Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mark of the Trump

WA Governor To Residents - If You Refuse A CV Test
Or Help Tracers, You Won't Be Allowed To Leave Home
For Groceries...In The New United Soviet States Of America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog is treading a non existent line here, as the conclusions of the ridiculous messages of Judges and the Attorney General going after states for trying to stop this pandemic, and the opening up of the United States under the cover of the "economy" is a too rehearsed Mockingbird propaganda, which only has one purpose, and that is the deliberate spread of this thinking virus.

This virus has had a number of manifestations in it being deliberately spread, Secondly by the PLA to the United States, with the carte blanche of Obama holdovers, and now what is taking place in the United States.

We were told that distancing was to slow the spread of the virus, meaning none of the actions are to stop this pandemic, but slow it. Now though, the actions which are being enacted are to spread this virus and to increase the spread.

CDC Reopen Document Vastly Differs From Trump's Plan

There are warning signs in this, in DOD and Homeland have joined to create 500 million auto syringes of preloaded "vaccines for Coronavirus" before the end of the year.

I would remind all of you that the Kushner GOP stated they had 200 million voters being tracked. There are not supposed to be nor can there be 200 million voters in a 320 million nation, and 200 million in the Republicans alone. This blog informed you that for those numbers to be correct, there had to be over 400 million people in the United States. The reason the DOD and Homeland have ordered 500 million vaccines, is the fact there are over 300 million foreigners occupying the United States.
I was told almost a decade ago, that there were 100 million foreign workers in the United States. The 500 million doses confirms this.

MILITARY vaccine mandates? Dept. of Defense purchasing 500 million ApiJect syringes to inject every person in America with coronavirus vaccine

Spearheaded by the DOD’s Joint Acquisition Task Force (JATF), in coordination with the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the contract will support “Jumpstart” to create a U.S.-based, high-speed supply chain for prefilled syringes beginning later this year by using well-established Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) aseptic plastics manufacturing technology, suitable for combatting COVID-19 when a safe and proven vaccine becomes available.
The ApiJect syringes come with an optional RFID tag so that health care workers can track the GPS location and identity of the individual being injected. Via the website:
With an optional RFID/NFC tag on each BFS prefilled syringe, ApiJect will make this possible. Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and “tap” the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the NFC tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time. The app then uploads the data to a government-selected cloud database. Aggregated injection data provides health administrators an evolving real-time “injection map.”

The reason an ApiJet is the target syringe, is that this is the most effective way to inject someone who is being subdued and forced to be vaccinated in their homes.
The 6666 Trace Act is appearing in Congress, and this blog expects that with the opening of America, there will be a tidal wave of infections, which will force passage of this pre written bill, BEFORE CORONA was even known, except to Bill Gates,  just as Gary Hart wrote Patriot Act before September 11th.

There is something being geared up in this which is bigger than this virus. You do not make a forced vaccine with RFID chips in them, for any other reason, than THERE WILL BE MORE IN THIS VACCINE than Coronavirus. Call it a Nuero Virus, the New Virus, which is meant to be a cure all for anything else that China is manufacturing, besides it's new arsenal of nuclear weapons.

HR 6666 Trace Act – Door-to-Door Testing, Forced Isolation and Quarantine, with Mandatory Vaccination to Come

Introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill) on May 1st 2020, the TRACE Act would establish a nation wide contact and quarantine program, has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for a yet to be scheduled hearing before the Health Subcommittee. That subcommittee has a hearing scheduled for Thursday, May 14th on “Protecting Scientific Integrity in COVID 19 Response” with no published description of the hearing or list of witnesses. With 39 co-sponsors, HR 6666 could be rolled into a larger CV response legislative package yet to be introduced.
 Peking is the target in this. I firmly believe that Xi was offered a Gorbachev multi billion dollar deal to break China apart as the Soviet Union was. I doubt like Iraq that it will be all flowers and peace when China enters chaos for the order.

Trump setting the stage for wartime retaliation against communist China regime for launching biological weapon attack against the United States

This House Bill named 6666 is not by accident and is meant to inflame the public. Obama was buying billions of bullets to suck up resources, and now Trump is buying up half a billion pre loads of forced vaccines, with the 6666 caveat that no one can buy or sell if they do not have the mark of Trump.
This will be an execution order in starving people to death if they are not vaccinated. This ought to really alarm the leftists in this coming from Trump and be a most interesting slap to the head of the Trump supporters.


As you probably have missed the stories, the US government invested 30 million dollars in French pharm giant Sanofi.

The pharmaceutical giant Sanofi — which has vowed to rapidly create the vaccine — will send doses to the US before the rest of Europe if the firm can successfully deliver it, according to Bloomberg News.
“The US government has the right to the largest pre-order because it’s invested in taking the risk,” Sanofi CEO Paul Hudson told the outlet. “It’s how it will be because they’ve invested to try and protect their population, to restart their economy.”
The US has already funded $30 million in research for the company — which aims to make 600 million doses annually — via its Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. A partnership between the agency and the drug company was expanded in February.

German Pfizer is already partnered in the United States and is doing their own clinical trials. I will repeat that Americans are already guinea pigs and Americans are already being vaccinated with Coronavirus.

On Monday, participants’ arm muscles were injected with a COVID-19 mRNA-based vaccine in one of America’s first clinical trials for preventing the deadly virus. The candidates were dosed at trial centers at the University of Maryland and at NYU Langone Health.
The trial is being done in cooperation with Pfizer and BioNTech SE, which are developing the vaccines. A similar trial with Pfizer was also just launched in Germany
If you recall, Justin Trudeau made guinea pigs of Canadians, in Chinese bio potions are being tested on Canadians. This is a great deal of effort being put into a project which China has already cured and we are told is not a threat to the United States.

Then again Bill Gates NIH says Americans are going to have to receive SEVERAL VACCINATIONS.

Several vaccines will likely be needed to combat coronavirus, NIH boss says

The Lame Cherry will put together the dots for you, in America is not going to vaccinate the foreigners apparently with the forced 500 million doses. Divide 500 million by 3 and you get 170 million doses for 3 vaccines forced into you. Get rid of the geezers and that is about the number of viable Americans to dose.

Ask yourself why do the people who already had this bioweapon, need to be vaccinated? Why is it going to take multiple vaccines? Maybe, just maybe, someone is releasing new strains.

Having already been hosed down a few times with strains as I'm apparently a most VIP  poor little orphan girl, I will not be force injected with more of these poisons.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
