Bend Over and Coof
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am not going to spend much time on this as I'm poor and need of donations from the rich who have yet to donate, but when I see doctors demanding America be opened up, if you read between the lines, the story is about all of these quacks running the money operation of telling people they have cancer, prescribing 10 meds for something people do not need for kickbacks, and cutting people open for operations people do not need.
See Americans stayed away from these millionaire quacks with their botox paid by insurance padding, and with their 600,000 dollar malpractice insurance and cuts the hospitals take, these doctors are feeling the pinch, but instead of saving your life, they want you exposed to Corona so they can buy another vacation home or another pile of stocks.
500 doctors tell Donald Trump to end the coronavirus shutdown, say it will cause more deaths - Washington Times ∞ times
10,000 Iranian health workers have contracted COVID-19, says deputy health minister - Washington Times ∞ times
500 doctors, should be investigated by the DOJ and when what this blog has posted is proven, should be banned from practice and charged with attempted murder.
Yes, but we are told now by the CDC that Coronavirus is surface safe..........and yet in Iran, the shit eaters there have 10,000 doctors and nurses down and dead with this virus.
But make sure you get run like cattle by your doctor, so you can make them richer, and expose you to corona.
Nuff Said