Friday, May 15, 2020

The Many Faces of Coronavirus

....and if this doesn't work on Flynn, I am going to use the 
hang him by the thumbs until he cracks over reach.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly am at a loss in this Clinton appointed judge, Emmett Sullivan, in involving the Courts in something which has never been conducted before.

First Sullivan, refused to accept the Department of Justice ending the fraudulent case against the innocent Michael Flynn. He has violated all precident in bringing in people not involved and appointing his own prosecutor to argue why the case should not be dropped.

What the Lame Cherry is perplexed about is, when the Attorney General, and all US Attorneys are not going to prosecute Michael Flynn, there can not be a trial as no one is prosecuting the accused. In this the Judge can not appoint his own prosecutor to convince him to keep the trail going, and a Judge can not appoint attorneys, for the accused or the state, as this violates the equal justice of the courts.

The People can provide attorneys for the accused, but that is the People, not the Judge.

Sullivan has gone even a Constitution further in, he is investigating in whether to charge Michael Flynn for perjury for entering a false guilty plea.

Judge Sullivan Ignores Shocking Record of False Guilty Pleas   nysun

Sullivan in the original COMPLAINT which he accepted, was quite anal about all of this, in ascertaining if Michael Flynn had his wits about him to plead guilty.

What is most disturbing about this is, as Judge Sullivan has been presiding over a trial, which has been non stop in the press, and revealing that Robert Mueller, the FBI, the US Attorneys, were ALL not just framing Michael Flynn, but threatening his son with prosecution, if Michael Flynn did not plead guilty.

Judge Sullivan would have had to have been brain dead, to not have been aware that Michael Flynn was coerced into a guilty plea, as this is what the FBI does non stop, the Bundy family being a prime example of the Obama era.
The question in this is, "What was Michael Flynn supposed to do? Inform Judge Sullivan?" What was Michael Flynn supposed to say?

Hey Judge Sullivan, I was set up by the FBI, and now they are going to throw my kid into prison if I do not plead guilty.

So, what do you think the FBI would have done to Michael Flynn and his kid for telling Sullivan this?

Let's see, the government tried to assassinate Paul Manafort by throwing him into the worst prison in New York. What happened to Jeffrey Epstein when they waned to cover up what was going on there.

Now, Judge Sullivan wants to have partisan hacks explore whether Flynn should be charged with perjury for entering the plea in the first place.


It's Sullivan's kanagroo court and I'm the joey in this pouch.


In review of this, the police state forces people to enter guilty pleas all the time, and the courts give it carte blanche. If this is the new courts of the United States, that Judge Sullivan has opened up, then Judge Sullivan is guilty of protecting a criminal enterprise, engaged in the terrorism of the Flynn family. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and ignorance of what the press is stating about the case before your court, is not an excuse.

An impeachment of Judge Sullivan is out of the question with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff presiding. The Supreme Court with John Roberts being blackmailed by the Obama thug police state is not going to rule on this. All that is left is the Department of Justice to indict Emmett Sullivan, as his sitting in prison, gets him off the bench.

A plea must be knowing and intelligent—but because the government WITHHELD EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE, Flynn's plea was neither.

This is not the rule of law, as Sullivan is making up rules and he is the definition of lawlessness.

When one has this kind of lawlessness, the remedy is one man with an appointment like Wyatt Earp, and the President should appoint Michael Flynn as Pandemic Arms Master, put him on top of the White House, give him a Recoilless Rifle, which has a 3 mile range, and order him to shoot anything that looks like the Coronavirus.


That will solve all of this legally, as the United States has had a Birther Hussein occupy the White House, a fake bin Laden shot, a Benghazi coverup, a Pissgate coup, a fraud impeachment, and now a Judge making up his own Obama rulings when the PEOPLE want to set an innocent man free.


It is amazing how all of the traitors who tried to lynch me look just like 
a Coronavirus from 3 miles away.

