Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lazarus Strain of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In covering the biological weapon of the Coronavirus, as the cover up ensues in the administration thinks they can work a Gorbachev deal with China to overthrow China by making this an 'accident' instead of the reality that people who get the TB shot do not contract Coronavirus, meaning it has tuberculosis spliced in, there is a new phase of this virus which began in London, and 3 weeks later it appeared in New York City.
As all travel was supposed to be shut down, that means a diplomatic voucher brought this virus from England to the United States, where the Chinese and Italian strains were ravaging New York.

The new manifestation of this virus is certain, it appears in children who have little if any Corona symptoms. They have diarrhea, are weak, manifest a rash and have "frostbite" features in bloodclotting, which means the heart if affected, and then have heart failure or an enlarged heart.

We do not know the race of the affected, save for the example of a wetback in New York City, whose heart stopped with his experience of the Lazarus Strain of Coronavirus.

An 8-year-old Queens boy with no underlying medical conditions was diagnosed with COVID-19, put on a ventilator and suffered heart failure after initially coming down with a bout of diarrhea, according to a report.
Jayden Hardowar, of Richmond Hill, developed a fever and suffered from diarrhea in late April, so his parents took him to his pediatrician, according to WNBC.
His mom, Navita, said Jayden, who never showed any shortness of breath, took Tylenol and that his fever broke after a few days
“I heard him call for Mommy. Jayden has a strong voice when he calls for Mommy, (but) his voice was very low,” she said. “That voice grabbed my attention.”
Navita said she noticed that Jayden’s head and hands were twisted in awkward positions.
“I quickly looked over at his face and his lips were all blue at that point, so right away I knew something was not right here with Jayden,” Navita said, adding that her son did not respond when she called out his name.

They said he suffered cardiac arrest and heart failure.

We have witnessed children becoming infected previously, when a Taiwan blood conglomerate was taking samples in China and California, and happened to gain a contract in Colorado, where their co founder lived.
There are evidences in this, of humans releasing their own designer strains of this virus for control and profit.

This Lazarus Strain is termed a multi inflammatory disease in children in which they do not recover and progressively degrade.

NEW YORK — Fifteen children, many of whom had the coronavirus, have recently been hospitalized in New York City with a mysterious syndrome that doctors do not yet fully understand but that has also been reported in several European countries, health officials announced Monday night.
Many of the children, ages 2 to 15, have shown symptoms associated with toxic shock or Kawasaki disease, a rare illness in children that involves inflammation of the blood vessels, including coronary arteries, the city’s health department said.

None of the New York City patients with the syndrome have died, according to a bulletin from the health department, which describes the illness as a “multisystem inflammatory syndrome potentially associated with COVID-19.”
Reached late Monday night, the state health commissioner, Dr. Howard A. Zucker, said state officials were also investigating the unexplained syndrome.
The syndrome has received growing attention in recent weeks as cases began appearing in European countries hit hard by the coronavirus.
“There are some recent rare descriptions of children in some European countries that have had this inflammatory syndrome, which is similar to the Kawasaki syndrome, but it seems to be very rare,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, a World Health Organization scientist, said at a news briefing last week.

In studying the long term effects on adults, there is a common type in Corona, which appears to the inoculation strain, as the adults have few symptoms, or slight symptoms which do not last, and instead of gaining health, they linger instead with progressives symptoms over almost two months.

In the adult below, she had the diarrhea, sweats and chills, and  a rattling in her chest. In this case, she used the same terminology which I did, in it felt like she had a big coat compressing her chest.

Nichols, who is 32 years old, got tested for the coronavirus on March 17 in Boston, Massachusetts, where she lives. Her test was positive, but her symptoms still haven't gone away: Friday was day 51 of her illness.
Nichols is still recovering at home. Not a day has passed in which she didn't have diarrhea. Her appetite has disappeared, she sweats and shivers through the night, and there's a rattling in her chest. Her second coronavirus test came back positive again on April 20.
She is one of a growing number of young coronavirus patients with mild or moderate cases who have reported being sick for more than a month

This blog returns to the Dr. Mikovits projection that Coronavirus was designed to trigger vaccines which had already been injected into the body. This is why I call Coronavirus in this strain, the Lazarus Strain, as it reawakens dead viruses. Think of it for a moment in viruses raised in mice brains, containing mouse viruses, and those dead virus injected into people to produce an immune response, that a virus was created which like the Nomad episode of Star Trek TOS, a satellite was sent out from earth to seek out new life, became damaged in an asteroid collision, came upon another probe named Tan Rhu, whose mission was to seek out planets for colonization and sterilize soil samples, that the end probe Nomad had a new directive to seek out new life, and if not perfect for settlement according to Nomad's perfect standards, the probe would sterilize or kill the entire planet.

Transfer that understanding where Coronavirus Wuhan Mirror, actually fixes dead viruses, by plugging Coronavirus into them, grafting in the dead virus in all it's lethality, and a few weeks after the first infection, a new virus appears which is deadlier, because the immune system is shut down from HIV splices, and the new virus is activating an old vaccine.

What closely fits what is happening to these children is like a super Rotavirus, which is extreme diarrhea, with a few Coronavirus twists thrown in, in the blood clots and heart failure.

Coronavirus is a sleeper virus, due to the corkscrew bacteria spliced into it, by the HIV cell. It waits for the original virus to be rid of in the body, and then it comes to life again in a mutant form. It is a self splicing virus with joining in extended proteins to the proteins of dead virus.

I have no idea at this point, as I have not inquired, if this is a dead end virus. or if the final gift of Coronavirus Wuhan is that it is creating an entire new race of hybrid viruses by splicing in other viruses.
This virus appearing on two different continents, weeks apart with travel shutdowns, concludes it was deliberately released in Anglo America.

This blog is warning the first alert in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, that there is not going to be a viral vaccine for Coronavirus, but that is not the problem here, because if this Lazarus Strain is building super viruses in children, then this is the ultimate problem which would require an ultimate solution.
The proof is what is taking place in these children's bodies. They have become the test tube and the product they have incubated for the elite is an entirely new virus. We do not know if this will spread or if this is a calling card to the world. We have the fact though that Coronavirus produces a Lazarus Strain and is bringing dead viruses back to life.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
