As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
One of my favorite Prophets of the Old Covenant is the Prophet Amos. While listed among the minor Prophets, the Word of the Lord through Him, was aimed directly at the forefathers of the United States, Canada, Australia and most of northwestern Europe.
On this May 27th, the Holy Ghost led me to the Prophet Amos. I have highlighted the part the Holy Ghost directed me to in starting this witness, but most of you will have no idea what this is, as you do not realize you are in the Bible and the offspring of Joseph, sown into the United States from Europe, after your parents sinned in the Northern Kingdom, and God exiled them, after most brutal and horrific judgments which were Just.
Homosexuality, rich people only getting justice, debt enslavement, butchering babies, adultery, addictions and being self serving were the sins of this nation, which mirror the United States.
Your parents lived on both sides of the Jordan, and were the first taken captive by Assyria, which is the modern Germans, who skinned them alive, tore babies from the womb of pregnant women, crucified the leaders, and put hooks in the noses of the survivors and led them away to the River Gozan.
The sons of Gilead were numerous, prosperous and had a fearsome military, the best cavalry in the world, but God warned them of the rot from within, just as the United States is rotting. All of you reading this never thought a lockdown could happen in America, and yet the plague has struck the United States hard. America is being softened up for execution of sentence from God.
When you read the following quote, understand that Prophecy is dual, meaning a former time and a latter time. Your parents were divorced for national sins, and you will be divorced, no matter how much you Bible flip and pew sit. You are just as vulnerable to the plague as the sinner.
When Virgin Israel or the Virgin Daughter of Israel is spoken of, Amos was speaking of his time, but the Virgin is the resettled Israel, and America is leading that Virgin. I had someone wonder about that years ago in why I kept referring to the Virgin. I did not answer, but this is why. You are the Virgin Daughter, who has defiled herself.
The United States is not going to rise from this plague and what is coming, no more than Gilead rose again. I have mentioned previously in what is coming, and so you understand, God stated then and states now, that only 10% of Americans and western Europeans will survive what is coming. That means in the old times, 90% were apostate, and you are from a stock of that 10% which God did not save from the Judgment, but pressed through the Judgment for His purpose.
There is war coming to this world, wars upon wars, and what you think this plague is in being a problem is nothing compared to what awaits.
Yet God promises, SEEK ME AND LIVE. Placed into this vocation as the poor orphan girl left to die by the rich, the Lame Cherry counsels, Seek God and be of the 10% who are spared, not of the blows, but spared to live to see Christ's return.
The Bible speaks of this time, of Israel having houses of ivory, but all that was saved out of them was a piece of a sofa. Do not be deceived in thinking your investments will be there.
Amos the Prophet
Chapter 5
2 "Fallen is Virgin Israel, never to rise again, deserted in her own land, with no one to lift her up." 3 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to Israel: "Your city that marches out a thousand strong will have only a hundred left; your town that marches out a hundred strong will have only ten left."4 This is what the Lord says to Israel: "Seek me and live; 5 do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to Beersheba. For Gilgal will surely go into exile, and Bethel will be reduced to nothing. " 6 Seek the Lord and live, or he will sweep through the tribes of Joseph like a fire; it will devour them, and Bethel will have no one to quench it.
The warning of "do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not journey to Beersheba" will not make sense to you, but God is stating do not trust in anything but him. Bethel, is House of El or God, it was set up by Jeroboam as a counter worship site to Jerusalem to keep the Israelites home. Gilgal and Beersheba were shrine sites, that people looked too in false religions. God is warning you, to not trust in your filthy self righteousness, thinking America is immune to Judgment, thinking your military, guns or your stock portfolios will protect you, as your gods, because it is all going to be gone.
As you have read, pay attention as God singles out the Tribes of Joseph. That is England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand in Ephraim and in Manasseh is the United States. God is the One Who is coming to enforce Judgment, and your spiritual and national leadership is not going to be able to stop what is coming.
This has been the warning for years at this blog, and informing you correctly that Donald Trump was raised up as Jehu, the one who drives furiously. You were informed of this in 2016, and you were told this blog wrote the Trump time line to lessen the blows. Like Jehu he squandered his loyalties and the blows will not be lessened as there is not room for God with Goldman Sachs.
You the Faithful voted correctly and produced the lines in the book of your lives which recorded your soundness in choosing God. America will need the furious drive of this President for what is on the horizon, but the warning is definite. There will not be a national repentance. The Judgment is set. All there is, is the individual again, making the choice of coming in obedience to God to survive, or facing what the 90% will receive.
Remember there were 10 lepers and only one returned to thank Jesus the Christ.
. 7 There are those who turn justice into bitterness and cast righteousness to the ground
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said