Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Twin City Bump & Grind

Damn kill a spook and the wife leaves me.
If I'd have known it was that easy.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Please can't we all just get along.

The Lame Cherry pleads with President Donald Trump to pardon Derek Chauvin, as he is obviously not a racist as he married Mrs. Minnesota, an immigrant from Laos, and now the death of Floyd George or George Floyd has caused the break up of this happy home.

Wife of ex-Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin reportedly filing for divorce

Do not hate me, because I am not Rula Lenska....


Beyond the satire of this, watch the headlines for the Truth is filtering through. There is too much coincidence in this. Minnesota seems to have too many recordings of hyper cops murdering Darwin Blacks.  As a fat liberal Black broad on PBS Juliane Malveaux or something, once wished that Clarence Thomas would succumb to Black Man disease, George Floyd, died from the effects of being stressed or he may have been helped.

Autopsy reveals George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia
or strangulation - He Had Serious Heart - He had
Coronary Artery And Hypertensive Heart Disease

This happened all too fast, too coordinated. It is the weaponization of the Black, just as Obama weaponized them in 2008, in the fake racism. Remember the two doped up crackers in Missouri who were saying they are after Obama and were from outerspace?

The Pentagon was already contemplating sending in US troops. Armed drones are flying. Someone is following the Corona domino with a Jig domino.

The same FBI which was warning Virginia of White Terrorists in the gun grabber rallies.  This is a diversion obviously at the higher levels. It nicely should spread the coof in new forms through the all too eager coons.
It is interesting that those behind this, wanted the Secret Service to kill Blacks at the White House for political ends of buying future Michelle Obama for President votes, as "aint black enough" Biden has sunk himself with the race.

The best solution to this is these paid Sambos to march into the burbs, which are armed, and that will settle the issue, and create the military lock down which this is engineered for.

Odd is it not, Charles Manson wanted Helter Skelter, in race wars, but killed the pretty Whites, and no one cared. All he needed instead was a cop in uniforms, a coon sent to Father Martin's arms, and a few million in Soros funding to kick it loose.

Barr Calls Out Antifa and Other Far Left
Groups Over Riots, Warns of Federal Prosecutions

Goddamn CIA uses me as a test run and hands it all over to that Jew Soros
