Friday, May 15, 2020

Damned if You Corona Damned if You Don't Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive is matter anti matter.

For weeks now, President Donald Trump has been hammered from the portfolio posse of the Coronacaust Deniers that Coronavirus is not a threat, and people need to endanger themselves to prop up corporations.
We have been told time and again that the Swedish Model of no restrictions was the way to deal with Coronavirus and the President was wrong. What is always glossed over in this, is Sweden has a higher death rate per million than the United States and Sweden had huge numbers of elderly people die.

Whitney - Sweden Is The Model

We Now Know Far More About CV
...The Lockdown Should End

States begin to reopen even as cases surge
Sweden is the Model But It's Too Late For US

Open countries, neglect the fact that Taiwan, South Korea and the new champion on lockdowns in Argentina which saved lives.

This is most puzzling as Donald Trump was attacked for locking down America to save lives, and it was all a mistake, because Sweden was the way to go, and yet here is Argentina doing what the Untied States did, and Argentina is praised.

As the data becomes more complete, it is showing that New Yorkers and those who traveled to New York were the primary spreaders in the United State. Actually, except for Wuhan China, New York was unique in the greatest spread of this plague. If one adds New York to any nation like Sweden and Sweden would have had a like spread of the plague. America had Chinese and Italians who spread this plague. There are though not spread groups in Sweden, which again contains the virus there, so the Swedish Model is not a model at all for diverse population.
Russia went into lock down, and their nation is becoming a hot zone as the United States did.

The Lame Cherry is examining all of this, as honestly, the propagandists in this, should be indicted by the DOJ for endangering people, as they are providing false narratives, as fake as the Russiagate Coup.

There is a tale of Two Americas, one of open states and one of closed states. Sean Homo Hannity has praised Rick DeSantis of Florida for his open state and has joined others in the strict lockdown of Andrew Cuomo of New York.
The problem is Rick DeSantis had Florida open on Spring Break and then closed the state down.

This Lame Cherry will explain something about these lockdowns praised and condemned.

Governor De Santis explained exactly what he did compared to Governor Cuomo. When the plague began raging in New York, Governor DeSantis explored what the failings of New York were, assembled his teams, and did not repeat what Governor Cuomo's CDC guided mistakes.
The biggest mistake New York made, was they moved infected people, into nursing homes with elderly patients. Why on earth, after the disaster of infected Chinese staff killing of Washington nursing home residents, housing sick people with those known to be vulnerable, was repeated, is perhaps one of the things of killing off old Republican voters.

This is how Ron DeSantis stopped a major spread problem which New York experienced.

A good example of this South Dakota in Governor Kristi Noem, who kept her state open. This worked extremely well, after a top legislator was targeted and died, along with another family member. That city was locked down, and did not experience one more case. 19 people recovered and two died.
Compare that to Sioux Falls, a multi cultural, liberal city state, with a Chinese hog slaughter plantation, importing Mexicans who set off 3000 cases. Keeping a state open, only works if your population is not 3rd world vermin which can police themselves.
South Dakota has an additional problem in Indians who are a growing pandemic. The Indians in this, have locked down their own lands, and were doing road checks, to which the federal and state government challenged the tribe for protecting themselves and not allowing in plague spreaders.

Coronavirus has many strains, some not deadly to others, some deadly to a specific people. Comparing Sweden to America to Argentina, or South Dakota to New York to Florida is comparing apples to oranges.

One can not say South Dakota was a success in having German Scandinavia Slavs who were not infected in numbers, compared to Mexicans, Indians and Blacks, to Florida which has an even more diverse population, which did not exposed vulnerable people to infections, which New York exposed vulnerable people to, is the same misconception of Argentina which has a white Spanish and Germanic majority population, not prone to infections, while Brazil is a hot spot in an ethnic population, which is not Swedish or Germanic, is the reality that parts of America, White America are not hot zones, while the dirty ethnics are hot zones, is not examining the reality of the greatest part of this Coronavirus biological weapon spread.

The propaganda in this is more of the problem of those who released this virus, and those who are exploiting the release, as it simply can not be both ways. Donald Trump can not be wrong for doing the same thing that Argentina is doing and they are being praised.

There is something in all of this, which I suspect and may reveal in time about this thinking virus with a public relations section in the media, but for now, ponder the facts of thee above as it is important in understanding all of this.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
