Saturday, May 30, 2020

DC Mayor Attempts to Assassinate President by Black Mob

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the normal progression of liberals getting the Afroid killed, and then being exposed as thugs themselves, and then rewarding the Afroid with looted possessions, the entire life cycle of the American Negro has been lived out again.

America Aflame: Violent Protests Erupt In Cities Across U.S.   bearingarms

Blacks are upset with being locked down in their slums. Blacks are now out in open riots, getting the Coronavirus and spreading it, which will kill more Afroids. This sounds like a win win, as Blacks are getting free stuff which others will pay for, and the Bill Gates liberals will get another spike to force inject blacks with sterilizing drugs.

What is new in this is democrats tried to assassinate Donald Trump with the Coon Wave in DC. This is a high crime, and it is criminal for the DC police to not respond to monitor any protest or riot. It though failed as with Russiagate Impeachmentgate, Coronavirusgate in trying to infect the President, the protesters are afraid of Donald Trump and only interested in being paid by whoever George Soros is paying for these AOC protests like in North Dakota.

DC Mayor Accuses Trump Of ‘Hiding Behind His Fence’ From ‘Peaceful Protesters’   caller

The biggest loser in this is Amy Horseface Klobuchar, who did not prosecute Nigger Knocker Cops in Minnesota, and Joe Biden is on life support politically, that after his, "You are not Jungle Bun enough for me", brain senile Joe does not want any part of Klobuchar.

Biden’s Campaign Team Distances Itself From Klobuchar: ‘We Need To Avoid Her’


Politically, this puts Minnesota closer to the Trump column in the November elections, and Biden must have Minnesota. As Biden says he wants a vagina as his running mate, he has painted himself into a massive political problem here, as this leaves Kamala Harris of California, where Biden will probably steal that state anyway, so Kamala brings nothing. Then here is Gramma Crazy Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, again Biden would probably take that state, so Gram is worthless. Lastly that leaves Governor Gretch Whitmer who looks like a porn Nazi film in her Gestapo crackdowns in Michigan, which are not playing well in Negroid Neighborhoods across America right now. The net result is Joe Biden is moved closer to something Hillary Clinton, who only wants the top spot and Biden gone.
Biden has no geographic women who can bring their states. All he has left is Pennsylvania, and nothing is there with a vagina to win that state. It was a stupid miscalculation on Biden's part to paint himself to being with a woman as a running mate. All of his women are dry holes when it comes to political babies they can not deliver.

Yes Horseface was the inside winner for Joe Biden to give him a chance. She though destroyed herself by allowing Niggers to be knocked around in the Twin Cities Metro.

Maybe Joe Biden will be forced for the dark horse, in that fat, ugly Afroidette from Georgia in Stacy Abrams. Yes in all this ugliness of America, the last thing America would want is more of that ugly. Well it is a few months before November, so maybe Joe could put her on a fat farm, get her Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon and turn her into something not repulsive or hell, how about he just castrate some Black guy from Pennsylvania, call him a woman, and that way Joe Biden keeps his promise for a woman on the ticket and the shemale will be a fresh enough face that no one will know what kind of perv he was.

......and no, Biden should not choose Michelle Obama, even if she was acting prez after June 13th ,2013 AD in the year of our Lord. Blacks have already died enough from the Obama's and do not need to be reminded of that.

Nuff Said
