Friday, May 15, 2020

It is the damnedest thing

 Ma you are one nipple rights sex kitty

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It must be known that TL's mother is a heinous criminal. The great crime is the woman sold all of TL's books as a child and via the thrift store we have been slowly  replenishing the volumes, which is pretty good as for 3 bucks we picked up the complete Laura Ingalls Wilder series.

Be it known, my teacher read us this series in 5th grade. I never would have read those "girl books" as girls prancing around on a prairie just did not seem Annie Oakley to me. I consider Laura Ingalls Wilder a criminal sort too, as she never shot and Indian or killed a wolf. Hell she never beat up that nasty Norwegian brat Nellie Olson or was it Olsen in which case she was a Dane. Any event. Laura seemed like a half pint short of whiskey courage in you got a license to kill in the lawless west and she didn't even fire a gun off.

Anyway this is one of those damnedest things moments as I am an expert on Little House on the Prairie. I am an expert due to the fact that I have relatives that live in the region and while they don't have holocaust museums to Jews, they got Laura Ingalls stuff all through Minnesota and Dakota.

As I said my teacher read me these books, my cousins worship at the alter of Laura Ingalls, and do pilgrimage and I watched that Little House show for awhile. I like Mister Edwards, as he chewed, drank, shot things and broke the law. He was a real American.

So TL is reading those books and tells me, you know that Ingalls bunch was in Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Mentioned the Verdigris River and things and I frowned like, "What the hell is that about as everyone knows the Ingalls came out of the Big Woods in Wisconsin, went to Minnesota, got diseased, moved to South Dakota and died. The great American Dream really.

So I got to looking and sure as hell, they were in Iowa, or went through there, and then Missouri.....damn I would have left that hot, tick infested, burned up cedar tree thing too, and then went to the hot and muggy southeast Kansas where those Osage were. They squatted on the rez there for awhile.

I never could understand people moving all the time. Pa Ingalls was building houses, dug wells, and that was hard as shit work. The first move and house I built I would have stayed put as that was real work, but Pa Ingalls was probably suffering from a guilty conscience. Probably had like another wife, was a bank robber highway man and ......or he was just a Swede with lice and they got to crawling on his skin and drove him nuts, so he kept moving.

Though Laura was only 2-3 years old when the family lived here, she wrote of the family's experiences here in Little House on the Prairie based on Pa's, Ma's, and Mary's memories. It was here that Mr. Edwards, their bachelor neighbor, crossed the flooded creek to bring Christmas presents to the girls. Laura also mentions her neighbors, the Scotts, and Dr. Tann, who brought the family through a bout with malaria. In addition, the Ingalls family had Osage neighbors, including the French speaking chief, Soldat du Chene. Though not mentioned in the book, Laura's sister Carrie was born while the family was living here.

I think were people get things screwed up is not Michael Landon's fault, but in Kansas there is a Walnut Creek, and in Minnesota Plum Creek runs by Walnut Grove.

Plum Creek is an unremarkable little stream which winds it's way north and west of Walnut Grove. Its claim to fame is of course that it ran through the Ingalls farm. More than that, for a time they actually lived in a sod house dug into its bank. To get to the bank requires going through the modern farmyard. An old boarded house was located here before the modern house and it has been supposed that this was Pa's farm house. Then the path takes us over a modern bridge a few yards from the dugout site. I was particularly interested to see how much it had changed from Laura's description. The first obvious change is the number of trees growing on the eastern bank by the dugout site. Laura was quite clear that no trees grew on this bank. The dugout site is now only a depression in the ground. with a gully worn by feet making their way to the river bank. Laura was right about one thing though, when the river floods the western bank will be underwater and the eastern bank with its dugout would have been safe. A little to the south of the dugout site is a spring of water as Laura described.

Also is the point Laura was 3 and didn't know shit about Kansas, and they were back north, getting attacked by lynx cats and wolves prowling around, Indians with skunk jock straps and fires raging to burn the house down in Minnesota. Yes that Minnesota was a real festoon of settle fun.
No wonder Pa lit out for DeSmet South Dakota, where they were buried by a blizzard and almost killed and starved the works to bleached bones on the prairie.

I probably have the stories mixed up, as Laura sucked on time lines and story telling. I do know the people of Minnesota and South Dakota would start a war and make Kansas really bloody if they try and take the Little House on the Prairie title, as them folks out there a just plum mad about Laura Ingalls Wilder. They will drive all day, sweat, be bored by looking at goddamn house in a cow pie DeSmet, and think they had been to the Vatican. It is a religion with those people.

Not me though, one reading of Laura Ingalls was enough with the teacher doing the reading. Talk about my kind of education. Relax time and no tests to prove what a dimwit I was.

So that is the story of the Laura Ingalls Wilder cult. I do not know why Homeland does not have them listed as terrorists as them people are scary, but I don't suppose too many people have been killed by rhubarb pie.

That is about all I got of interest in this as I wonder now if Laura was Larry, lived in Chicago and never got past the river. I plan on winning some bar money though in making bets as I will bet I can sucker know it alls over Walnut Creek and Walnut Grove. Probably have to take a book along to win the bet, but what else are girl books for than making bets with drunks on them.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Little House on the Prairie meets the Big Mounds of Hollywood

Nuff Said
