Thursday, May 21, 2020

....and now the CIA radio host

 You got any of them secret spy scopes........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The radio station I leave on to get to sleep, apparently in the before midnight hour, puts on the worst trolls. I think they get the shows free and rebroadcast them, as Meghan McCain was on there when she thought she could do talk radio, and it amounted to, a great deal of whining and screeching laughter at nothing funny, as she interacted with other trolls who did not want to be there.

As of late, Buck Sexton is the fill in, and honest to God, he is worse than Meghan McCain.

I looked up who this asstard was, as he flaunts he was in the CIA, and when I saw him, I thought, this guy looks like a cross between Dave Foley out of Canada and something some Kennedy mistress tried to abort with a coat hanger.
His left side of his face droops. I mean how slim were the pickings for the CIA in the Iraq War to hire something like this?

From what I gather, Sexton has about 4 listeners like George Noory of Coast to Coast AM, who write him things, expressing how stupid they are. He has a girlfriend who hangs out with him in New York that he calls the Snow Princess. Yeah I knew a gal who liked going by PMSBITCH, and she went through two husbands, so if you got a gal that wants to watch JAWS, hang out with Buck Sexton and she is the ice bitch in the nethers, I would say that she is a dyke and Buck is a fag looking for a beard.

The content of the show amounts to Buck being BORING. He has taken the Limbaugh and Levin gimmick of talking to the staff, from Limbaugh never getting a reply, to Levin not wanting a reply, to Buck begging Producer Mark to say something, as when a guest comes on like Ted Nugent, talking about hunting, Sexton cuts them off, and in the interlude, the conversation is, "Yes, we New Yorkers are superior to the rest of shit picking humanity".

Honestly you are getting more action in reading this than Sexton ever generates. He is like the Jeb Bush testicles hung from Joe Biden's nut sack.

What set me off in featuring this nobody is Buck in a world of Coronavirus, where he is getting it all flat ass wrong as he does not think, weighed in on cooking steak.

Here is Buck Sexton cooking steak.

Pan on a stove. Metal pan. Slap it into the pan. Then melt a tub of butter over it, as it is SOOOOOO GOOOD, and sometimes he dumps a load of Parmesan cheese on top.

In Texas you would get hung for abusing beef this way. In the Lame Cherry, you will just get exposed for what the hell you are. Buck Sexton, the reason he is melting lard onto a steak, which his body tells him so sooooooo goood, and others are retching in puke recoil, is because Buck Sexton is eating a low fat diet, without natural cholesterol or fats. You do that and suddenly eating slabs of lard tastes yummy, because the human body needs fat.

I once watched my disgusting cousin from California, slice off slabs of sausage, which no one would eat here in the brier patch, because it left a lard film in your mouth. It tasted rancid, but she could not get enough of that shit.

That is what is Sexton's biological problem in diet, and why he is ruining meat, as butter is grease, and normal people do not want lard meat, and yes I know the difference between lard, butter and tallow.

Sexton though likes to show off, or think he shows off as he eats baby sheep and baby moos. Yes the lamb chops and the veal steak is what Buck is downing. I don't know who can eat that shit, as baby meat is like mush, it has zero flavor and it is baby meat for God's sake!!!! That though is Buck Sexton from New York. Honestly, I just want Linda from Sean Homo Hannity's show to go over and beat the shit out of that guy as her little boy pisses in his face to revive him. Linda has more balls that Buck Sexton.

Everyone knows, that includes Richard and Stephanie and the Viking that meat is grilled. One grills meat for smoke flavor. One does not throw it into a pan as it tastes like meat thrown into a pan. It can not breath, it suffocates, it tastes like meat in a pan with either teflon taste, iron taste or some kind of fruit oil taste, that all tastes like shit. You might as well eat road kill after 3 days of 90 degree humidity in Alabama as you will get the same flavor that coyotes walk around and away from.

So that is Buck Sexton. No he is not fatty Meghan McCain, who apparently opts out of meat and just fries up kegs of butter for her morning, evening, late night, mid morning, afternoon and tv snacks, as that woman is so fat she shines in the grease pouring through. I swear if she had a pimple and it burst, that it would be like a Texas oil gusher, and she would lose 40 pound, and probably drown some poor bastard that got in the way.

I just can't believe that the CIA wastes Mockingbird sponsors on Buck Sexton. The only person worse in talk radio was Alec Baldwin, but even Baldwin has a voice for radio, where Sexton is in need of a real radio announcer voice lessons. Not that hard, just speak from the diaphragm, annunciate your words and  speak slowly. Limbaugh broke the mold on it, and everyone thinks they can talk like him, but they lose sight that he actually developed a DJ voice and is why his high pitch volume works, even if Wolfman Jack he ain't.

I just do not understand people who are this bad in radio. Mark Levin stays up all night to have content and not be boring. Homo Hannity has a staff and does the same thing. Limbaugh has no personality so he reads papers and Mark Steyn...........well he is just snotty and snide, and the British fleeing fag Canada can get away without content when they are tough fag like that.
Sexton must go home, not get a blow job, where he discusses with his dyke why she keeps saying no, as he is relieved she has, as the only messy things he likes are slabs of butter on fresh off the aborted ranch meat.

All I want, before I say prayers is a little down time to relax, but I can not relax with these before midnight fill in for free hosts. All I do is think how boring and absolutely in need of an American diet they are.

Wolfman me.
