As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I marvel at the biological weapon of Coronavirus in all of it's forms, as it is a marvel of creation, beyond God's limits. It violates nature in so many ways, and it reminds me of Catholic indulgences and purgatory, where Catholics think if the Bishop is praying for you that makes you really special, when in reality, the guy going to hell supplanting Jesus is just praying for you.
Coronavirus began as a plague which only killed Chinamen, then it was billed as a plague which only killed old white guys, so no one cared, and yet in the data I have, Coronavirus kills more women than men, it kills working age people more than geezers, and it likes for desert young children, in not manifesting the first stages of the virus as in adults, but kills them with late state, iron blood poisoning.
What this data is telling me is, that the Italian Strain of Coronavius or whatever strain was released in England, has appeared in the United States, and this strain in the inoculant form, as this virus has the killer strain and inoculation strain, is what is killing these children.
That fascinates me in the protection for adults, is the killer for children, but not all children.
What this blog concludes in this iron poisoning manifestation is that children are not exhibiting the ACE2 protein which adults do, in the infection rate, meaning the virus is infecting, but it is latent. The latency is what triggers the 2nd and 3rd phase which is deadly, but this virus is inflaming the body, and is primarily an intestinal diarrhea. To project this on Dr. Mikovits analogy, it appears that Corona is activating the diarrhea shots which children receive, by piggybacking those vaccines. It then incubates causing the antibody storm, and then manifests with the effects of iron poisoning, in heart and lung problems.Lame Cherry: Corona Blood -
Iron is important as blood cells have in them hydrogen which lowers the PH, this in turn causes iron to release an oxygen molecule which is the stuff of life and once the oxygen is released, the blood turns bright red. It is why when people have iron poor blood, they fell tired, as the oxygen is not being released.How Coronavirus Kills -
The virus is introduced via respiratory droplets and potentially fecal-orally As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti ma...The Core of Coronavirus -
Spirochete As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The Lame Cherry has endeavored to teach you in this plague the things which microbiologists and organic chemists
That is what is so complete about this virus, in it was designed to kill, and if it can not do it with it's own tools, it grabs another virus, and comes to life with it, and sets off the same 2nd and 3rd phases.
This is fascinating in children are mostly immune to the feces spread strain it appears, but not the inoculation strain. There of course must be a reason, and the prevailing conclusion is the difference between adults and children are hormones. Estrogen is being touted to fag up men, but children do not have testosterone levels which are high in both female and male adults.
Solving One Phase of Coronavirus in Children
Teen Among 3 NY Children Dead From Coronavirus-Linked Syndrome As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I will ha...
New Jersey's cases have been kids ages 2-18. It issued its first case report Wednesday.
In testimony Tuesday before a Senate committee on the administration’s coronavirus response, Dr. Anthony Fauci said while children generally fare better than others with the virus, the emerging condition shows how much is unknown.
“For example right now, children presenting with COVID-19 who actually have a very strange inflammatory syndrome very similar to Kawasaki syndrome,” Fauci said. “I think we better be very careful that we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to the deleterious effects.”
What the progression is, the Corona is latent. It finds the diarrhea virus, incubates it to life, and produces symptoms and then moves to the Cyklonic storm, having hijacked another virus. No one has speculated if Coronavirus manifests differently in males and females, as if there is a male and female version as it invades the body. In effect, children with the diarrhea vaccine in their systems, being more feminine, are beginning to manifest the iron poisoning, which adults have and die from.
Estrogen Levels in Children | Healthfully
Estrogen Levels at Puberty. According to research conducted by Karen Oerter Klein and colleagues, published in "The Journal of Clinical Investigation," prepubescent girls produce a higher level of estrogen than prepubescent boys 4. It has been noted that this higher level of estrogen leads to girls going through puberty earlier than boys.
This Lame Cherry does not believe that the solution to this is queer meds, estrogen or other injections as preventatives. The treatment which is most feasible would be administration of Ivomectin in oral form, before the virus can hijack another virus.
Under a doctor's care, parents should be worming their kids, as this would make more sense than using chloroquine as a preventative.
No one is addressing this and Dr. Fauci has injections on the brain, but I believe that much of the damage and death to children, could be offset if anti parasite medications were given to children to prevent the infection.
The Ivomectin and Chloroquine Cures for Coronavirus
The most overlooked aspect of the coronavirus pandemic is the fact that most viruses are pH sensitive.pH medicine offers us a key to treating viral infections that is easy, safe and inexpensive. Shifting a patients pH, combined with high dosages of vitamin C, is the appropriate foundation treatments for at home and hospital care. In this, Coronavirus is like a stealth bomber, in it is precise ...
I still advocate for distancing, children not being exposed as much as adults, because children can be taught at home or in small groups, if Ivomec was being administered to the mass group as a free preventative.
Another does could be administered in the autumn and we could see how things would progress from there, and there would not be any need to inject the Trump Serum 1237 by force into everyone.
The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication ...
To test the antiviral activity of ivermectin towards SARS-CoV-2, we infected Vero/hSLAM cells with SARS-CoV-2 isolate Australia/VIC01/2020 at an MOI of 0.1 for 2 h, followed by the addition of 5 μM ivermectin. Supernatant and cell pellets were harvested at days 0-3 and analysed by RT-PCR for the replication of SARS-CoV-2 RNA (Fig. 1A/B). At ...Ivermectin Kills COVID 19 in Florida Study, 3032 - YouTube
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is usually used to treat head lice, but now some scientists have found that it can kill off the COVID-19 disease in just two days.
According to this data, no child who is not an outlier, should be suffering or endangered from this biological weapon.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said