Friday, May 1, 2020

Coronavirus: The Mother of all Germs

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Immortality is thought to be a virus which the human could catch. It is the reason that cancer is experimented on in the mass of humanity, as it replicates out of control. It is engineered to specific body organs. Control the crude replication, and the body replicates forever.
This has been the false DNA Tree of Life which has been the focus of the elite and the reason dead microbiologists litter the globe to cover up the research.

- Lame Cherry

Professor Luc Montagnier, the discovered of the genetic weapon, HIV, which triggered the auto immune response in humans for the disease AIDS, linking it to other immune diseases as Lyme from ticks, which was spread for research, went on record stating that Coronavirus Wuhan is a human engineered virus. He has since expanded upon that statement in an interview, which is more specific and adds a great deal to the insights of what this biological weapon is and who was behind it.

Professor Luc Montagnier

Labeling the virus as “a professional job…a very meticulous job,” he described its genome as being a “clockwork of sequences.”“There’s a part which is obviously the classic virus, and there’s another mainly coming from the bat, but that part has added sequences, particularly from HIV – the AIDS virus,”

Coronavirus Wuhan is professional, meticulous, and a clockwork of genetic sequences. This proves what this blog stated in this was beyond anything the Chinese were capable of.
It explains why the CIA, DARPA and the Pentagon have been taking blood and stool samples, as they are bewildered where this virus agent came from, because they know it is not from China, and it is beyond what the Americans have in their arsenal.
Coronavirus is the UFO of molecular biological realities. It is the meeting of the propeller airplane after World War II, with the flying saucer. The Americans know they have come across something beyond their capabilities, and this is the threat, as someone in this world has an advanced biological weapon cache and it has more than one Coronavirus in it.

We know that there is more than one virus, as China announced two, an L and S strain. Then there was the confirmed Italian strain. It has gone from 8 strain to China stating there are 30 strains there. That would make sense, because China is full of more than Chinamen. They are Mandarin, Cantonese, Urghurs etc... Notice in this, that Vietnam is beginning to open up their economy again as the virus is not spreading there. That is this thinking virus at work, and it reveals the revelation, that these Coronavirus germs are so specific and refined that it is killing and incapacitating specific races of Asians, even if they are closely related as are the Chinese and Vietnamese.

In the article the speculation that this is pharmaceutical conglomerates manipulating these virus. While that is close, the pharmaceuticals are but a part of the conglomerate cartel which runs the business end of the lords and the priests.

In a similar way, his assertion today that the coronavirus was designed by molecular biologists raises serious questions about the possible involvement of the pharmaceutical industry. As Montagnier infers, a manmade virus whose genome consists of a “clockwork of sequences” and includes elements of HIV could not have been assembled by amateurs. With estimates of the total global economic cost of the coronavirus varying from $4.1 trillion to $20 trillion or more, the ongoing questions about its origins are unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

Everything Professor Luc Montagnier has confirmed what this blog has posted, with other insights from Dr. Mikovits who has explained how this complex bioweapon works like clockwork.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lame Cherry on the Trail of the Biological Weapon of Coronavirus Wuhan

The Lame Cherry has published the time line in this Coronavirus and will supply a synopsis.

Iran contracted with a Swiss Dr. Germ to create a biological weapon to kill Arabs.

This was Arabian SARS which the Jews in their lab, replaced with a dead end infection virus which disappeared.

This virus was studied in the Netherlands and Canada, where Chinese PLA stole the virus, and took it back to Wuhan China in the Harvard Lab which Barack Obama signed off on to build.

Once it was ascertained that China was moving to create a first strike dead end virus to genocide America, which would have disrupted the balance of power, the Europeans approached their American fellow travelers, where the bioweapons research had been hidden and funded, in American compartmentalized labs outside government.
The same advanced technology which was obtained as the Nazis had in using "alien" or demonic advances for American advancement in computers, is the same source of this genetic advancement of these genus select bioweapons, which the Jews do have, to a mirrored extent.
When the Chinese were about to vat produce their Wuhan virus, it was replaced by Taiwanese agents, and twice accidentally released as the L and S strain, which was feces and mucous transmitted, and not a dead end virus as the Chinese intended.
Peking panicked and attempted a cover up, but the virus was spreading. The PLA moved a countermeasure in spreading the virus to the world to equalize the situation.
At this point, those who were behind this, began releasing genetic specific viruses, which would further the agenda.

This virus is the work of genius. In all honesty, HIV was brilliant, but this Coronavirus is like the hydrogen bomb using an atomic bomb to get started for a cobalt bomb. Coronavirus Mirror uses HIV to just get started. As Dr. Mikovits revealed, the Mirror activates vaccines. That is the brilliance in this, in the Mirror is like the femme fatale who gets the man to rob the bank or knock off the wife to get the fortune. How do you find a virus that uses other viruses, as they symptoms keep changing. Fevers in one person. Chills the next. Coughing in one, diarrhea the next, and some do not have symptoms at all.

It is a virus in which there is not ever going to be a vaccine, as it takes a chimera, or like virus to immunize against it. This is so far beyond what humans can conceive, that it shows up in a Dean Koontz novel, decades ago, as that is what the insiders were planning in a Wuhan virus, unleashed on the world, before George HW Bush made China into a germ lab built by Birther Hussein Obama.

There is a problem in this, with all the dead biologists, whoever created these sequences are all probably dead in the cover up. There is though logically those missing links who tracked this, and released this virus. This is like the Kennedy assassination in almost everyone was made dirty to keep everyone from talking.
China is not going to admit it was creating a first strike biological weapon. The United States is not going to admit that it's structure was hijacked and has been a bioweapons for hire for outside sources. The Europeans are not going to admit their part as being immortal means you do not die when nuclear bombs fry your ass and Chinese eat it off with chopsticks.

Somewhere in these viruses are the disease. Somewhere in them is the cure, and somewhere there is a cut off which makes this virus harmless. After experiencing thee effects of all three, none of them makes one want to stick around for immortality.  This virus was created as the mother of all germs.

The false information and cover up stories abound in this, to hide the protagonists. The nonsense that Sweden has herd immunity is ridiculous. Sweden simply does not have a virus like Italians did which was meant to kill them. Therein lays the clues to what the Catch 22 in this virus is in CCR5 - DELTA 32, in the meaning of the reasoning God was interbreeding humans for His Spiritual race. Abraham married his half sister. Isaac married his first cousin. Jacob married his cousins Leah and Rachel, with their handmaids, and by this concentration of DNA, a species of humans was created of a unique DNA resonance.

The Ashkenaz have their fingers all over this. That is why Mosaad was going ape in Tel Aviv in knowing the Ashkenaz have a problem with Coronavirus, as they originated the Arabian SARS and violated the rules.

There is not one doubt that Coronavirus Wuhan is a biological weapon of the most advanced design. Dr. Montagnier has provided valuable insights and they prove exactly what this blog has stated about this weapon.
I doubt I will go any deeper into this, as I was already targeted and still have bouts of this relapsing into my system periodically. My last bout felt like someone punched me in both lungs, but it's effects only lasted 24 hours, before the medley moved onto the next experience. I simply do not care what those behind this do as my loyalty is to Christ and the Faithful. I have no interest in Wall Street, nor for any of the culls who will die as all of this progresses.

There are people though who know more details in this. They knew enough to point fingers at the United States, and that includes the Jews leaking that America warned Tel Aviv of this virus, as if this was news to the Jews. They did not tell you though it was Donald Trump doing the warning, as he was still in the dark, along with the rest of the world.

This though is not my game and here am I not playing.

Best Global Universities for Molecular Biology and Genetics in Switzerland


University of Basel

Switzerland Basel
#128 (tied)Best Global Universities
Subject Score
#61 Tie

University of Lausanne

Switzerland Lausanne
#183 (tied)Best Global Universities
Subject Score

University of Zurich

Switzerland Zürich
Subject Score
#81 Tie
Subject Score

University of Geneva

Switzerland Geneva
#94 (tied)Best Global Universities
Subject Score
#137 Tie
Subject Score

University of Bern

Switzerland Bern

 Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
