Thursday, May 21, 2020

Coronavirus In The Water

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are two reports which are most United Nations agenda troubling connected to Coronavirus and both are to a central Minnesota theme. The first is now focusing on a crackdown in rural America, because of course, that is where these plague predictors are seeking to force a mandatory testing and tracking of the plague, because of course these cowchips are the ones flocking to China (satire).

It is a case though in a move for controlling rural peoples. What none of you are getting in this, is all of those test kits, they take not just viral samples, but they take DNA. All of your DNA is being put into a national base, and your DNA is not owned by you, but by corporations who do the testing. That is the law.
Your DNA is now open to be shared for tracking, and that means tracking and linking you to crimes which the FBI will be sorting through, and we have discovered these DNA bases are flawed in fingering innocent people as serial murderers.

Of course, this is shocking. It is even humiliating for the Americans, and perhaps profoundly delegitimating. It ought to be. We are at the point when the recovering Asian states need to quarantine travelers coming from the West as an infection risk. How long will it be before the United States can confidently assure the world that its remoter provinces are clear of infection risk?

The second part of this is once again targeting rural people, as it is now rural communities, and those rural farm wells that the United Nations wanted seized and shutdown in their agenda, are the hypothetical sources of plague spreading, the new cholera wells of America.

It is not the large cities which are flushing tons of Coronavirus sewage into lagoons, where even with chlorine in the water, there can be problems. (See Monsanto using an algae growing in their Round Up to splice genes to make frankenfoods) Because this virus is leaving residues, and in projections the biggest residue is people who will use these infected water supplies as cover, to literally infect them with another strain of Coronavirs as the Chicoms attempted to genocide Americans.

Remember what this blog stated, in every terrorist and terror state in the world, now has access to the strains of this virus, which they can grow in simple incubators, like China makes tons of the stuff, to dump into food and water supplies, and spray it on all types of public facilities.
This is like handing the atomic bomb to every lunatic on the planet.

University of Minnesota researchers are concerned the virus remains in septic systems and sewers after infected people flush it down drains. From there the virus may be leaking through cracks in sewer pipes and the normal discharges of septic systems and work its way into drinking water.

That doesn’t present a problem to much of the state, where groundwater in community wells is disinfected with chlorine or ultraviolet light, for example, and treated many times over before it is ever used for drinking.

But it does pose a risk for people who rely on private wells and, to a lesser extent, to those who live in rural communities where water utilities don’t disinfect water before it is piped to homes, said Raymond Hozalski and Timothy LaPara, the U microbiologists leading the project.

About 1 in 5 Minnesotans, or around 1 million people, rely on private wells for their water.
Health officials say most private well owners don’t disinfect, and they estimate there are about 270 community water systems around the state that don’t disinfect, most of them in rural areas with fewer than 1,000 people.

“We fear these are susceptible to contamination and there is an opportunity for these pathogens to get people sick,” LaPara told legislators Thursday.

This is something to be highly aware of, as the same spreaders, can easily contaminate enough wells, make several thousand people sick, have the MSM focus on this story, and the next thing you know Congress is passing laws that it is illegal to drink water from your own well.

The came first for the ghetto dwellers. The last group they are coming for are the rural dwellers in making them the plague scourge.

Nuff Said
