Friday, May 22, 2020

China Prepares for Theater War

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If one is to believe China and Bloomberg, China is a nation on the move, it has shrugged off Coronavirus, and is importing oil at previous levels, as China officially no longer has a problem with Coronavirus.

A Huge Fleet Of 117 Tankers Is Bringing Super Cheap Crude To China

China’s Oil Demand Rebounds To Pre-Coronavirus Levels

Oil demand in the world’s top oil importer, China, has rebounded to pre-coronavirus levels, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing sources with inside knowledge of China’s energy sector.
China was the first to go into lockdown after the COVID-19 virus emerged in Wuhan, but it was also the first country to exit lockdown. Demand for oil and fuels has been rising over the past month as people return to commuting to work, preferring their own vehicles to public transportation.
According to Bloomberg’s sources, China’s gasoline and diesel consumption are already back to the pre-virus levels—a bullish sign for the oil market, which is looking at China for clues about when demand in the rest of the world could return to some form of normality.  
In February and early March, in the full lockdown and extended factory shutdowns and holidays, China’s oil demand had plunged by around 20 percent.

The problem is the numbers. We are to believe that China, a nation of 1.4 billion Chinaman, a nation where their people were dying in the streets in piles and were welded into their homes to die, a nation which cancelled millions of cellphone number of the dead, somehow has 20 times less death than the United States, 8 time less dead than the UK, 7 times less deaths than Italy and 5 times less deaths than Spain.

A leaked database from a Chinese military-run university suggests the country substantially under-reported its coronavirus case count — heightening suspicions that Beijing is hiding the true scale of the outbreak.
The virus tracker leaked to Foreign Policy magazine logged at least 640,000 COVID-19 cases — far higher than the 80,000 infections China claims to have.

Furthermore, we are being told to believe that China had no repeat infections taking place. Completely unlike the rest of the populace world. Somehow China is different from Italy, which had Chinese like death rates, and then dipped, but is surging again in new deaths, but China never experienced this.

The Hill

In the past Month, China has been putting other cities into lockdown, but amazingly no one is getting the virus and not one Chinaman has died.
China is remarkable as their "new"cases number in SEVEN, but Iran has 2300, the UK 2700, Brazil 14,000, Russia 9,000 and the United States, 22,600, but China only has 7 cases a day., even with breakouts.
