning. It picks on the elderly, people weakened by previous disease, and, disproportionately, the obese. It harms men more than women, but there are also signs it complicates pregnancies.

Yes no one was expecting a plague which was not acting like it was supposed to. The question to this in logic, if you have a bat lung virus, which does not produce even in lizards, diarrhea, brain inflammation, kidney and heart damage, then how is this magic virus accomplishing all of this as nature does not produce viruses like this?

It is the 500 pound gorilla in the room, as the logical answer is, this is a biological weapon, because it is a biological weapon, as the the Indians, and the discoverer of HIV, both located an HIV splice into this virus, which could only happen in a lab by human hands.

I know this would have to be repeated to doctors and experts a few thousand times, with shock therapy as med school programs their minds to lock step stupid, but the reason a normal virus does not act like a normal virus, is not because nature changed it, as nature does not do that, as nature even in viruses, understands if you kill or damage all thee infected, the virus will not live on. Nature only culls the few, and scuffs the many, so the virus can come back and feed again.

None of this understanding helps when you have a nitwit like Bill Cunningham who wants you to die for his portfolio, who starts out that Corona is not as bad as the flu, as the kills more, and when the Corona kills more people, then he shifts to "well only a small percentage of people have contracted this virus so it is not that bad". The virus is just getting started, the President has been keeping people safe so they do not catch this deadly virus, so it is really asstard disingenuous of Bill Cunningham and his clique of well paid trolls to make this their global warming shift to climate change when proven wrong like liberals do.

Coronavirus is a biological weapon. I have explained all of this in the reasoning behind it's release. The Lame Cherry has also been proven correct by the doctors being perplexed in this virus is not going from point A to point B, as virus are programmed to do, but is instead going from A to F to Q to Z, which no virus does in God's orderly world.

Ask yourself, if you had breast cancer, how many times does cancer turn into gout? How about if you have diabetes, how many time does diabetes turn into cancer? They never do, as diseases have known attributes and is why your doctor can diagnose what is wrong with you. A doctor does not look down your throat for hemorrhoids.

Yes the deep state propagandists of Mockingbird like Ann Coulter, write brainwashing like the Kennedy Magic Bullet to prove that John Kennedy was killed by one bullet that struck most of the population of Dallas first. She is a sodomite troll, employed to produce a narrative of conspiracy and mock all of you, to not believe the data, but instead what the people in power brainwash the dim minded to believe.


 Anyone who does not believe that Coronavirus came out of
a bat's butt is just stoopid!!!

If I was Ann Coulter, I would be a drunk, a dope head and probably throw myself into a jet engine in suicide in having to get up every day and be paid whore who looks dumb as a blonde. The medical facts all prove that Coronavirus is a biological weapon from a lab, because the fact is normal viruses do not go to bed as Ann Coulter and get up the next morning as Bonzo the Chimp. A stomach flu stays the stomach flu. A cold stays a cold. A chest cold is a chest cold, and unfortunately Ann Coulter is Ann Coulter, but if she was not Ann Coulter, she would go in for her Hillary baby blood transfusion and appear out the backdoor as some super fiend from planet Krypton who could talk out of her ass.

The reason Coronavirus Wuhan does not fit, is because it is a bioweapon. The proof is in the symptoms and deaths. Those are the facts.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
